WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 current WWE superstars with the worst win/loss record at WrestleMania

Ziggler doesn’t have a WrestleMania record to be proud of

Some enter WrestleMania with aspirations of becoming the next big thing; others know that they're just there to make up the numbers. And as they make up the numbers, the number of losses they accumulate keeps going up.

Not everyone is allowed to be The Undertaker or John Cena; people do have to lose at WrestleMania. Of course, someone has to lose, but these superstars on the list seem to lose every single year. Some of the all-time greats have atrocious records at Mania, Mr WrestleMania himself Shawn Michaels boasts a dire 6-11 ratio. However, he was recompensed throughout the year with quality feuds and storylines. The Superstars on this list haven’t always had those luxuries.

Here are five current WWE superstars with the worst win/loss ratios at WrestleMania.

#5 Heath Slater (0-4)

Heath Slater in the ring
Slater doesn’t have a great record at WrestleMania

For those who may have forgotten, Heath Slater has been part of a clique for every stage of his WWE career. He debuted with Nexus, and then he formed the Corre, then he recruited 3MB now he spends his days performing with Rhyno. Perhaps the company just don't see him as valuable enough to perform on his own. On the flip side, he's outlasted nearly everyone who was a part of those groups today.

For as many cliques as he's been in, he's lost just as many matches at WrestleMania. The one man band has lost matches at WrestleManias 27, 30, 31 & 32. Granted two of those losses were battle royals, but regardless, Heath has never had his hand raised on the grandest stage of them all. It's a shame because you know.....he's got kids.

#4 R-Truth (0-4)

Rusev applying the accolade to RTruth
R-Truth has lost 323 matches in the WWE

Despite being a regular fixture of the WWE roster for just under ten years, R-Truth has never been rewarded at the show of shows. Truth has lost matches at WrestleMania 26, 28, 31 and 32. He even lost a dark match to the Great Khali at WrestleMania 27, but we thought it'd be cruel to add that loss to his record.

Truth is a person fans want to see, but not a performer fans want to watch. Do you know what I mean? When his music hits yes it is good to see him and take a quick picture, but nobody in the crowd is holding their breath for him to win a match or championship. He's a performer that's been taken for granted because he's so consistent. As a long serving servant, Truth is due a nice moment at WrestleMania, even if it is just pinning someone like Curt Hawkins on the pre-show.

#3 Goldust (0-4)

Goldust during his ring entrance

As a veteran in the WWE, Goldust has seen and done it all. The man has wrestled all over the world for different promotions and has had a very respectable career. Despite being so omnipresent, Goldust has never actually won at WrestleMania. He's wrestled in two eras but never won on the grandest stage of them all.

Also read: WWE WrestleMania 33: Top 5 matches that could steal the show

The firstborn son of the late Dusty Rhodes has lost at WrestleMania 12, 26, 31 & 32. At the two other Manias he appeared at, he was simply in talking segments. To end a two-decade-long career on a high, Goldust needs to be given the appreciation he deserves with a win at WrestleMania.

#2 Dolph Ziggler (0-7)

Dolph Ziggler about to enter the ring
Dolph Ziggler has lost 64% of his matches on PPV

When you look at the show-off, you see a performer with all the tools to be the best in the business. Not a guy who's lost at seven consecutive WrestleManias (26-32). Ever since Dolph was sent to FCW to be repackaged as a solo competitor, he's been treated like dirt by the officials. He's the guy that they know can go in the ring, but he'll still never be their guy. He's the guy they use to make their guy look good.

Dolph Ziggler was the first WWE superstar to amass 100 TV losses, which typifies his career today. His WrestleMania record doesn't do much to negate that stigma either. Over the past nine years, I can't think of one superstar that has produced more quality matches on a consistent basis than Ziggler. He, if nobody else, deserves his WrestleMania moment.

#1 Big Show (4-10)

Big Show during his ring entrance
Big Show has wrestled Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, John Cena & The Rock in his career

Despite being the 2nd most dominant giant in history, the Big Show possesses an appalling record at WrestleMania. Vince has used the 400-pounder as a high-profile jobber on the grand stage. Ever since his debut back in 1999, Show was destined to mingle with the top stars of the industry. Over the years, the Giant has worked with every single top guy in the WWE. That's how much Vince values and trusts him. It's just a pity that it hasn't translated into WrestleMania wins.

Many will say that his victory in the 2nd Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal was enough of a thank you. But I still think the big man deserves more; he's paid his dues for more than half his life. He's reaching his 50th birthday soon, so why can't the WWE let him redeem his jobber-like record at WrestleMania.

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