WWE: Top 5 Unforgettable Fan Signs


WWE will be nothing without its fans. How can a business survive without its consumers?

Throughout its rich history, WWE fans have made their presence felt by either booing or cheering a wrestler. Another visual delight has been the signs or posters they bring to the arena. It is no secret that the WWE does confiscate some fan signs but there has always been room for awesome signs to make their way through.

Here are some of the most unforgettable fan signs.

5. The Sign Guy


How can one talk about fan signs and forget about ‘Sign guy’. This guy has been acknowledged by the WWE and his signs peak in and out from time to time. Signs like ‘Edge has Tiger Blood’ or ‘It’s Not Texas without Austin’ are some of his creations. He usually comes wearing his ‘Sign Guy’ T shirt.

4. Foley Is God



This is a screenshot from one of the most iconic nights in the World Wrestling Federation. Foley won the championship from Rock and WCW never beat the WW(F)E in the rating again. Ever.

This sign had already made waves soon after Mankind took two epic bumps during his Hell In A Cell match in 1998 against the Undertaker. This sign was also was also spoofed for one of Mick Foley’s book named ‘Foley is Good’.

3. The ‘Yes’ Signs


Wrestlemania 28 began with an 18 second match between Bryan and Sheamus. What was striking was not just the duration of the match but the amount of ‘Yes’ Signs in the background when a hell Bryan made his way to the ring.

This was an indication of what followed next night on Raw. The ‘Yes’ revolution had become a gathering storm.

First there were the ‘Yes’ signs and then there were the ‘Yes’ chants.

2. Austin 3:16



This sign, just like Stone Cold, dominated the Attitude Era. These signs are so symbolic to the WWE that fans add their own names before 3:16. This one sign is bound to be present in mostly evry arena that WWE has a show in.

1. If Cena Wins, We Riot



ECW One Night Stand will always stand out to be the most anti-Cena crowd ever. This sign was perfect as far as describing the ambience of the arena. No sign has ever come out to look so threatening to have real consequences. If Cena had won, it wouldn’t have been shocking if the fans actually went berserk. They did send out a warning.