The middle finger of Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins on his favourite Diva and more

This defiant moment still shows up on the network replays

- Contrary to earlier reports, the middle finger that Brock Lesnar showed Undertaker during their epic SummeSlam match has not been edited out of the WWE Network videos.

There was a point of time when they did actually edit it out but as of now it still shows up in the replay videos. The New Day’s version of Jay-Z’s “NY State of Mind”, which was hilarious, is still missing from the replay and WWE’s YouTube page.

- Seth Rollins is the man of the moment as he is involved in two major career defining matches and is having the best time of his career. The WWE World Heavyweight and the United States Champion Seth Rollins in a recent interview opened up about some topics.

On turning his doubters into believers, he says that everyone has an opinion.

“Everyone is a naysayer. Everyone has an opinion. Half the people love me and half the people hate me. A few months later and it all flip-flops, it doesn’t matter to me. I just go out there and do the best I can. I’ve been doing this a long time, so I know when things are going well and when they’re not. It’s nice to have people appreciate what you do though. Our fan base is super passionate and always has an opinion, and that’s awesome.” said Seth.

When asked which Diva should be called up to the main roster he named Bayley and spoke highly of her. “I would like to see Bayley. She is my favorite who is not up here and being used. So hopefully she gets a shot soon.” said Rollins.

Triple H has been incredible to work with. Triple H is the ‘Cerebral Assassin.’ His best advice to me is to make sure you always, always come out on top.” was what Seth said on working with the game.

- It was reported recently that The Ascension and Stardust have joined forces and now call themselves The Cosmic Wasteland. Below are tweets from Konnor:
