Another WWE Superstar gets a name change



Reports suggest that during the latest NXT Tapings, Tensai was introduced as a member of the announce team but the thing that is to be noted is that he wasn’t introduced by the name Tensai, but under the name “Jason Alberts”.

He announced part of the tapings with Alex Riley and Tom Phillips, while the announce team for other portions of the tapings were Phillips, Byron Saxton, and William Regal.

Tensai was formely known as Albert/A-Train during his stint in the WWF/E from 1999-2004 & returned to WWE after 8 years in 2012 as Lord Tensai, later shortened to just Tensai. People within the company had a feeling that Tensai would be pushed for a WWE Title run in his second stint with the company & it looked completely possible as he defeated John Cena on Raw, but after that, Tensai went downhill. He would team up with Brodus Clay in 2013 & together, they would be called Tons of Funk but his character was not successful again. Now with him being in the NXT Announce Team ( new name possibly means a new character), we might have seen the last of him in the ring.