WWE News: Teddy Long agrees about equal pay, supports Ryback

Ryback’s controversial statement seems to be gaining weight

WWE looks like to have really ushered into a new era. There has been some reshuffling of the main roster with superstars coming up from NXT and some of them were released from the company. With all these issues, one superstar has really opened up a controversial discussion last week. Ryback gave out a statement last week saying WWE should have equal pay for the performers. This was ridiculed by some for being too ideal while it was praised by others.

Ryback has been off the TV for a while and it is to be seen what happens to him in the future. Ryback got support from one particular person. Teddy Long spoke with Pro Wrestling 24/7 in the support of ‘The Big Guy’. Long said that the amount of money that a wrestler is paid shows him his place on the card. He said that sometimes a performer is put into a great position at one of the big PPVs only for him to not reap the rewards. He added that it may seem to a performer that he or she is not appreciated enough.

He also spoke about his own experience while he was in the WWE. He said that when he worked good shows like WrestleMania he was expecting something which he never got and was left disappointed.
