WWE SummerSlam Results, 21st August 2016, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights

WWE SummerSlam – the biggest party of the summer – came to us tonight from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. This is one of the four big pay-per-views of WWE and is expected to be a blockbuster with an array of thrilling matches lined up for us.

Here are the complete WWE SummerSlam Results for 21st August 2016:


#1 The Usos, American Alpha & The Hype Bros vs. Breezango, The Ascension & The Vaudevillains


The Vaudevillains are the first to enter, followed by The Ascension and subsequently Breezango. The Hype Bros then make their entrance with The Usos and the American Alpha following suit. Breeze kicks off the match with Gable before Jey Uso and English are tapped in. Jey gains the upper hand after hitting English with a uppercut, before slamming him.

Mojo and Ryder then take turns to work on English, before he kicks out from a 2-count and all the 12 wrestlers start brawling inside the ring. The Ascension toss the Usos before they are taken out by the American Alpha, who jumped off the top rope. Ryder dropkicks Breezango before English sends him crashing into the ring post.

Gotch and Viktor then work on Ryder one after the other, before Konnor pins him for a 2-count. Breeze, Fandango and Viktor then work on Ryder. Ryder, in turn, tries to tag in Jimmy, but is stopped by Konnor. However, Ryder counters with a neck breaker and is able to tag in Jimmy.

The Uso then Samoan Drops Breeze and works on him. Gable joins the party before Jordan hits an exploder on Gotch and his pin is broken by English, who delivers a spinning sitdown powerbomb on Gable. Mojo then powerbombs both Breeze and Viktor, who had double teamed against Ryder.

The Usos superkick The Ascension, who were trying to nail the double suplex on Gable. The Usos follow it with a dive, before Gotch throws Gable into the apron. Jordan spears Gotch before he and Gable hit their finishers. Usos then goes up top and nails a splash to nail Gable for the win, much to the dismay of his counterparts.

Result: The Usos, American Alpha & The Hype Bros defeat Breezango, The Ascension & The Vaudevillains by pinfall

Segment Rating: 4.5/10

#2 The Dudley Boyz vs. Sami Zayn & Neville


The Dudley Boyz first make their way to the ring followed by Neville and Sami Zayn. Zayn and D-Von find themselves in the middle of the ring with each trying to get the better of the other. Neville is then tagged in and he tries to work on D-Von. Bubba Ray is then tagged in, who clubs Neville after some chaos inside the ring,

Fans start chanting for ‘Tables’ after D-Von enters the fray with The Dudley Boyz slowly gaining momentum. Bubba Ray then misses a trick and Neville capitalizes to tag in Zayn, while D-Von also enters the fray. Zayn then delivers the Blue Thunderbomb on D-Von before a pin is broken by Bubba Ray.

Bubba Ray accidentally clothesline D-Von, which allowed Zayn to hit Bubba Ray with one 'Helluva Kick'. before Neville follows it with the ‘Red Arrow’ to pin him for the win.

Result: Sami Zayn & Neville beat The Dudley Boyz by pinfall

Segment Rating: 5/10

#3 Cesaro vs. Sheamus (Best of Seven Series Match No. 1)


Sheamus and Cesaro then begin the first of their 7 match series amidst “you look stupid” chants aimed at the Irishman. Sheamus tries to hit an early Brogue Kick but misses allowing Cesaro to counter with a running uppercut.

The Celtic Warrior then tries to work on the surgically repaired left shoulder of Cesaro, but the Swiss Superman fight backs with a suplex. Sheamus then fights back and executes the Rolling Senton and tries to follow it with a Suplex, which is blocked and Cesaro tries to hit the Suplex but instead both men take a tumble outside the ring.

Cesaro then gains momentum and unloads on Sheamus with a series of uppercuts, before suplexing the Celtic Warrior from the top rope, but his pin is broken at the last moment. Cesaro’s Neutralizer is reversed into a White Noise by Sheamus, but his pin is broken at 2. Sheamus then delivers another Rolling Senton from the top rope.

Cesaro again gains momentum and nails a clothesline and follows it with a Cesaro Swing, which sends the fans into a frenzy. The Swiss then locks Sheamus in the sharpshooter, but The Celtic Warrior counters with an Eye Rake and connects his Brogue Kick to pin the Swiss to claim the win.

Sheamus now leads 1-0 in the Best of Seven Series.

Result: Sheamus beats Cesaro (Best of Seven Series Match No. 1) by pinfall

Segment Rating: 6/10

#4 Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens vs. Enzo Amore & Big Cass


Enzo and Cass make their way to the ring and the crowd is pumped up and the two don’t disappoint as they cut an excellent promo. Jeri-KO then make their way to the ring and Chris Jericho kicks off proceedings alongside Amore. After Jericho works on Amore, the latter tries to swing the momentum in his favour with a cross body before following it with a drop kick.

Enzo and Cass exchange tags and work on Jeri-KO. Jericho then escapes the ring along with Owens but Enzo takes the aerial route and takes them both out. Enzo is then handed some taste of his own music as the duo come up against him. Owens hits a Senton on Enzo before sending him crashing into the turnbuckle.

Enzo then counters KO’s bull-rush with a high boot. Enzo tries to hot tag his partner but is stopped by Jericho and KO hits him with a frog splash. Owens then attempts the cannonball on Enzo, who tags Big Cass.

Cass joins the fray and delivers the Empire Elbow on Jericho and follows it with a kick to the face. Enzo and Cass try the Bada-Boom-Shaka-Laka but Owens is at hand to save his partner. He hits Cass with a Cannonball as Jericho resumes to work on Enzo.

Owens sets up Enzo for the Pop-Up Powerbomb only for Jericho to interfere midway and nail the codebreaker for the pin.

Result: Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens beat Enzo Amore & Big Cass by pinfall

Segment Rating: 7/10

#5 Women’s Championship: Sasha Banks (C) vs. Charlotte


Charlotte makes her way to the ring first, dressed in a robe similar to the legendary Ric Flair. Sasha Banks then makes her way to the ring, intent on defending her title against the woman she won it from last month.

Charlotte is greeted by a slap from Sasha at the start, who tries to nail the Banks Statement on her opponent early on in the match. Sasha tries to follow it up with a high-flying move but Charlotte counters by dropping her on her head as she bounces off the turnbuckles – potentially injuring the reigning women’s champion.

Sasha writhes in pain and after some work, tries to work her way back into the match by hitting an elbow to the face and following it with a dropkick. Charlotte then turns the tide with a backbreaker. After some work, Charlotte tries to lock the champion in Figure 8 lock, but Sasha breaks it.

Charlotte tries to hit the Razor’s Edge on Banks, which is expertly reversed by the champion into a Hurricarana. After some work between the two, Sasha nails the double knee from the top rope on her opponent. Charlotte then slowly gains momentum and tries to hit the Natural Selection, which is reversed into the Banks Statement by the champion.

Charlotte breaks out and takes advantage of the situation to hit the Natural Selection. Sasha replies with the Banks Statement, which is expertly countered by Charlotte as she rolls the champion for a 3-count out of nowhere to win the Women’s Championship.

Result: Charlotte beats Sasha Banks by pinfall to win the WWE Women’s Championship

Segment Rating: 8/10

#6 Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (C) vs. Apollo Crews


The Miz and Maryse make their way to the ring and are followed by the challenger, Apollo Crews. The Miz bullrushes Crews after the bell, but the challenger reverses it. The Intercontinental Champion then delivers a DDT to get the momentum behind him.

After some reverses, Crews lands the quick body splash before following it up with the Enzuigiri. Miz tries to fight back, but Crews dominates the proceedings by delivering overhead belly-to-belly and follows it with a standing moonsault.

After some more work by the two, Maryse interferes providing his partner with the opportunity to land the Skull Crushing Finale, which allows The Miz to pin Crews for the win and retains the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

Result: The Miz beats Apollo Crews by pinfall to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Segment Rating: 2/10

#7 John Cena vs. AJ Styles


AJ Styles is welcomed by the crowd, while John Cena is greeted by boos as chants of ‘John Cena Sucks’ rings out. Styles dominates proceedings at the start after he dropkicks his opponent. Cena tries to fight back with an Attitude Adjustment off the ring apron, which is countered by his opponent, who sends the Cenation leader crashing back first on the mat outside of the ring.

Cena finally counters as he back body drops Styles before following it with a Snap Suplex. After some more back and forth, Cena is able to shoulder-block his opponent to nail the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He then tries to hit the Attitude Adjustment, which reversed into the Pelle kick from Styles, followed by Styles Clash, but Cena kicks out from the resulting pin.

Cena then tries to assert his domination on the clash by hitting Styles with an AA, but the latter kicks out sending the crowd into a frenzy. Styles then reverses Cena’s attempts of another AA from the turnbuckle by reversing it into torture rack, but Cena fight backs with an RKO lookalike.

Styles then hits Cena with a modified Attitude Adjustment, but Cena kicks out from the pin only to be hit by the Springboard 450. The Phenomenal One then nails the German Suplex and the Facebuster but Cena kicks out once again. Cena then tries to lock Styles into an STF, which is reversed into a crossface submission by the Phenomenal One. Cena tries to get back to his feet but is caught into the Calf Crusher by his opponent.

Cena then reverses, again, to get the STF bang on in the middle of the ring, but AJ is able to roll-up Cena who kicks out. Styles follows it with an Enzuigiri, but Cena returns the favour with a Tornado DDT. Cena then hits the leg drop from the top rope, which leads to another near fall. Cena’s attempts of a Suplex from the top rope is reversed by AJ, who lands the Hurricarana before following it with a Phenomenal Forearm.

After some more to and fro, Cena then lands the Attitude Adjustment from the top-rope, but miraculously AJ kicks out of the pin. Cena’s next attempt to follow it with another AA is reversed into a Styles Clash by AJ, who follows it up with a Phenomenal Forearm to pin Cena for a clean win.

Result: AJ Styles defeats John Cena by pinfall

Segment Rating: 9.5/10

#8 Tag Team Championship: New Day (C) vs. The Club


Jon Stewart, who interfered in last year’s clash between Seth Rollins and John Cena at SummerSlam, again makes his way to the ring and declares his allegiance to New Day, filling in for the absent Big E.

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods make their way to the ring followed by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Kofi and Anderson kick off the title match with the bigger and stronger Anderson being dominated at the start of the match. Woods is tagged in and he double teams with Kofi to deal some damage to Anderson.

Gallows is then tagged in and he takes the fight to New Day, before tagging in his partner. Anderson then delivers some harsh punishment to Kofi in one corner and Gallows comes in to attempt the splash off the ropes but Kofi gets out in time and tags his partner.

After New Day gain some momentum, Anderson and Gallows nail the Magic Killer on Kofi and try to pin the New Day member but Jon Stewart was at hand to distract the challengers. Xavier Woods’ attempts to bring down Anderson is reversed into a spinebuster.

Stewart again makes his presence felt and distracts The Club. Anderson and Gallows have had enough of this and take Stewart to a corner to give him a taste of ringpost-itis, but just as they were about to execute it, Big E returned to clothesline Anderson before hitting a belly to belly suplex on Gallows.

The match ends in a disqualification with New Day retaining their Tag-Team title.

Result: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (The Club) beat Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (New Day) by disqualification

Segment Rating: 5/10

#9 WWE World Championship: Dean Ambrose (C) vs. Dolph Ziggler


Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan make their way to the ring with Dean Ambrose set to defend his WWE World Championship against Dolph Ziggler. Ambrose and Ziggler start the fight after exchanging a few slaps. The fight then moves to the outside of the ring with The Showoff landing a swinging neckbreaker and tries to roll the champion inside the ring but Ambrose tries to counter it with Dirty Deeds, however, Ziggler manages to evade it.

Ambrose then lines up Ziggler at the top rope and teases Dirty Deeds, which is blocked by The Showoff but the Lunatic Fringe still manages to land a suplex. After some swing of momentum between the two, Ambrose heads to the top rope, but his daredevil move is countered expertly by Ziggler who lands the dropkick.

The Lunatic Fringe then teases a Sweet Chin Music and Dirty Deeds but Ziggler is able to counter and send his opponent outside of the ring. Ambrose is then met with a flying DDT, before Ziggler sends him shoulder-first into the ring post and then nails the Fameasser, but the Lunatic Fringe breaks his pin at 2.

After some more tussle between the two, Ambrose makes a comeback after reversing Ziggler’s attempted Irish Whip and follows it with a clothesline and a running bulldog. Ziggler is then met a flying elbow from the top rope by the reigning champion. The fight then moves away from the ring, where Ziggler fights back by delivering a Superkick.

The Showoff tries to hit another Superkick, but Ambrose tries to counter by Dirty Deeds which is ultimately reversed into a Zig Zag by Ziggler, but Ambrose kicks out from the pin. Ambrose then nails a clothesline to get the momentum on his side. The Lunatic Fringe goes to the top, but Ziggler tries to counter allowing the champion to nail Dirty Deeds and pin him for the win, allowing Ambrose to retain the WWE World Championship.

Result: Dean Ambrose beats Dolph Ziggler by pinfall to retain the WWE World Championship

Segment Rating: 7/10

#10 Naomi, Carmella and Becky Lynch vs. Natalya, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Bella


After Naomi, Carmella, Becky Lynch, Natalya and Alexa Bliss make their way to the ring, the audience is trolled as WWE teases the appearance of Eva Marie – who is currently suspended from the company for violation of the company’s wellness policy. However, following the announcement, which confirmed that Marie could not make an appearance due to another ridiculous reason, another announcement confirmed the return of Nikki Bella, who would partner Alexa Bliss and Natalya for the clash.

However, Bella’s team were pinned back at the start of the match as Naomi and Carmella were on the offensive against Natalya. Things changed after Nikki – who was returning to the ring after almost a year out nursing a neck injury – tagged to light up the arena. Nikki and her teammates then worked on The Princess of Staten Island on one corner of the ring.

Becky was then tagged in by Carmella and the Irish Lass-Kicker exploded hitting everyone with Bexploder Suplexes. A brawl soon ensued in the middle of the ring with Nikki Bella hitting Carmella with an elbow followed by a TKO to pin The Princess to claim the victory on her return to WWE.

Result: Nikki Bella, Alexa Bliss and Natalya defeat Naomi, Carmella and Becky Lynch by pinfall

Segment Rating: 4/10

#11 WWE Universal Championship: Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor


The new WWE Universal Championship belt is unveiled by Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley, with the winner of the match between Seth Rollins and Finn Balor set to become the first ever holder of the belt. Seth Rollins is the first to make his way to the ring and has to wait as the Demon King makes his elaborate yet exhilarating entrance to the square circle amidst huge cheers.

The match starts at a frantic pace with Balor coming out all guns blazing. The former World Champion fights back with a Suplex on the Demon, before launching him towards the timekeeper’s area. Balor then targets the legs of Rollins, but the Future Of WWE responds with a powerbomb onto the barricade.

Rollins nails a backbreaker and follows it up with the chin-lock as Balor attempts to reverse it but is unsuccessful. The two then tussle for dominance for a while before Rollins nails an incredible frog splash into the center of the ring, but Balor breaks the pin, before hitting a DDT out of nowhere. He follows it with a cross body and the knee to the face of the more experienced campaigner. Rollins then intercepts Balor with a flying boot.

Balor then lands the 1916 on Rollins, but the latter kicks out from the pin on 2-count. In a reversal of momentum, Rollins traps the Demon in a triangle lock, but Balor somehow manages to make it to the rope. Rollins hits Balor with the Turnbuckle Powerbomb followed by an Inside Cradle Small Package Driver, which results in a near fall.

In the midst of all this, Michael Cole reveals that the match is a “No Disqualification” one. Balor then fights back and nails a knee to the head of Rollins from the top rope turnbuckle. Rollins immediately counters and hits the pedigree on the Demon, but unimaginably he kicks out of it.

Balor follows this up with two double kicks to the chest of Rollins before nailing the Coupe de Grace to pin him for the win, hence becoming the first ever WWE Universal Champion. What a remarkable rise to stardom from the NXT man.

Result: Finn Balor beats Seth Rollins by pinfall to become first ever WWE Universal Champion

Segment Rating: 9/10

#12 WWE United States Championship: Rusev (C) with Lana vs. Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns unloads on Rusev

Lana is first to make her way to the ring and gives her husband an esteemed introduction. Rusev then makes her way to the ring to defend the honour of his new bride. Roman Reigns’ music hits and the crowd start booing – a hostile reception.

As Reigns makes his way to the ring Rusev attacks the challenger and takes the fight away from the ring, before the bell is rung. Reigns counters by sending Rusev into the timekeeper’s area before he hit the Superman Punch. The brawl continues and officials interfere to restore normalcy, but to no avail.

Reigns gets hold of a steel chair and lands two lusty blows to the back of the Bulgarian Brute, who is seen clutching his ribs in pain. Officials are able to separate the two and Reigns is escorted backstage. It is then officially announced that Rusev cannot compete in the clash as has been advised by the doctor.

But Reigns makes his way back to ringside and spears Rusev on the floor. The match thus ends in a no contest and Rusev retains his WWE United States Championship, with a heel turn on the cards for Reigns.

Result: Match ends in a no contest as Rusev was deemed unfit to compete

Segment Rating: 5/10

#13 Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton


After a disappointing no contest between Rusev and Roman Reigns, we head to the main event between Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton, in a match billed as “15 Years In The Making.” Lesnar along with Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring first, with Randy Orton following suit.

The two have a go at each other at the start, before The Apex Predator is taken on a tour to Suplex City by The Beast Incarnate as Lesnar lands 5 back-to-back Suplexes on his opponent. Lesnar follows it up with a sixth before the fight moves towards the announcer’s table. As Lesnar lines up Orton to inflict further damage on him, The Viper lands an RKO Outta Nowhere to give Lesnar a taste of Viperville.

The Apex Predator, who now has the momentum, then delivers the DDT off the ropes on the Beast Incarnate before nailing another RKO, but Lesnar is not ready to give up and kicks out at 2. Orton lines himself for the Punt Kick but Lesnar counters with an F-5 only for the Viper to kick out at 2 count.

The Beast Incarnate then unleashes a barrage of elbows on the Viper, which opens up his forehead and he starts bleeding profusely. Lesnar refuses to stop and continues to assault his opponent. Jojo declares Lesnar the winner by T.K.O. (Total Knock-Out).

Medical staff make their way to the ring to attend to Orton, but they are not of much use as Lesnar loses his cool and continues to deliver some harsh treatment to the open wound of his opponent. Shane McMahon is next to make his way to the ring as he directs Lesnar to have mercy on his superstar and leave the ring, but Lesnar is having none of it and nails an F-5 on Shane-O-Mac.

Lesnar then makes his way back alongside Heyman, having made a statement of intent against the Apex Predator. With this SummerSlam draws to a close. An exhilarating yet underwhelming one? Have your say in the comments section.

Result: Brock Lesnar beats Randy Orton by T.K.O. (Technical KnockOut)

Segment Rating: 6.5/10