WWE SmackDown Results: March 8, 2013


SmackDown started with Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter talking about their real American way of life. They were interrupted by the World Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rio, who aired a video parodying the ‘We the People’ videos with Del Rio playing Swagger and Zeb Coulter being portrayed by Ricardo Rodriguez.

Match 1: Team Hell No defeated Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre of 3MB in a tag-team match.

Brad Maddox joined Michael Cole and Josh Mathews on commentary.

Match 2: Ryback defeated Damien Sandow in a singles match via pinfall. Before the match, Ryback had a stare-down with Mark Henry backstage.

Match 3: Alberto Del Rio defeated Dolph Ziggler in a singles match. Del Rio forced Dolph to submit to his cross arm-breaker submission move.

Alberto Del Rio emerged as the winner in his match against Dolph Ziggler

Alberto Del Rio emerged as the winner in his match against Dolph Ziggler

Match 4: Mark Henry made light work of Yoshi Tatsu, beating him after hitting a World’s strongest slam.

Match 5: Tamina defeated the divas champion Kaitlyn in a singles match.

Fandango did a no show for a match (against Justin Gabriel) once again by accusing Lillian Garcia of pronouncing his name wrong.

Match 6: Sheamus vs Big Show match ended in a no contest after the Shield’s interruption. Randy Orton came out to even the numbers. After the Shield was forced to backtrack, Big Show punched Sheamus, which prompted Randy to hit the RKO on Big Show.

You can watch the complete episode here