WWE SmackDown Results June 5th, 2020: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest Friday Night SmackDown

Miz & Morrison was full of ups and downs
Miz & Morrison was full of ups and downs

Friday Night SmackDown kicked off with a recap of the hit-and-run incident from last week involving Jeff Hardy and Elias. Hardy was out and we learned that he was still on the path to sobriety. He said that he passed the sobriety tests that the cops threw at him and that bystanders reported seeing a red-haired man flee the scene last week before SmackDown.

Sheamus came out and pointed fingers at Jeff, asking him to 'admit what he did', even calling him a junkie. Sheamus kept taunting Hardy before he attacked the Irishman on the stage. Sheamus overpowered him and tossed him around while the 'audience' booed him as the first segment of SmackDown came to a close.

Otis and Mandy were backstage on SmackDown when Otis found King Corbin's crown and walked off with it. Corbin was furious and apparently he and Otis were set for a match up next.

Otis vs. King Corbin

Otis tossed Corbin out of the ring early on and Corbin managed to get the upper hand by sending him into the apron, post, and steps. Back in the ring, Corbin was trying to choke Otis out with a headlock before hitting a few big boots.

Otis hit a lariat to regain control and tossed Corbin around for good measure. Corbin fled the ring and was looking for his crown before hitting Otis with a steel chair, ending the first match on SmackDown with a DQ.

Result: Otis def. King Corbin via DQ

Corbin brought Otis back to the ring while hitting him with the chair but Otis recovered and hit him with the caterpillar to close it out.

Match rating: B

Miz & Morrison were spying on Braun Strowman from a white surveillance van as he pulled up to the performance center for tonight's SmackDown.

Back from break, Miz & Morrison pranked Strowman on SmackDown in an effort to humiliate him before Backlash.

Shorty G was being interviewed backstage on SmackDown when Mojo Rawly interrupted to make a short joke. Gable brushed it off but Nakamura and Ceasro ambushed him with Rawley's help while The New Day came to the rescue.

Lacey Evans was mid-entrance when Sonya Deville took her out near the steel steps.

Sonya Deville vs. Lacey Evans

Mandy Rose caused Sonya to lose the match
Mandy Rose caused Sonya to lose the match

The match had begun during a break and we returned to Lacey turn things around after a rough start. Sonya slapped Lacey around and took her down with a big boot before beating her up in the ring.

Lacey managed to send her into the buckles and managed to knock the official down with a botched move. A new official was called in while we headed for another break on SmackDown.

We returned to see the match had resumed with a new referee and Deville used the apron and steps to hurt Lacey's neck. The match was still going on as Mandy Rose came on the Titantron to taunt Sonya and Lacey used the distraction to pin her.

Result: Lacey Evans def. Sonya Deville

Match rating: A

Braun Strowman was being interviewed backstage on SmackDown when Miz & Morrison's plan went off the rails and dropped slime all over Kayla Braxton.

Renee Young called Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles to the ring to talk about the Intercontinental Championship Tournament finals. AJ and Bryan trash-talked each other before Styles challenged Drew Gulak to a match on SmackDown to prove that both Bryan and his coach were unworthy.

AJ Styles vs. Drew Gulak

Gulak attacked Styles right away before the match even began and we cut to commercials. We returned to see Styles dominating the match with a snapmare and a backbreaker. Gulak got some big shots in after sending AJ into the corner and then hit a huge dropkick.

Styles took a suplex before Styles hit a reverse DDT after raking Drew's eyes. Somehow, Gulak was able to roll up AJ Styles for a shocking upset victory by countering the Styles Clash with a Jackknife pin on SmackDown. A huge upset that no one saw coming

Result: Drew Gulak def. AJ Styles

Match rating: A

Miz & Morrison were outside in the parking lot during SmackDown to smash up Braun's car with a golf club and a baseball bat. That was a bit uncalled for if you ask me.

The New Day & Shorty G vs. Cesaro, Shinsuke Nakamura & Mojo Rawley

New Day and Gable picked up a win on SmackDown
New Day and Gable picked up a win on SmackDown

Gable and Cesaro kicked us off and both teams were trading quick tags while keeping the pressure on. Kofi hit a huge dive to the outside, taking out Cesaro before Mojo Rawley took Kofi out on the outside as we headed for yet another commercial break on SmackDown.

Back from the break, Rawley was dominating against Kofi. Mojo got a near fall on Shorty G before Big E and Kofi hit a huge double team move and got the pinfall while G kept Mojo's teammates from interfering.

Result: The New Day & S def. Cesaro, Shinsuke Nakamura & Mojo Rawley

Match rating: B+

In the parking lot, Braun discovered his smashed-up car and the security guard gave away Miz & Morrison's location. The two couldn't find their keys to drive away and Braun flipped the van on its side on SmackDown.

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross (c) vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley - Women's Tag Team Championship match

What a finish!
What a finish!

Cross went on the offensive right out of the gate on SmackDown as she and Alexa brought Bayley to their corner to isolate her. Cross dropped Bayley with a running bulldog, sending her to the floor. A basement dropkick sent the champ into the corner as Banks was driven into the ring post.

Cross crushed Bayley with a crossbody off the apron before Banks pulled her hair, giving Bayley time to recover and take her to the floor with a knee. Banks tagged in for a Meteora off the apron before we headed for commercials.

Back to the match on SmackDown, Banks almost got a rollup on Cross before Bayley continued to break her down. Bliss got the tag before Cross hit a tornado DDT on Banks on the floor. Banks broke up a pin attempt after Bayley caused her to break the Banks Statement.

After a short back and forth, Banks had Cross in the Bank Statement once again and Bayley ensured Alexa was not going to breakup the hold. Nikki countered the Bank Statement into a pin but Banks rolled her up and picked up the win! Banks and Bayley are the new tag champs and Bayley just became a double champ on SmackDown!

Result: Sasha Banks & Bayley def. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross to become the new Women's Tag Team Champions

Match rating: A

Episode rating: B

Miz & Morrison's antics kept us entertained throughout SmackDown while Lacey vs. Sonya and the women's tag title match were the highlights of the night. The six-man tag match was quite good as well.