WWE SmackDown Live Results May 9th 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

Did The King Of Strong Style have enough of Ziggler?

We are less than two weeks away from Backlash. How did the blue brand do in the build-up to their next PPV?

A recap was shown of the six-pack challenge a few weeks back where Jinder Mahal became #1 contender to the WWE Championship.

Randy Orton addresses The Maharaja

The Maharaja tried to play some mind games with The Viper

Randy Orton said that he lost at Payback because Jinder Mahal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. It didn’t take long for Jinder to interrupt. Mahal showed off the pictures he took with the title. He vowed that Backlash would become the age of the Maharaja. Kevin Owens then interrupted.

Owens said that they needed to “stop the crap”, and that no one cared about the House Of Horrors or India or England, they only cared about him. He bragged about ending Chris Jericho’s career. He said that at Backlash he would end AJ Styles’career. He then warned Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal that after he’s done with AJ Styles, he would go after the WWE championship.

AJ Styles interrupted and called Kevin Owens delusional, saying that he would never be the face of SmackDown Live. Baron Corbin came out and before he could really say anything, Sami Zayn attacked him from behind. This led to a brawl inside the ring, with the 3 babyfaces clearing and standing tall.


Becky Lynch vs Natalya

Did The Welcoming Committee’s number games pay off for them again?

The Welcoming Committee trash talked the London crowd before introducing Natalya. Naomi came out to introduce Becky Lynch and accompany her at ringside. Right before the match started, Charlotte Flair made her way out. Natalya got the upper hand in the match after slamming Becky against the apron.

Tamina almost distracted Becky Lynch, but Naomi came to strike her. Charlotte tried to pull Naomi away, and all the scuffle caused distracted Becky Lynch once more, and Natalya pulled her leg from under and pinned Becky Lynch successfully.

Natalya defeated Becky Lynch

Backstage after the match, Naomi and Charlotte began arguing and Becky Lynch interrupted, trying to be the voice of reason. She proposed a six-woman tag team at Backlash. They vowed to be united against the Welcoming Committee.


Fashion Files – Special London Unit

Breezango were dressed as British police and Sherlock Holmes, investigating. They saw The Ascension were inside a cell making weird noises. They got creeped out and decided to depart.


Luke Harper vs Erick Rowan

Who won the battle of the Wyatt family members?

Luke Harper started off dominant against Rowan, showing off his athleticism. Harper seemed very popular with the London crowd. After a series of good sequences, Rowan tried using his mask to hit Harper, but the referee took it away. Rowan then hit a spinning slam on Harper and picked up the victory. It seemed like that was a new finisher for Rowan

Erick Rowan defeated Luke Harper


Dolph Ziggler calls out Shinsuke Nakamura

Shinsuke Nakamura didn’t want to wait till Backlash to get his hands on Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler started off by saying that he had been in the business for long. He started listing his accomplishments and then called the crowd out for not appreciating him. He trashed the crowd for cheering Nakamura. He finally called out The King Of Strong Style.

Ziggler told Nakamura that if he wanted to stand toe-to-toe he would either have to put up and before he could say shut up, Nakamura grabbed the mic and told him to shut up. Nakamura told him that if he wanted to see what he was made of, get a referee. A referee came in, and as Nakamura was getting ready for a match, Ziggler refused to face him then, stating that at Backlash he would “expose him for the fraud he is”.

Ziggler then blindsided Nakamura, but The Artist got the better of him and stood tall.


Sami Zayn tried to unite his tag team for later in the night and kept rambling on.

The Ascension vs Breezango

Breezango had a hurdle to overcome heading into Backlash

The crowd was Fandangoing as the #1 contenders made their way out. Fandango began the action. Once Tyler Breeze got the hot tag, he had momentum on his side but was quickly stopped. He managed to gain the advantage once more and tagged in Fandango, who hit The Last Dance for the win.

Breezango defeated The Ascension

The Usos then came out and said that they won but they were too excited. They said that the tag titles could be theirs, but it won’t happen. They vowed to destroy Breezango “in 12 days”. They cut a great promo overall.


Mojo Rawley was talking to a bunch of kids backstage about Andre The Giant and trying to inspire them.


Rusev posted a video to Twitter demanding a championship match from Shane McMahon. He announced he would return next week.


Jinder Mahal, Kevin Owens & Baron Corbin vs Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, & Sami Zayn

Randy Orton hits Kevin Owens with a devastating RKO

AJ Styles started off with Baron Corbin. He quickly tagged in Sami after little offence, and Corbin tagged in Jinder Mahal. Randy Orton then faced off against Kevin Owens, nearly hitting an RKO.

After the commercial break, AJ Styles was once again tangled with Corbin, who tagged in Mahal. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn once again found themselves against one another, and outside later, Mahal cheap shotted Zayn. Back in the ring, Baron Corbin had Zayn in a resthold.

Sami tried hard to tag in Randy Orton, but the big man Baron Corbin prevented it from happening by striking down Orton. Sami tagged in AJ Styles, who ran and struck down Kevin Owens. AJ tried to hit a Styles Clash on Corbin, who overpowered him. He got Corbin in a calf crusher, but Owens broke things up.

Things started to get heated as a brawl broke out. AJ Styles attempted a Phenomenal Forearm but got caught by Kevin Owens. The atmosphere was electric with the London crowd rallying behind Styles. Corbin backdropped Styles before tagging in The Maharaja.

In the ring again, Kevin Owens head locked Styles. Orton finally got the hot tag, where he scoop slammed Jinder and Corbin, followed by a mid-rope DDT to Kevin Owens. He was getting ready to hit an RKO on Jinder, but the Singh brothers distracted him. This led to a sequence of every superstar getting some offence on one another.

Randy hit the RKO on Kevin Owens but was met with a surprising Cobra Clutch Slam by Jinder, who pinned him for the win.

Jinder Mahal, Kevin Owens & Baron Corbin defeated Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, & Sami Zayn

After the match, Jinder and the Singh brothers stood tall to close the show.


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