WWE SmackDown Live: 5 Things WWE did right on this week's episode (2nd April 2019)

The contract signing segment on SmackDown
The contract signing segment on SmackDown

The go home episode of SmackDown Live emanated from the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. WrestleMania 35 is less than a week away and the Superstars of the Blue Brand are all set to wow the 80,000 fans who are going to witness all the action unfold on April 7th.

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Lately, Tuesday nights have been all about Kofi Kingston's sudden rise to the top of SmackDown Live.

KofiMania has been the talk of the town ever since the Dreadlocked Dynamo's heroic performance in a gauntlet match and inside the Elimination Chamber in February. Let's take a look at 5 things that WWE did right on tonight's SmackDown Live.

#5 A thunderous promo to kick it off

Owens about to call out AJ and Orton
Owens about to call out AJ and Orton

AJ Styles and Randy Orton are all set to face off at WrestleMania 35, in the possible show stealer of the night. The duo has been taking jibes at each other since a while now. It all began when Orton interrupted a backstage interview featuring The Phenomenal One, followed by a sneak attack on Orton at Fastlane 2019.

The promos between Styles and Orton heading into WrestleMania have been nothing but amazing.

Tonight wasn't an exception. Orton talked about how while AJ was working gymnasium matches in front of dozens of fans, he was wrestling high profile WrestleMania bouts in front of thousands of people.

Styles fired back by stating that when he was in gyms, while Orton was... getting suspended for failing multiple drug tests. He continued by saying that while Cena is making a career in Hollywood, Orton has taken his role of the corporate b**ch.

Owens bailed immediately, knowing what was about to come. Orton and Styles went at it, and the brawl ended with a Phenomenal Forearm turning into an RKO. All this rivalry needs now is an instant classic at 'Mania.

#4 The Usos get a spot on the card

With The Show of Shows right around the corner, there was a hint of fear among the fans regarding The Usos' WrestleMania placement. They weren't in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, and no match had been set up for the duo.

After an eight-man tag team match, Alexa Bliss made a surprising appearance on the ramp, stating that The Usos will be defending their tag team titles at WrestleMania in a Fatal Four Way Tag Team match, against Ricochet & Black, Rusev & Nakamura, and The Bar.

The Usos have proved time and again that they are a force to be reckoned with, and are better than being relegated to the 'Mania pre-show or getting snubbed from a match at the Grandest Stage Of Them All.

Their quick promo in the middle of the Gauntlet match on last week's SmackDown received a sea of cheers, and they are finally getting their well-deserved placement on the WrestleMania card.

#3 The Miz gains some serious momentum

Former best friends, Shane McMahon and The Miz, are all set to go at it at WrestleMania, in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

The buildup has been surprisingly good, with WWE swerving the fans with a Shane heel turn, leading to The Miz becoming a full-blown babyface who the fans are actually getting behind.

Tonight, Miz delivered another heartfelt promo, including a plug to "Miz and Mrs.", before Shane interrupted him and put him in a match against SAnitY.

The three-on-one handicap match was a preview of things to come at 'Mania, as The Miz and the villainous trio went at it all around the arena. The Miz finally won the match by crushing Eric Young's head with a road case!

The Miz seems to be all ready to beat the tar out of Shane at MetLife Stadium, and this is bound to be a must-see encounter.

#2 Becky's as determined as ever

As soon as The Miz won the match, he saw a cop car coming in. Out came "The Man", Becky Lynch, and immediately began strutting towards the ring.

The Irish Lasskicker took the mic out of Corey Graves' hand, stating that she answers to these people, and not him. She went on to remind the fans what a difference a year makes. Becky and Charlotte were the best of friends a year ago, while Ronda was making her 'Mania debut. Everyone thought that Rousey and Flair were going to headline WrestleMania 35, but she changed all that by beating the living hell out of Charlotte at SummerSlam last year.

All of it has come down to this moment, and Becky Lynch has rightfully taken her place in the main event of WrestleMania 35. The biggest takeaway from this promo was how the fans were behind Becky and reacted to every single thing she had to say to them.

#1 An excellent contract signing segment

It's incredibly rare that a contract signing in WWE ends with no violence. This ended up happening tonight though, as Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan went at each other, but on the microphone. Kofi signed the contract and the show ended without anyone laying their hands on their opponent.

Bryan did his usual schtick of insulting the masses and calling Kofi's popularity a fad. As usual, Bryan was brilliant on the mic and the promo was a testament to the fact that he deserves every bit of the WWE Title reign he is currently enjoying.

In response, Kofi delivered an intense and heartwarming promo about how he hasn't gotten a single WWE Title match in the past eleven years while he saw Bryan become World Champion during his first two years in the company.

Kofi signed the contract and handed it over to Michael Cole. No action to end the go home show of SmackDown, but no one would complain after witnessing this brilliantly laid out back and forth between these two Superstars.