WWE Smackdown 9th July 2015- 5 Points to Note

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Heyman wasn’t mincing any words during his confrontation with Rollins

The Bulgarian Brute has put on his wrestling bootsSmackdown began with a war of words between the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the Advocate to the Beast Incarnate.It went on to have its highs and lows and ended with Ryback getting a shot at a singles main event because of his match against Seth Rollins. The show wasn’t as good as it had been for the past couple of weeks but there were many points that came to the fore that will play a hand or two in shaping up the coming few weeks or months.Here are the 5 points to note from this weeks episode of Smackdown-

#5 Stand Alone

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Heyman wasn’t mincing any words during his confrontation with Rollins

After what transpired on Monday, Paul Heyman came out to sell Battleground some more. He came out to tell Rollins what all of us know but just love to hear it out from Heyman- What awaits Rollins is worse than what happened to the cadillac on Raw.

This exchange between Rollins and Heyman wasn’t as great as the one they had before on Smackdown but it was good enough. Rollins can stand on his own and deliver a promo and a fight. He doesn’t need his security personnel or The Authority’s muscle like Big Show and Kane. For the first time in a long time he looked a bit bold when talking to the master on the mic.

#4 The Bo Dallas Project?

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For the first time in a long time he wasn’t used as a comic relief guy.

For the second time in as many days Dean Ambrose faced Bo Dallas. The surprise element is that this match was longer than expected and Dallas did a good job of getting a lot of offense in. This was also a better match than what they had on Raw.

Is this a Bo Dallas project? Is it a means to get him over. He’s been stuck in the comic relief arena for a while but he’s a superstar who can do much better. He’s funny, yes but he’s good on the mic and the audience reacts t him. If this mini- feud that has suddenly sprung up with Ambrose helps in getting him to do something better each week, that’ll be great.

#3 He\'s back

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Back to Wrestling.

Rusev is back, ladies and gentlemen. He never left but he’s back to wrestling. he’s not barefoot anymore. He’s wearing boots. That’s the only difference. That’s really required since he injured his knee quite bad weeks ago.

So, WWE now has two guys who have a big stature and can be agile at the same time. That’s awesome since Owens and Rusev are both active now on the main roster.

What about them facing each other at some point?

That’s a future great feud. Anything to leave this Lana- Ziggler- Rusev- Summer Rae (New Lana) behind.

#2 Orton is back

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He’s back again.

So Randy Orton returned for the second or third time this year and he had a promo planned for Smackdown. This led the Ascension to interrupt that said plan and we all knew why these two were there for. they were there to get an RKO.

That happened and you only have to imagine what is up with this tag team that had so much potential to look foward to when it was on NXT.

These two just did the job for Orton. The Venom rises amd The Ascension just descends.

#1 The Ryback Journey

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The Intercontinental Champ faced Seth Rollins on Smackdown

It’s finally goodto see Ryback play a babyface that’s relatable than just playing a musclepower. He is the Intercontinental Champion and he hasn’t had a memorable reign so far but he now has a main event against the WWE World heavyweight Champion and that’s ought to mean something, right? That just means he’s in a feud with Big Show and that’s it.

But it’s been quite a journey for Ryback to came through this show called ‘Tough Enough’, was part of The Nexus, had three to four unsuccessful pushes and is now getting somewhere near to getting over.

Don’t be surprised to see him get a push again given that Tough Enough is happening.