WWE SmackDown, 6th September - Results

The show begins with a recap of RAW. There is a red carpet in the ring and Vickie, Triple H and Brad Maddox are in the ring. The entire roster is on the stage. Triple H asks the wrestlers to speak about the current happenings and be frank about it.

RVD manages to say a few words and calls Triple H a dude. Kofi speaks up and voices his disregard. Ryback says he is tired of being a bully. After hearing them out, Triple H puts Kofi in a non-title match against Curtis Axel, Ryback in a match against Ziggler and RVD against Randy Orton.

RVD vs Randy Orton

RVD starts things off with a few shoulder thrusts and gets a pinfall for two. Alberto Del Rio is in commentary. He continues working on Orton, who counters with his signature powerslam. RVD returns with a dropkick followed by a split-leg moonsault. RVD pushes Orton out of the ring.

Outside Orton is pushed on the barricade and RVD tries a kick from the top rope, but Orton moves away. Orton then throws RVD out to the floor. Back from the break, Orton looks in control with a headlock. RVD tries to fight back but Orton hits a neckbreaker for a two count. After a rope hung DDT, Orton coils for the RKO but RVD kicks on his head for a close two-count. RVD then goes for the Rolling Thunder and then the five star frog splash. Orton moves away from the frog splash.

Del Rio attacks Ricardo outside the ring and RVD hits a huge over the rope dive on Del Rio. Orton uses this distraction to his advantage and hits a modified hung DDT from the apron on the floor. RVD is knocked out cold, as Orton rolls him into the ring and hits the RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

Post match, Del Rio locks in the cross armbreaker on RVD and leaves him suffering in pain.

Daniel Bryan is interviewed by Renee Young. Bryan says he will let the Shield decide who he needs to face today.

Ryback vs Dolph Ziggler

Dean Ambrose is on commentary as Ryback starts dominating Ziggler. The show off counters with the Fame Asser for a two-count. Outside the ring, Ryback knocks Ziggler down and looks to run him into the steel steps. Ziggler evades the attack and Ryback crashes into the steps. Ziggler then charges at Ambrose and Ryback then hits him with a meat hook, and then hits the Shell Shock inside the ring for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Kofi Kingston vs Curtis Axel

Kofi looked strong as he continued to dominate Heyman’s client. Axel had to get out of the ring and regroup twice for advice from Heyman. After this, Heyman distracted Kofi and Axel hit a low blow on Kofi.

Back from the commercial Kofi was in control. Both wrestlers traded shots after which Kofi came up with a sudden flurry of attacks. He hit a huge dropkick on Axel and then the SOS for the victory.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Brie Bella vs Naomi

After a little back and forth action in and outside the ring, the non Total Divas come running in and attack the the Bellas and The Funkadactlys. AJ then announces that she is the WWE Divas champion.

The Real Americans vs The Usos

Interesting match that saw Cesaro and Swagger maintain control early on. The Usos then made a come back after Jey got the tag. Jey took out Swagger and then targeted Cesaro. After a huge shoulder, Jey climbed up top and Swagger pushed him into a huge uppercut from Cesaro for the win.

Winner: The Real Americans

Big Show vs 3MB

Big Show starts off in a rampage mode as he takes out all three members of the team. Show destroyed Jinder Mahal and speared Drew McIntyre. He then hit a double chokeslam on Jinder and Drew and then hit the KO punch on Slater for the cover and pin.

Winner: Big Show

The Shield enter followed by Bryan, who gets a huge pop. Roman Reigns enters the ring like he is going to face Bryan, but Seth Rollins attacks from behind as the match begins.

Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins

Bryan manages to fight back and gets back in control of Seth Rollins. Rollins pushes him out of the ring and hits a huge kick to the head for a two-count. Bryan counters with a German Suplex and then hits a huge missile dropkick. Bryan goes up top but Rollins hits a huge Enzuigiri as Bryan falls down. Reigns and Ambrose then attack Bryan, who manages to fight them out despite a huge clothesline from Reigns. Rollins goes up top but Bryan counters it in mid-air with a YES lock. Bryan manages to fight off Reigns and Ambrose and then hits a huge running knee on Rollins for the win.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Randy Orton hits Bryan from behind with the title and poses with the title standing over Bryan.