WWE SmackDown: 4 Reasons why Sheamus took out Shorty G during his shocking return 

Sheamus came back to WWE on this week's WWE SmackDown
Sheamus came back to WWE on this week's WWE SmackDown

This week on WWE SmackDown, Dash Wilder of The Revival took on Shorty G in a fantastic singles match. We got to see how The Revival member can thrive in a singles situation, quite like Shorty G did, not very long ago.

But Wilder would lose the match, resulting in a two-on-one situation where Shorty G was double-teamed by the two members of The Revival. And then, we'd hear a familiar tune after an age, signaling the big return of Sheamus.

So, why did Sheamus choose to return to WWE and take Shorty G out, you ask? I'll try and explain the same in this article and I invite you all to sound off in the comments section right below.

And without further ado, I present the following article.

#4 To tease a face turn before showing that he is very much a heel

Sheamus was always going to get a massive reception upon his big return to the ring. And that is exactly what he did as he chased out The Revival and for a fleeting moment, we wondered if we were going to get a babyface Sheamus and not a heel, a role he's thrived in. But then, he sweved the WWE Universe and took Chad Gable out!

This was a great return in my opinion because nobody saw it coming and because it got a very interesting pop from the audience too. I mean the audience is conditioned to believe that whoever makes the save for a babyface is naturally a babyface as well. And then for Sheamus to showcase his true colors made for a fantastic moment.

I don't know how well the rest of his run will be but Sheamus' return was certainly booked to perfection, in my personal opinion at least.

#3 To prove that he's not returning at the top of the card

There was a lot of speculation with regard to what Sheamus would be doing upon his return. Some of it pointed towards him engaging in a feud with Roman Reigns, which would be an interesting program because of the history between the two men and because they're both big and tough sluggers.

But it is pretty clear that Sheamus is going to be a part of the mid-card for the time being. He's not going to be involved in the main event picture at all, and neither will John Morrison, the other man to return this week.

What does it say about the current WWE roster and product when Superstars with an impressive track record and legacy return in the mid-card despite the hype while Tyson Fury and Cain Velasquez can shoot right to the top upon their debuts?

#2 To load up the first SmackDown of the year with returns

WWE's last show of the decade ended with a wedding segment that got many people talking. It ended with the return of Liv Morgan as Lana's former love interest in a very interesting segment. Rusev would emerge from a cake to end WWE's decade on a very high note indeed.

The company knew that it would need to kickstart the new decade and the new year with a packed show. And this is why they needed to load up this show with a surprise or two. Sheamus was certainly a big surprise but so was the big return of John Morrison.

Morrison made his comeback to the company as a friend of The Miz, sharing the locker room with him after what was seemingly a big heel turn. These two returns have made SmackDown very interesting indeed. I can't wait to see where both storylines are leading.

#1 A chance for both men to elevate each other

Bear in mind that for all of his accolades, Sheamus has been a tag team competitor for most of his previous run as a member of The Bar with Cesaro. The need of the hour is to whitewash the past and get Sheamus going in a big way as a singles competitor again.

Shorty G is someone who is considerably smaller than Sheamus and will obviously get the sympathy from the audience during their matches. He is also fantastic between the ropes and is a great dance partner for a hard-hitting Superstar like Sheamus.

This is a great rivalry that can continue up to the Royal Rumble and even beyond, to presumably resolve in a singles match. Much like Sheamus did with Cesaro, here's a chance for two very gifted Superstars to elevate each other.

Sheamus is obviously not afraid to make short jokes either, it seems.