WWE SmackDown 30th August Results

The show opens with Miz on stage for Miz TV. He welcomes Big Show and Dolph Ziggler to the ring and talks about having to go through Bryan’s massacre along with the 40 other superstars this week on RAW.

We get to see a video of the segment and the brutality of it. Miz says it is time they made their opinions clear as to what they think of the management.

Big Show seems uncomfortable speaking about the event and says it was tough watching all that happen in front of his eyes. Ziggler too looks disturbed and is not able to get the right words out of his mouth.

Before the segment moves on, out comes Triple H, having an unusual grin on his face. He talks about Miz being in his ring gear rather than his suit and puts him in a match against Orton.

He gives Ziggler the chance to settle things with the Shield in another handicap match against the trio.

Realizing Big Show’s frustration, Triple H gives Big Show the night off and asks him to be on commentary and witness the happenings. He warns him not to do a thing about it.

Big Show looks furious and shaking in anger as he is sits next to the commentators table in a chair.

Randy Orton vs The Miz

An excellent match to start proceedings as the Champion Orton looked quite solid. The match had several back and forth action, but Orton got the most out of the strikes. Miz landed a burst of shots every now and then, but Orton managed to calm things down.

The Shield’s music hits as the Miz throws Orton over the rope and we head for a break.

Back from the break, Orton looks in control as he punishes Miz on the canvas. Miz makes a comeback as he reverses a suplex and then hits the neckbreaker for a near fall. Orton counters with a rope hung DDT and then coils for the RKO.

Miz counters the RKO to a backslide for a close count and then locks in the Figure Four. Orton somehow manages to get to the ring and then hits the RKO for the victory.

Winner: Randy Orton

Post match, the Shield and Orton size in on the Miz to begin the assault. Big Show watches a helpless Miz itching to try and help him. Daniel Bryan’s music hits and he gets to the ring with a steel chair. The crowd is absolutely crazy as the Shield and Orton retreat. Bryan then starts a ‘YES’ chant as we head into a commercial.

Vickie Guerrero is furious at Bryan for interfering with a steel chair and calls him a bully. She says bullies deserve to be bullied, and the best way to do that would be when Bryan faces Ryback later on in the show.

Ricardo is introduced by Lilian Garcia, who in turn introduces Rob Van Dam with a bit of a Mexican flavour added to his name.

Rob Van Dam vs Damien Sandow

Nothing very impressive about the match as Sandow and RVD exchange a few blows. Sandow hits the Elbow of Disdain after sending RVD shoulder first into the ring post. Big Show is shown upset over what just transpired, as RVD counters and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash for the win.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Alberto Del Rio makes his way out and cuts a promo about RVD being the No.1 contender and his relationship with Ricardo.

Dolph Ziggler vs the Shield (Handicap match)

Ziggler gets manhandled despite an initial array of shots. The numbers game prove too much for Ziggler who gets dissected by the Shield as they tag each other in and out.

Ambrose mocks Big Show outside the ring and then gets slapped hard by Ziggler. Rollins then manages to bring things under control and holds Ziggler for Reigns to connect a massive Spear for win.

Winner: The Shield

The Shield then taunt Big Show who looks supremely p****d. Top acting from Show here. They then hit the triple powerbomb on Ziggler and leave the ring.

Axel and Heyman are introduced next by Lilian Garcia. Axel cuts a promo about beating down Punk on RAW and then hands the mic to Heyman. Paul then speaks about his match against Punk at the Night of Champions. He says he is worried about Punk getting his hands on him but also warns the fans about what Punk can be subjected to.

Tons of Funk vs Wyatt Family

After a few strikes by Tensai and Brodus, Harper hits a big boot to Tensai. He then lands a splash and tags Rowan who does the same. They pin Tensai for the win.

Winner: Wyatt Family

Bray Wyatt then hits the Sister Abigail on Tensai.

Daniel Bryan vs Ryback

Daniel Bryan

Bryan starts with a big knee to the face and follows it with a few kicks. Ryback manages to get hold of him and hit a few power moves on Bryan to slow him down.

He then goes for a clothesline as Bryan moves away. Bryan then connects a few dropkicks on Ryback and then a suicide dive on Ryback as he moves out. Randy Orton makes his way out to distract Bryan as Ryback hits him from the back.

Back from the break, Bryan is seen connecting the YES kicks on Ryback, but Ryback counters with a Spinebuster. Bryan fights back and hits a missile dropkick for a near fall.

Followed by a series of YES kicks, Bryan locks in the YES lock but Orton interferes as the referee ends the match in a DQ.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Bryan connects the YES lock on Orton who taps out in pain. The Shield make their way into the ring and beat down Bryan.

Big Show seems to have had enough and makes his way to the ring as the Shield and Orton clutter up in the corner. Triple H then comes out and demands Big Show to get out of the ring.

Big Show, who looks like he is going to break down crying, obliges and follows Triple H up the ramp. As Show makes his way backstage, the Shield knock Bryan down senseless.

They then hold Bryan up for Orton to punish him and then connect the Triple Powerbomb with the crowd chanting ‘Randy S****’. Orton then takes out the spray paint and paints NO on Bryan to end the show.