WWE Rumors: WWE Superstar possibly getting a new gimmick

Will Matt end up getting a gimmick change?
Will Matt end up getting a gimmick change?

What's the story?

According to Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Matt Hardy has been pushing the idea of a new gimmick.

Hardy recently posted a video on Youtube, showing a glimpse of what the gimmick would be about.

In case you didn't know...

Matt Hardy made his shocking return to WWE at WrestleMania 33, along with his brother Jeff. The duo went on to win the WWE Tag Team championships in a multi-team ladder match.

Matt went on to use the Broken Matt Hardy gimmick in WWE, rehashing it and giving it a new name: "Woken Matt Hardy". Hardy also won the 5th annual Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 34 last year, but was out with an injury for the better part of 2018.

Recently, Matt and Jeff came back to SmackDown Live as a tag team and will most likely face the Usos for the titles at The Show of Shows.

The heart of the matter

Matt Hardy has named his new gimmick, "The Multifarious Matt Hardy". The gimmick is a combination of Matt's previous gimmicks that he has had over the years, namely Woken Matt Hardy, Matt Hardy V1, and Big Money Matt Hardy.

A preview of this gimmick can be seen in the following video Matt posted on Youtube:


What's next?

It remains to be seen whether WWE agrees on giving Matt Hardy a gimmick change. This also leads to the question of what would Jeff do in case the gimmick is approved by the higher-ups.

Although Jeff has held his own as a singles Superstar in WWE, having won the WWE Title in the past, age is catching up with the high-flying daredevil.

Would you like to see Matt Hardy get a gimmick change? What are your thoughts on this new gimmick idea that Matt has pitched? Sound off!