WWE Rumors: Returning star and NOT Kofi Kingston to be Daniel Bryan's WrestleMania opponent?

If not Kofi Kingston, then who?
If not Kofi Kingston, then who?

What's the story?

Despite a huge popularity boost following a superb performance in the Elimination Chamber and an upcoming singles match at WWE Fastlane, it appears that Kofi Kingston will not be Daniel Bryan's opponent at WrestleMania. That's because Bleacher Report are stating that a returning star, Kevin Owens, is lined up instead.

In case you didn't know...

Kofi Kingston was a last minute replacement to the WWE Title Elimination Chamber match after Mustafa Ali was pulled because he was suffering multiple injuries. Kingston then went from being one of the New Day to a huge singles star in a matter of days, first by shining in a Gauntlet Match on SmackDown and then by almost becoming WWE Champion in the Chamber match.

Read Also: Big E reveals if the New Day will split up or turn heel

Immediately after this, many fans in the WWE Universe wanted to see Kofi Kingston Vs. Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania, with Kingston winning the title. The hashtag #KofiMania was born and picked up a lot of steam. This is presumably why Kingston earned himself a singles match against Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title at Fastlane.


The heart of the matter

Despite Kingston being a perfect 'Mania opponent for Bryan, Jeremy Botter of Bleacher Report has reported that a company source told him that Daniel Bryan's opponent for WrestleMania is none other than a returning Kevin Owens,

Yeah, Bryan vs. Kingston is scheduled for Fastlane, while a company source told me Tuesday evening that The Beard's opponent for WrestleMania will be Kevin Owens; those videos of KO hanging out with his family and eating bad food make a lot more sense now.
Bryan vs. a returning babyface Owens will be good.

The videos that Botter references are the 'regular guy' style videos that Owens has been filming himself on his phone, like this one from Monday Night Raw this week,


What's next?

These videos do indeed start to make sense if Owens is going to take on Bryan. Owens is a regular guy who doesn't want to be preached to and just wants to enjoy spending time with his wife and kids and eating popcorn, Bryan is, well, Bryan is the opposite.

Are you excited for Kevin Owens Vs. Daniel Bryan? Or do you think Kofi Kingston should get the 'Mania match? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.