WWE Rumors: Dolph Ziggler hints at a feud with Shawn Michaels; HBK to return?

Shawn Michaels vs Dolph Ziggler - Is this something we can see in 2019?
Shawn Michaels vs Dolph Ziggler - Is this something we can see in 2019?

What's the story?

Dolph Ziggler has not been the most successful Superstar in WWE. In fact, it might be fair to say, that while he has had his moments in the past, most of them petered out through the roller-coaster that seems to be his push.

On WWE SmackDown Live, during a segment of Miz TV, Ziggler was successful at hitting Shawn Michaels with a Superkick, catching the Hall of Famer while he was not paying attention.

In case you didn't know...

Dolph Ziggler and The Miz are in a feud at the moment, with things going bad fast last week on Miz TV. The same thing happened again this week, only Shawn Michaels was also present. Michaels was being interviewed by The Miz when Ziggler came out and started to insult both Miz and HBK.

Ziggler then hit The Miz with a cheapshot, before he was taken down by Shawn Michaels. In the split second that it took Michaels to check on The Miz, Ziggler was up and hit HBK, the creator of Sweet Chin Music as we know it today, with a Superkick.

The heart of the matter

Earlier today, Ziggler had shared a Twitter post, with him looking down at HBK on the ring-floor, saying,

"You know it should happen. You know it never will. You know why."

With the Miz staring across from him in the ring, it appeared that he was addressing the A-Lister. However, when Zack Ryder asked him if he wanted to fight The Miz again

Ziggler corrected him and said that he was referring to the man on the ground, meaning Shawn Michaels.

At this point, it appears he is trying to start a feud with Michaels, although this could easily be him telling Michaels he was not good enough for a match, simply to get some heat.

What's next?

The coming weeks are going to prove if Ziggler and Michaels will be in a feud or not. For the moment, it appears there is something brewing.

Even if HBK does not return to the ring for a match, he could act as the guest referee in a match between The Miz and Dolph Ziggler to increase the stakes.