WWE Royal Rumble 2015: 5 Possible heel/face turns that could happen at the Pay-Per-View

There wouldn’t be a better stage in WWE than Royal Rumble to make a successful heel or face turn. The mere concept of the 30 man battle royal where every man will be fighting for himself is ideal for such turns while the other undercard matches also provide an equally impressive stage.With Rumble being the first pay-per-view of the year, there will be some pressure on the company to pull off some surprises here and there and these turns could do the job pretty well.A handful of names are eligible to undergo the same when Royal Rumble finally gets rolling and here is a look the most likely and exciting ones from the lot.

#5 John Cena

Let’s start off with the most unlikely yet the most anticipated one. Cena’s heel turn might still be a distant dream for many but the company is desperate at the moment for something big as this to survive in the business that once belonged to them.

The fans are tired of what the company has been feeding them over the past few years and Cena getting pushed as the undefeatable superman is a one of the factors that contributed to this.

If the company decides to pull the plug on that push and let Cena turn heel, it would probably be their next big moment after Sting’s recent debut. A bad guy Cena would set the tune for WrestleMania while attracting a lot of attention.

#4 Damien Mizdow

Mizdow might look like a babyface, but the truth is he will never be a full-fledged face until he breaks away from The Miz.

The duo won the WWE tag team championship recently thanks to Mizdow’s efforts while Miz always took the easy way out. It’s not a secret that the fans want to see Mizdow all the time but his in ring time has been limited due to the Awesome one.

The ego of Miz is going to break the duo at some point or the other and WWE should make it happen at the Rumble. Mizdow eliminating Miz amidst the rumble would be a great way to start the feud between this two and this could turn into a good program for WrestleMania.

#3 Goldust

A year back during this time, the WWE Universe was eager about seeing Goldust and Stardust embark on a feud that would’ve led to their respective singles career.

Fast forward to the present, the Rhodes Brothers are still going stronger with no hints of a break up which allows WWE to pull the rabbit out of the hat. No one would be expecting the brothers turning against each other at this point but if they do, WWE will have a high profile feud heading into Mania.

Goldust would be the better choice to turn from the two since Cody would need to work as a face if he is to stay relevant in the main event scene. Goldust on the other hand is versatile enough to settle as a heel midcarder.

#2 Cesaro

The Swiss Superman’s career is at the verge of getting buried big time due to the horrible booking he has been getting throughout the year.

Breaking away from the Real Americans was Cesaro’s best chance of having a face run and refreshing his character but since WWE stuck with him being a heel all the time, things turned out to be pretty ugly for Cesaro.

With a new year coming in, Cesaro would be in desperate need of a face turn and the company can deliver the same at Rumble. He could get eliminated in some tainted fashion by a heel in the roster and could then work a feud with the same guy instead of just being another face in the crowd.

#1 Brock Lesnar

Okay, so am I the only one who thinks Lesnar should have a face run before his WWE run comes to an end?. The WWE Universe might be split on that dream but Rumble might well be the company’s best chance.

The Seth Rollins – Paul Heyman handshake last week made a lot of buzz around the internet while the issue was never solved by the creative team. With Rollins holding the Money in the Bank briefcase, the suspicions have hit an all-time high.

Rollins revealing himself as the new Paul Heyman guy and cashing in on Lesnar would turn the beast face. This would be a fresh angle heading into WrestleMania and this freshness might sell a few tickets as well.