WWE RAW Results May 15th 2017, Latest RAW winners and video highlights

Kurt Angle kicked off RAW with a huge announcement

A recap of the Roman Reigns’ attack on Braun Strowman last week played before RAW began.

Kurt Angle makes a massive announcement for Extreme Rules

It didn’t take longs for things to break down

Kurt Angle kicked off RAW to a huge pop. He began talking about the Reigns-Strowman rivalry. He recapped the bad news that Strowman. He announced a Fatal-5-Way Extreme Rules match for the PPV to determine Brock Lesnar’s next contender. Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor vs Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns was announced. Roman Reigns made his way out.

Reigns said that there’s no need for a #1 contender because he defeated Undertaker at WrestleMania and put Strowman on the shelf. Finn Balor made his way out and told Roman that he was the first Universal Champion and never lost his title. He then said that the line starts with him, and reminded Roman that he defeated him on his first night. This brought out Samoa Joe.

Joe said that it’s about 2 things: Action & Result. Soon after, Bray Wyatt appeared in the ring. Bray was cutting his usual promo but was interrupted by Rollins. He said that he came to fight with Joe, and things broke out into a brawl. Things ended with Finn Balor standing tall after all competitors were taken down.


Backstage, Balor, Rollins, and Roman Reigns were arguing. Kurt Angle stopped them and said that Rollins would be facing Bray Wyatt for the first time ever, while Roman Reigns and Balor would be facing each other.

Jeff Hardy vs Sheamus

Did Sheamus get one over Jeff Hardy?

Jeff Hardy went right at Sheamus to start off the match. After the commercial break, Sheamus had a resthold on Jeff. The crowd was chanting "Delete”, and Matt acknowledged it outside the ring. Sheamus hit a vicious knee to the face, but Jeff kicked out.

Jeff Hardy caught Sheamus with a stunner from the top. Cesaro tried to cause a distraction but Matt struck him down. Sheamus pushed Jeff towards Matt on the apron but Jeff managed to stop in the nick of time. Sheamus went for a Brogue kick but Jeff ducked down, and there seemed to be a botch as Sheamus missed the kick on Matt. He then launched a big kick to Matt’s chest.

After that, Jeff hit the Twist Of Fate on Sheamus followed by a Swanton bomb for the win.

Jeff Hardy defeated Sheamus


Sasha Banks vs Alicia Fox(w/ Noam Dar)

Alicia Fox tries to prevent the backstabber

A rematch from last week after a controversial finish. Sasha mocked Noam Dar while dominating Fox. Alicia caught Sasha with a big boot. She then hit the Northern Light Suplex. Sasha soon gained her momentum back until Alicia Fox caught her. Sasha attempted a backstabber, but Fox held on to the rope and disposed of Sasha outside the ring. Alicia Fox then hit the scissor kick on Sasha for the win.

Alicia Fox defeated Sasha Banks


Dean Ambrose(c) vs The Miz – Intercontinental Championship

Did The Miz become a 7-time Intercontinental Champion?

Great atmosphere for the match. Ambrose started off with chest slaps followed by a crossbody. Miz attempted a Skull-Crushing finale early on but didn’t get it. There were duelling “Let’s go, Ambrose! Let’s go, Miz” chants.

After the break, The Miz had the advantage over the champion. The Miz hit the Daniel Bryan kicks soon after, and Ambrose once more managed to escape the onslaught of The Miz. A quick sequence saw both competitors nearly hit their finishers, and Dean nearly pinning The Miz, who escaped.

A lunatic lariat was countered into a Skull-Crushing finale, but Ambrose kicked out. Ambrose was ready to hit an elbow from the ring post but Miz used Maryse as a bodyguard. Ambrose went for it anyway and Maryse moved out of the way.

Maryse distracted the referee and Miz went for a low-blow but was caught by Ambrose. The Lunatic Fringe kicked The Miz below and ended up getting disqualified. He weirdly had a shocked look on his face.

The Miz defeated Dean Ambrose by DQ


Backstage, Finn Balor was being interviewed and said that it may be Roman’s yard, but it’s his universe.

Alexa Bliss shows Bayley the meaning of extreme

Alexa Bliss unleashed a kendo stick on Bayley

Alexa Bliss started off by calling Newark the sweat glands of America, calling the people the poster children for failure. She called herself a winner and started bragging about herself. Shortly after, Bayley interfered. She gave her props for achieving everything she said, and then said she was invoking her rematch clause at Extreme Rules.

Alexa told Bayley that she would “never get extreme”. She then told her to “leave the championships to adults”. She took a kendo stick, teasing a stipulation match. She then struck Bayley from behind with the kendo stick.


Backstage, Kurt Angle was confronted by The Miz and asked him if he was happy. Miz began to rant and was granted an IC title rematch at Extreme Rules. Kurt Angle and Maryse got into a hilarious exchange, with Maryse abusing Angle in French and Angle trying to show off the little French he knew.


Austin Aries & Gentleman Jack Gallagher vs Neville & TJP

Neville & TJP continued to try to solve the “Austin Aries problem”

Austin Aries vs Neville was announced for Extreme Rules for the Cruiserweight title. Aries and Neville looked to start off, but Neville tagged TJP in. The babyfaces were in control until Neville shoved Aries off the ring post. TJP and Neville were picking the bones of Aries, who was looking to tag in Jack Gallagher.

Aries finally tagged in Gallagher, who began asserting his dominance on TJP. Aries jumped onto Neville outside, and inside the ring, Gallagher headbutted TJP and looked to get the running dropkick. Neville distracted him and Aries hit Neville with the Discus fivearm outside. TJP took advantage of the commotion and struck Gallagher before hitting the detonation kick for the win.

Neville & TJP defeated Austin Aries & Gentleman Jack Gallagher


Backstage, Bayley had a strap put on her. Kurt Angle walked in and praised Bayley. Angle said that it would be a straight up wrestling match at Extreme Rules. Bayley protested, wanting revenge at Alexa. Angle then announced that she would face Alexa in a rematch at Extreme Rules in a “Kendo Stick on a pole match”.


In another segment, The Golden Truth were trying to get their motivation back ahead of their match later.

Finn Balor vs Roman Reigns

Finn Balor and Roman Reigns had a rematch nearly 10 months in the making

Roman began controlling Balor before stepping away. He then flung Balor before they faced off again. Finn then started striking Roman with right hands before The Big Dog once more outpowered him and flung him again. Balor caught Reigns with a kick outside, but inside the ring, Roman was angered and shoved Balor. As he went for Balor, he rammed into the pole.

Finn took advantage of this by kicking Roman and stomping his back outside. After the commercial break, Roman caught Finn as he was charging and slammed him against the ring post. Roman continued to dominate from then on.

Finn caught Reigns in the ribs as he went for a superman punch. Finn then jumped and stomped his ribs. Balor looked to hit a running dropkick but was met with a superman punch, but it wasn’t enough. As Reigns went for the spear, Balor countered and struck his knees followed by a running dropkick. As he went for the Coup De Grace, Reigns caught him and hit a spear on him for the win.

Roman Reigns defeated Finn Balor


Bray Wyatt cut a promo about it was his world and vowed to defeat The Beast and become the new Universal champion.

Backstage, Seth Rollins said that Bray Wyatt would not get in the way of him becoming Universal Champion. He also said that if there was anyone to slay the beast, it would be the man who slayed the king.

The Golden Truth is over

“That’s what’s up”

The Golden Truth came out, and as they were getting ready for action, Goldust attacked R-Truth. The crowd chanted “Thank you Goldust” as the assault happened. Goldust continued his attack on R-Truth for a while longer. He then took the mic and said “That’s what’s up”, as the crowd chanted “Yes!”

Big Cass vs Titus O’ Neil

Titus O’ Neil seemed to have forgotten that he had a match

Enzo was cutting his usual promo and was interrupted by Titus O’ Neil and Apollo Crews. Titus began imitating Enzo, cutting the best promo of his career arguably. Titus thought that Apollo was wrestling Enzo, but was told by Cass that it was Titus who would be facing Cass.

Titus jumped Big Cass when the bell rang. He then began removing his suit. Titus was about to hit Cass with his belt, and Enzo distracted him. He threatened to hit Enzo but didn’t. He was met with a big boot by Cass.

Big Cass defeated Titus O’ Neil

After the match, Enzo took a selfie with a fallen Titus and Apollo. Crews told Enzo not to do it and then hit him with an Enziguri, effectively turning heel from what it looks like.


Backstage, Neville praised TJP for the victory earlier. TJP hinted at getting a Cruiserweight title shot, but Neville told him that his opportunity is around the corner. He wanted to “solve” the Austin Aries problem.


Bray Wyatt vs Seth Rollins

Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins faced off for the first time ever

The crowd seemed to have quieted down by the match. Wyatt began by taking down Rollins. The action went outside, with Rollins slamming Bray against the barricade. He was caught and Bray then slammed Bray on the barricade.

The two men were evenly matched for a while. A Sister Abigail was countered into an enziguri. Wyatt then hit a beautiful lariat on Rollins. Outside the ring, Samoa Joe interfered and caused the match to end in DQ.

Seth Rollins defeated Bray Wyatt by disqualification

Joe continued to attack Rollins after the match. Joe then had a staredown with Wyatt before they both attacked Rollins. They teased an alliance but Bray hit Joe with a Sister Abigail. He then hit Rollins with a Sister Abigail and stood tall to end the show.


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