WWE RAW Results: Former champ announces return and entry to Elimination Chamber match; Unexpected title change

What surprises are in store as we make our way to WrestleMania?
What surprises are in store as we make our way to WrestleMania?

Bobby Lashley and MVP kicked off RAW, and they were convinced that Lashley would win the Elimination Chamber and walk away with the WWE Championship. Seth Rollins came out to protest before Riddle joined him in the ring as well.

Riddle rambled on about being stuck in a gas station bathroom before claiming that he would become the WWE Champion at the Elimination Chamber. Riddle wanted to get Lashley in a Toga before Austin Theory came out and talked about the things he learned from Mr. McMahon.

AJ Styles was out next and said that he, too, would be headed to WrestleMania after winning the Elimination Chamber match. Lashley fired back and said that they were all dreaming and that he was the only one tough enough to survive the chamber, not even Brock Lesnar could beat him.

Lesnar walked out on cue and joined the other lads in the ring before hanging up his coat and hat on Austin Theory.

Lashley and Lesnar were having a staredown before Theory attacked Lesnar from behind and ate two German Suplexes and the F5 for his troubles as other superstars cleared out.

WWE RAW Results (February 14th, 2022): The Dirty Dawgs vs. The Street Profits

Ford and Ziggler kicked off the match on RAW, and the Dirty Dawgs isolated Montez right off the bat. Tomasso Ciampa was in commentary after Dolph's visit to NXT, and the match continued in the ring as tags were made, and Dawkins came in to get the advantage for his team by wiping out both opponents.

Roode got a spinebuster for a near fall before Ciampa and Dolph had a showdown at ringside. Dolph faked a superkick before Ciampa threw his drink in Ziggler's face.

In the ring, Montez tagged in and got the frog splash on Roode for the win.

Result: The Street Profits def. The Dirty Dawgs

After the match, Ziggler hit the superkick before missing a move on Dawkins and fled the arena with Roode.

Grade: B

Riddle's Toga party was underway backstage on RAW, and Randy was literally hiding from them, preparing for his match with Rollins.

Kevin Owens was backstage on RAW and said that he now hated Texas and made fun of Texans.

Damian Priest (C) vs. AJ Styles - United States Championship match on RAW

AJ was caught in a submission move early on and managed to break free before Priest got a near fall off a backbreaker. AJ was in a tough spot but came out with a Pele Kick before sending Priest over the ropes to the outside.

Priest dropped AJ on the apron twice before dragging him back in the ring for a rollup, getting the easy pin.

Result: Damian Priest def. AJ Styles

Grade: B-

Alexa Bliss was still at the therapist's office and said that she was happy. Alexa asked for the music to be stopped before the therapist gave her what looked like a deconstructed Lilly doll. Apparently, they were pieces recovered from the real Lilly. He then brought out an intact Lilly doll and said that he had an idea.

Omos vs. Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin on RAW

Omos was tossing Cedric around the ring on RAW as the match started before Alexander and Benjamin managed to overpower the big guy by teaming up. Omos still powered through and hit chokeslams on both men before picking up the win.

Result: Omos def. Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin

Grade: C

Dana Brooke and Reginald were on a date at a restaurant while Tozawa and Tamina were there at a different table, spying on them.

Lita and Becky Lynch's match contract signing for the RAW Women's Championship match

Lita was out first, followed by Becky, who was in a punk getup. Becky sat down and told Lita not to do it and that she was hurt by the fact that her teenage idol was willing to fight her at WrestleMania.

Lita said that her comeback was not just for one match. She felt that she has a whole run in her.

Lynch was furious as Lita signed the contract and threatened the WWE legend before signing the contract herself. Lynch tossed the papers at her before walking out of the ring.

Gauntlet Match on RAW

The match started during the commercials on RAW, and when we returned, Nikki trapped Rhea on the apron and clobbered her for a bit. Back in the ring, Nikki locked in a submission hold before getting some big kicks in.

Rhea recovered and got some big clotheslines in before missing the Riptide. Nikki tried for a top rope move, but Rhea caught her in the Riptide before picking up the first win.

Rhea Ripley def. Nikki ASH

Liv Morgan walked out for round 2, and after another break on RAW, Liv tried for an early rollup off the corner. Ripley was caught in a headlock before Liv got a facebuster off a counter.

Morgan was able to get out of the finisher, but Ripley got in a superkick and the Riptide before picking up the win.

Rhea Ripley def. Liv Morgan

Doudrop was in next and got some big moves in before Rhea came back with a dropkick. They traded strikes in the middle of the ring before Doudrop blocked a riptide and almost landed her own finisher. Rhea still managed to hit the Riptide and pick up another win.

Rhea Ripley def. Doudrop

Gauntlet Match on RAW (contd...)

Bianca Belair was in next, and after a break on RAW, Ripley was caught in a submission move. Rhea got a huge missile dropkick before trying for the cloverleaf. Bianca got out of it and managed to hit the spinebuster and the KOD for the win.

Result: Bianca Belair won the Gauntlet Match

Grade: B+

Backstage on RAW, Riddle's Toga party was cut short when the Alpha Academy attacked and wiped him out.

Back in the restaurant, R-truth, Tozawa, and Tamina attacked Dana Brooke, but she managed to get away. Reggie asked Dana if they should take their relationship to the next level, and Brooke told him no.

Reggie rolled her up and picked up the 24/7 title once again.

Alpha Academy vs. Rey & Dominik Mysterio on RAW

The match kicked off during the commercials, and we returned to see that the Mysterios were in trouble in the ring while the Miz and Maryse joined the commentary team.

Rey was isolated in the ring but managed to tag Dominik in, and he came in for a near fall on Gable. Dom got some big suplexes before sending Gable outside the ring.

Alpha Academy vs. Rey & Dominik Mysterio on RAW (contd...)

Rey tagged back in on RAW and took out Otis from the apron before we headed for another break. Back to the match, Rey got a big kick and a near fall before taking a suplex.

Rey set Gable up for the 619 and tagged in Dom for a double finisher before the Miz ran a distraction at ringside. Rey took the Miz out, but the distraction let Gable pick up the win for his team.

Result: Alpha Academy def. Rey & Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Miz & Maryse got inside the ring and sent Dominik outside before hitting Rey with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Grade: B

Alexa Bliss was done with her treatment, and the therapist said that she would be fine...just as long as the replica Lilly doll was around her.

She walked out of the clinic and mentioned that there was one spot open in the Women's Elimination Chamber match, and she was going to take it.

Seth Rollins was out next on RAW for the main event.

Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton on RAW

The main event kicked off on RAW with Rollins being sent into the corner before he unloaded on Randy and got a near fall. Randy was sent outside with a kick on the apron before Rollins got an axhandle in the ring.

Randy sent Rollins over the ropes and sent him into the announcers' desk as the match continued. Randy set up the draping DDT in the ring before Rollins sent him back outside for a big dive.

After another break, Randy hit a massive superplex before getting a near fall off a counter. Rollins missed the stomp and the pedigree before getting the draping DDT again, followed by the RKO.

The Alpha Academy came out to stop the match before Riddle chased them out, and Randy went outside too as RK-Bro took out the Academy at ringside. Orton barely beat the count, returning to the ring, but Rollins used the distraction to hit a stomp and pick up the win.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Randy Orton

Grade: B

Episode rating: B

The RAW before Elimination Chamber saw Alexa Bliss announce her entry to the women's Chamber match while Lashley and Lesnar got in the ring with the other contestants of the men's Chamber match. Reginald picked up the 24-7 title tonight on RAW while Rollins and Orton put on a great main event.