WWE RAW: Preview - November 25, 2013

Major talking point

Major talking point

Fresh off an action packed Survivor Series on Sunday, the WWE has been entitled with the responsibility of answering a lot of questions that was put up by the prestigious pay-per-view. Though the show didn’t match up to its rich history, it still managed to create some kind of buzz among the WWE universe about the angles that happened. And it all builds up to this week’s Raw, which will be met with a heap of expectation and anticipation. So here’s a look at the possibilities and kick offs that could take place on WWE’s flagship show.

Mark Henry’s direction

All smiles

All smiles

The World’s Strongest man returned with an impressive new makeover at Survivor Series, but his intimidating look was seen wasted as he went up against Ryback while smiling at the fans: shortly speaking, he is still face. There isn’t anyone currently in the roster who could strike up a good feud with a face Henry other than Ryback; on the other hand a heel turn could give the creative a lot of options. A potential re-ignition of the rivalry with John Cena looks out of the card as the champ was seen busy with other business. Some heat with Ryback for the following weeks would only make sense but the WWE Universe would be hoping for a twist in the tale, in which Henry could end up smashing some babyface in the locker room.

What next for Big Show?

Whose next?

Whose next?

The authority promised that there won’t be any physical interference in the Survivor Series main event and they surprisingly kept the honor of the words as they were only seen distracting Show, which resulted in his loss. Big Show looks destined to stick to his rebel gimmick but with Randy Orton out of the picture, Triple H and Kane has emerged as the only credible opponents for the big guy. Then again Hunter wouldn’t want to jump into the ring to face Big Show simply because of his ego, which calls for an imminent outburst from Kane. The authority angle looks like it could stretch till TLC where the show down might take place. At this moment, Raw can only tell reveal the secrets as Big Show is certain to react against the actions of Triple H.

Need a spear? Call Roman Reigns maybe

Future looks bright

Future looks bright

Arguably the stand out star of Survivor Series, Roman Reigns was seen spearing his way into the record books when he eliminated four of his opponents and ended up as the sole survivor. The pay-per-view further hinted in his teased face turn when the company projected him as a dominant force with a deadly finisher. Some years back the WWE did almost the same to start a big push for Randy Orton and Reigns looks lined up for something similar. A feud with Rey Mysterio looks like the only current possibility that could materialize but that would mean him splitting off from the Shield before fulfilling the much anticipated feud with Wyatt Family. Which means he will have to stick around with the Shield for some more time but the fans at Raw will be seeing a different Reigns this week as he has been touted as the best performer in Survivor Series.

The Beard and The Beast to stay

Still a lot left in this one

Still a lot left in this one

If you thought that the feud between the creepy guys and the Indie darlings was going to be concluded at Survivor Series, well it would be a good time to think again. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk came out of Boston with an impressive win over The Wyatt Family, but as the match ended, Bray Wyatt seemed poised to start a brawl with the duo. The leader was held back by his disciples, and it all points to a continuing confrontation between the teams. There is going to be a lot of mind games and captivating promos from Bray, and Punk and Bryan will be seen fending them off with the help of the WWE Universe. Frankly that’s not something newer than what we have seen in the past weeks but it won’t be boring to see this feud stretch for some more time because it clearly builds the excitement for all the right reasons.

Vince McMahon and John Cena’s motivation

McMahon, Cena, unification and chaos

McMahon, Cena, unification and chaos

In what proved to the major talking point of Survivor Series, the two main champions of WWE was seen confronting each other after Randy Orton’s win over Big Show. The company seemed like teasing a unification of the titles but after the show went off air, a certain Vince McMahon took the mystery to further depth. Mr. McMahon was seen screaming at John Cena for cutting the promo of Orton. Cena could be turning against the Authority with his heroics or the WWE, who are fed up with his superman gimmick might be trying something different by moulding him into something like a Steve Austin who used to stand up against the McMahons. A feud between the two champions will definitely be interesting as it removes the predictability factor out of a Cena equation. Raw holds all the keys as the creative could end up with a hell of a show or could make a mess out of it. Either way it would be a Raw that will be worth waiting for.