WWE RAW: Live Results and Coverage, September 16, 2013


Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to yet another live RAW review. We’re live from the Q Arena in Cleveland, Ohio as we see the fall out from the Night of Champions PPV.

Daniel Bryan kicked things off to a humongous ovation from the Cleveland crowd! Loud “Yes” chants by the crowd. Before Bryan could say anything, he was interrupted by Triple H. Triple H acknowledged the fast count by the referee this past Sunday. Triple H showed the footage of the fast count, and brought down the referee Scott Armstrong. Triple H asked Scott why he did what he did, and Scott admitted it was a fast count. He looked at Bryan, but was sent to the back by Triple H. Triple H accused Bryan of getting into cahoots with the referee. Bryan denied the allegations, but Triple H said he won’t return the title to Orton, and stripped Bryan off the championship. Triple H asked Bryan to hand over the title, but Bryan refused to do so. This brought out Orton, and Triple H asked him to calm down. Triple H forcefully took the title from Bryan and Orton laid Bryan out with the RKO. The segment ended with Triple H walking to the back with the title while Orton stood over a fallen Bryan as the crowd booed Orton.

Analysis: That was expected. There were rumours about something similar happening tonight due to the fast count last night. Although that doesn’t take anything away from Bryan’s victory, it doesn’t make much sense to put the title on him for only one night. This will lead to a bigger program involving Bryan in the future, so we’ll have to see what happens next.

Backstage, Orton confronted Triple H and Stephanie. Stephanie got in Orton’s face and said he deserved to lose last night. She asked him to channel out the Orton who handcuffed her and DDT’d her. She left as Orton was left fuming. That was interesting.

Dolph Ziggler vs Dean Ambrose

In a rematch from last night, Ziggler took on Dean Ambrose. It was evenly contested till Ambrose worked on Ziggler’s leg. Ziggler came back and mounted his offense on Ambrose. Ziggler missed a splash in the corner and Ambrose came back with his offense. Ziggler laid out Ambrose with the Zig Zag to pick up the victory and once again become the number one contender for the title.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Rating: **

Analysis: Dolph Ziggler has been relegated to the mid card, and it looks like he will be facing Ambrose once again at the next PPV for the United States title. I hope this feud revives Ziggler’s career in the WWE, as he has been relegated to the mid card once again. The two put on a solid match once again, and it will be interesting to see if Ziggler wins the title next month.

Backstage, Maddox was seen along with Triple H, Stephanie and The Big Show. Maddox made Bryan vs Roman Reigns in the main event. Stephanie said Dusty was present in the arena, and reminded Big Show that he was broke and had to do what she told him to do. Cue in the evil McMahons.

Fandango (With Summer Rae) vs R – Truth

Was there a point to this match? I don’t know. Fandango took control of the match but Truth made his usual come back. Summer was at ringside and provided the distraction to enable Fandango to hit his leg drop finisher to pick up the victory.

Winner: Fandango

Rating: * ½

Analysis: There is nothing to say about the match. They were given about 5 minutes to get in their offense in and Fandango picked up the victory.

The American Dream came out to a loud ovation. Dusty said he wasn’t here as the American Dream, but as Dusty Rhodes. He said the McMahons needed to be like everyone else, to look for the next buck. He said he looked at his sons and found the strength to carry on. He said he was there for his son, Cody Rhodes. He said Triple H conspired to fire Cody, and asked how it was ‘best for business’. He mentioned Goldust coming back and taking a shot at redemption, and said he was proud of his sons. He said he didn’t call for the meeting, and called out Stephanie about the business proposition to bring Cody back.

This brought Stephanie McMahon out. She said that was a great speech, and said the decision to fire Cody weighed a lot on them. She said they would like to offer the job back to Cody, or they could give it to Goldust. She said it was Dusty’s decision. She said he could make up for neglecting Goldust for all those years while traveling. Dusty said he won’t choose. Stephanie said Dusty was being selfish, and said she hoped his sons would forgive him. Dusty asked Stephanie to go to hell, which brought out The Shield! Stephanie said she would even things out by bringing The Big Show out. She gave Dusty the choice of either getting KO’d by Show or getting dismembered by The Shield. Show refused, which led to Stephanie asking The Shield to do the job. Roman brought the steel chair, and Show stopped them. He apologized to Dusty, balled up his fist and KO’d him out! Stephanie left the ring with the members of The Shield. Dusty was then tended to by the paramedics.

Analysis: That was pretty much what I expected. This furthers the McMahons vs Rhodes feud. Dusty got a decent reaction from the crowd, and Stephanie once again put over her ruthlessness. What role will Show have in this feud? I don’t know, and we can only wait and see how this feud plays out.

Backstage, Dusty was taken to a hospital in an ambulance.

Brie Bella and Funkadactyles vs Layla, Alicia Fox and Aksana

AJ and Natalya were on commentary. Layla started things off with Naomi and took control of the match. Aksana came in and worked on Cameron, and it seemed like there was a technical difficulty with Natalya’s headset. Brie got the tag as she worked on Aksana. Brie got the victory for her team. AJ then held up the title in Natalya’s face.

Winner (s): Brie and Funkadactyles

Rating: ½*

Analysis: Natalya wasn’t in the match, so I wasn’t interested. They focused more on the commentary than the match itself, which made it all the more redundant. Brie picked up the victory for her team, but it looks as if WWE is going ahead with AJ – Natalya feud, which is the right way to go.

Damien Sandow vs Rob Van Dam (With Ricardo)

Sandow started things off by getting his offense in, but RVD came back with a big boot, but his rolling thunder was countered by Sandow. RVD came back with the thrust kick and delivered the five star frog splash to pick up the victory. WWE messed up by playing Sandow’s theme!

Winner: RVD

Rating: *

Analysis: That was a very short match, and this completely halts Sandow’s momentum. How are we supposed to take the next World champion seriously when he loses a 2 minute squash? I don’t know, but this doesn’t do him any favours. WWE messed up by playing Sandow’s music after the match.

Sandow got on the mic and said he was still Mr. Money in the Bank and will be the next World Heavyweight champion.

Backstage, Triple H confronted Scott Armstrong. He said he had to hold the title in abeyance because of the fast count this Sunday. He said he had to let him go, and said he would take care of him. Eventually, it’ll be proven that Triple H was behind the fast count, but WWE will take its time in getting there.

Randy Orton vs The Miz

Orton came out first, followed by The Miz in his hometown. Orton threw Miz into the steel steps before the match even began! Orton looked to be in a foul mood, as he took his frustrations out on The Miz as WWE went into commercial.

Back from the break and Miz continued the match with the injured shoulder. Orton landed some punches on Miz and tried to go for the DDT, but Miz countered it as threw Orton outside the ring. Orton threw Miz into the ring post and then over the announce table, as Miz’s mother looked on in horror. Orton was distracted by Miz’s parents, which enabled Miz to make a brief comeback. Orton stopped him in his tracks and landed some punches infront of Miz’s parents. Orton then delivered the double hook DDT from the barricade! Orton threw Miz inside the ring and brought a steel chair and placed it around Miz’s neck! Orton then came down with a huge knee drop on the head of The Miz! The paramedics tended to an injured Miz as Orton looked on.

Analysis: This puts over the aggressive side of Orton like Stephanie suggested. With Stephanie and Triple H losing faith in Orton, this had to happen, and since it was Miz’s hometown, this was the obvious way to go to get some heat for Orton. Orton is at his best as a ruthless heel, and that’s exactly what he was. I hope he’ll be the same going forward.

Back from the commercial, and Ryback came out with Heyman and Axel. Heyman was in a wheelchair. Heyman said he was the best in the world, and got some cheap heat by putting down Cleveland. Heyman said he pinned CM Punk, and said none of the fans could say the same. A loud “CM Punk” chant erupted, and Heyman said that the history books will show that the first time Heyman faced Punk, he defeated him. He called Punk a loser, and said Punk put him in the wheelchair. Heyman said there was no masterplan, and said he took a beating from CM Punk. He said he was able to avoid being in a vegetative state because of one man, Ryback. He said he owed his life to Ryback, and kissed him.

Ryback said he couldn’t stand bullies, and said Punk bullied Heyman. Loud ‘Goldberg’ chants from the Cleveland crowd. Ryback said he didn’t like Punk, and didn’t like anything about him. He said he was here to stop Punk. He assured Heyman that as long as Ryback was around, Punk wouldn’t put his hands on Heyman. He ended the segment with ‘Ryback Rules’.

Analysis: That was going well until Ryback took the mic. As I said so many times before, Ryback needs a mouthpiece, and who better to do that other than Paul Heyman? I honestly didn’t see it coming this past Sunday, and this can only be a good thing for Ryback. Heyman can arguably save Ryback’s career, and it looks like we’re set for a Ryback – Punk feud.

Triple threat tag team elimination match for the number one contender spot

Tons of Funk vs The Real Americans vs The Usos

Brodus started things off with Swagger, but Swagger tagged in one of The Usos. Brodus dominated the match until Cesaro blind tagged himself in. The other Uso came in and worked on Cesaro, but Cesaro came back with a huge upper cut. Sweet T came in dominated Cesaro. One of The Usos came in and Sweet T dropped him with a clothesline, but Cesaro came in and rolled Sweet T to eliminate Tons of Funk from the match!

Back from the break, and Cesaro did the ‘Big swing’ on one of The Usos which drew a huge “This is awesome” chant. Swagger came down with a splash and Cesaro came down with the double foot stomp! Cesaro locked in the rear chin lock as the WWE Universe started a “JBL” and “Randy Savage” chant. Swagger came in but was taken out with a huge clothesline. Huge Samoan drop by Jimmy Uso and this led to the double suicide dive by The Usos on The Real Americans! Back in the ring, Swagger locked him in the Patriot Act, but it was countered into a superkick. Swagger dropped Jimmy with a belly to belly from the top rope, but Jey came in with a huge splash on Swagger to pick up the victory!

Winner (s) and the new number one contenders for the WWE Tag Team championships: The Usos

Rating: ** ¾

Analysis: That was a fun match which really shifted into the third gear after Tons of Funk were eliminated. Cesaro was impressive as always, but it was evident that The Usos would be going over. Usos will now face The Shield for the Tag Team titles, and that will likely happen at the next PPV.

WWE plugged in their new venture to educate the kids. Great work by the WWE.

WWE aired yet another eerie vignette about The Wyatt Family. Shouldn’t they be on the show? Just a thought.

Bryan was shown backstage making his way to the ring. Oh look, Ryder got his 5 second air time cheering Bryan on!

Roman Reigns (With Ambrose and Rollins) vs Daniel Bryan

Bryan came out to a huge ovation from the Cleveland crowd! Orton made his way out as well as Bryan and Roman started things off. Bryan started the match off by working on Roman’s leg. Roman tried to make a comeback, but Bryan stopped him with stiff kicks. Bryan unloaded with elbows on Roman for a 1 count. Roman clubbed Bryan down to gain control of the match. Roman locked in a chin lock but Bryan came back and took out his knee. Bryan chipped down Roman’s leg and hyper extended his knee. Roman came back with a suplex which got a 2 count. Loud “Daniel Bryan” chant by the Cleveland crowd. Bryan came back with a huge missile drop kick and went for the suicide dive, but was caught by Roman! Wow, that was impressive!

Roman took control of the match and delivered some clubby blows. Roman tried to go for a superplex, but Bryan blocked it. Bryan went for the suicide dive, but Roman rolled out of the way and covered him for a 2 count. Bryan tried to go for a cross body, but Roman caught him and dropped him with a swinging sideslam for a near fall! Roman locked in the chinlock as the crowd cheered Bryan on, and Bryan came back with the flying clothesline. Bryan tried to build momentum but Roman dropped him with a Fireman’s carry suplex. Bryan countered Roman’s pin attempt and kicked his head off for a near fall! Bryan delivered a running dropkick in the corner, and locked him in the Yes lock, but Orton came in to cause the DQ. Bryan locked the Yes lock on Orton, but the other members of The Shield came in to attack Bryan.

Winner by DQ: Daniel Bryan

Rating: ***

Orton brought the steel chair into the ring and wrapped it around the neck of Bryan, but the entire locker room came out to attack The Shield as Orton retreated through the crowd! The locker room cleaned the ring and sent The Shield retreating, as Bryan dropped Rollins with the running knee to the head! Bryan celebrated with the rest of the locker room in the ring, and the show faded with Bryan being held up as the crowd started the “Yes” chant!

Analysis: That was a good main event match which got about 17 minutes. Bryan over came the odds once again before being over powered by the other members of the faction, but with the other superstars making the save, this will lead to something much bigger. Bryan is at the top of his game, and once again delivered the goods.

Over – all rating of the show: *** (Out of 5 stars)

It was an angle driven show. It had a couple of good matches, but it wasn’t nearly as good as it could’ve been. With the locker room finally showing their support, Bryan now has back up which will likely play out in the coming weeks. That was yet another entertaining episode of RAW, and with WWE championship being held up temporarily, it’ll be interesting to see what happens next. That does it for this week’s review. Do join us next week as we find out the repercussions of the actions of the locker room.