WWE RAW, 4th November - Five Talking Points of the Show

The Big Show

WWE began on its road to Survivor Series in great fashion with a solid RAW last Monday night. It announced the first match of the card which was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise to many. None would have expected a main event involving Big Show facing Randy Orton for WWE Title after what transpired in Hell in a Cell.

In the talking points this week, we will look at how Kane gave us a very unpleasant and rude surprise after he made his entry as a part of the authority, CM Punk‘s partner to help fight the Wyatt Family, Damien Sandow’s presence gaining a bit more relevance and lot more.

1. Corporate Kane – A much needed makeover?

Kane in a corporate suit

Before we get to Kane and his surprising move to don a suit and tie, let us get through the events that led to this. Kane returned and pledged allegiance to Stephanie McMahon last week on RAW. Big Show blackmailed the authority with his lawsuit to get his job back and get a WWE title shot at Survivor Series. Big Show then fought a 4 on 1 handicap match which he to an extent dominated and out came the Corporate Kane to distract Show.

Now the question needed to be asked is whether this huge makeover is a good one for Kane a.ka. Glenn Jacobs? We all have known Kane as the Big Red Monster and he has been so ever since. Yes, we have had the aggressive, unspoken, comical and friendly version of Kane but throughout all that the basic character of Kane remained same. But now we have seen a complete makeover with a suit and tie bringing up the argument of whether or not this decision is good for the future of the Big Red Monster. Irrespective of what the answer is one thing is pretty sure, WWE has stirred up things pretty well with this particular change.

2. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk join hands

Wyatt Family attacking CM Punk

It is clear that Daniel Bryan is out of the WWE title race. After a great match between Luke Harper and CM Punk, the Wyatts did what they do best. Punk was in deep trouble as the Harper and Rowan had put him down for good and the only thing remaining was Bray Wyatt’s Sister Abigail. But that didn’t happen as Bryan heard the ‘YES’ chants and came running with a chair to take out the Wyatts and announce his teaming with Punk.

Though a bit of a fall for Bryan from the title scene this feud can still build him as a great wrestler in the company. Unlike Cena, WWE can use Bryan’s popularity to turn him into a despised heel if the cards are played right. Expect this feud to be one of the most entertaining despite playing sidekick to the Authority storyline.

3. Big E Langston is the real deal

Big E Langston has been impressive

It annoys me as to why WWE are still keeping a wrestler like Big E without a feud. While I certainly wouldn’t want him to go straight away against the likes of Cena and Orton, WWE should strategically put him in a feud against Axel or a returning Henry for that matter.

Anyway putting that aside it has to be said that Big E has all that it takes to be a top wrestler in WWE. Not only is his physique impressive he is extremely versatile as a wrestler and for someone of his size he is pretty fast and athletic too. He made all this clear in his match against Orton which was a spectacle for the crowd. He managed to stand toe to toe with the champion who had to go through a tough time to get a victory over Big E.

It’s apparent that Big E is finally on the receiving end of a push that he so rightly deserves and let’s hope he is able to convert the opportunities and turn into a wrestler that the fans will want to see.

4. Goldust steps up big time

Goldust: back in the big time

Over the years Goldust has been part of storylines that have been extremely bizarre and awful to watch. But despite that he managed to gain a fan following of his own either for his gimmick or the weird stuff he did inside the ring. Despite his ability to wrestle well Dustin Rhodes has remained fairly underused and underexposed in his entire wrestling career and this feeling has become a lot more certain after his return to WWE recently.

In his match against The Real Americans and Damien Sandow, Goldust showed us that he’s still got it. The match was in all its fairness of the best on TV this year and the fact that Goldust got to finish the match made it much more special. Also The Real Americans getting a lot more response along with Damien Sandow made everyone happy with the way the match was booked.

5. Ziggler finally gets a win on Television

Dolph Ziggler: back to winning ways

Dolph Ziggler‘s time of punishment is over? Though too early to tell, it seems as though WWE has given Ziggler a go once again. Ziggler who faced Curtis Axel on RAW managed to beat the Intercontinental Champion (Yes folks he still is the IC champion) cleanly.

While this could set up a match between the two there is very less possibility as WWE somehow needs to sort out a traditional Survivor Series match where mid-carders like the two and the likes of Kofi Kingston could come in handy. Things are a bit too messed up at the moment and WWE needs to buckle up and make up to the short time that they have as far as building up the Survivor Series card is concerned.