WWE RAW 16th September, 2013: Best quotes

Triple H

“I would like to address the 800 pound gorilla in the room- the fast count from last night.”- Triple H.

“It was a fast count. I don’t know.”- Scott Armstrong.

“Daniel Bryan is a pretty good little actor. I rate him B+”- JBL.

“That’s the heartstopper”- JBL on Ziggler’s 10 elbows to the heart of Dean Ambrose.

“There are a lot of eccentrics here, if you’ve noticed. We have a guy with a crown.”- JBL when Cole labels Ambrose ‘eccentric’.

“These two are in perpetual motion.”- Lawler on Fandango and Summer Rae.

“Stephanie, whatever the proposal is you drag them long legs out her and get with it”- Dusty Rhodes.

“Big Show had to choose lesser of the two evils”- Cole.

“My name is Paul Heyman and I am the best in the world”- Paul Heyman, who else!

“I owe my life to Ryback”-Again, Heyman.

“I will continue to be here and torment CM Punk and all of you because of this big, beautiful man right here”- Heyman.

“The obligatory announcer’s chant”- Cole, when crowd started the JBL chants.

“Anything but Michael”- JBL, on what else the crowds can chant.

“I wouldn’t make it”- JBL, if Cesaro put him in a giant swing.

“Don’t you worry Abigail, I’ll take them all down.”- Bray Wyatt.

“For a B+ guy it’s progress”- JBL on Daniel Bryan’s second title reign which was a tad bit longer than the first.

“Daniel Bryan has become their leader.”- Cole.