WWE Payback 2016: Results and Highlights, Full Show 1 May, 2016 | Video Teaser

WWE Payback 2016: Results and Highlights, Full Show May 1, 2016
Will the first PPV of the new era live upto it’s expectations?

This year’s 2016 Payback comes to you live from the Allstate Arena, Chicago, IL. This is the first PPV after WrestleMania 32 and expectations are high heading into the PPV. Shane McMahon’s announcement that this is the first PPV of the new era has made fans more expectant and it is upto WWE to deliver the expectations. Here are the complete WWE Payback 2016 results and highlights.

Also read: WWE RAW 2 May, 2016 Preview: WWE Monday Night Raw Predicted Matches, Results & Winners

Along with a main event filled with heavy intrigue, this PPV would also determine the fate of WWE. Last week on Raw, Stephanie informed her brother Shane McMahon that Vince McMahon will announce who will control Monday night Raw on Payback. This announcement has created a huge hype for the PPV and fans all around the world are hoping that Vince would choose Shane over Stephanie.

Likewise, this year’s Payback has been injected with a lot of new blood. Apart from Apollo Crews, all the other Superstars who debuted recently are in a match. We can also expect Gallows and Anderson to interfere in the main event. The tag team tournament has gave new life to the tag team division and large portion of the fans expect Enzo and Cass to become the #1 contenders.

Apart from that, we also have the riveting rivalry of Zayn and Owens culminating in a match at the PPV. Will Zayn get payback on Owens? Similarly, Ambrose and Jericho’s feud has also reached a culmination of sorts as these two go head to head in the PPV.

Kalisto will defend his US Title against Ryback in a WrestleMania rematch of sorts and the new IC Champion Miz will defend his championship against “Swiss Superman” Cesaro. Many fans expect, Cesaro to topple The Miz and grab the championship. Likewise, Zigger will try to teach the upstart Baron Corbin a lesson in respect.

The Women's Champion Charlotte will also be in action this PPV as she defends her title against “The Queen of Harts” Natalya. The presence of Bret ”The Hitman” Hart to neutralize “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair ringside Shenanigans will play a huge factor in this match.

Above all these intrigue filled matches, the main event sits high on the list with more questions than answers. Whatever may transpire, we can surely expect Gallows and Anderson interfere with Styles vs Reigns match at one point or another. The biggest question is on whose side the duo will be. And, there is also the impending debut of Finn Balor coming into play.

With all these things set to happen, this PPV is looking promising on the card to be one that is filled with intrigue, action and suspense. But, let’s see how this transpires.

Here are the Video Teasers of today's May 1 WWE Payback 2016:

Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin (Dark Match)


Baron Looked to power through Dolph in the first match of the evening. The match was mostly one sided with Baron Corbin delivering a large amount of punishment to Ziggler. Dolph tried to rally late in the match with a Famouser, but it was not enough to beat The Lone Wolf.

Corbin again took control of the match in a quick fashion to deliver a brutal beatdown on Ziggler. Corbin toyed with Ziggler establishing his heel persona. The actions spills outside and Ziggler tries to take control but Corbin gets him with a big boot. Corbin then lifts Dolph up to his shoulders and sends him face burst into the ring post to render him unconscious.

Baron then concentrates on Doplh’s injured neck. Ziggler somehow pulls through and rolls Corbin up to pick up the win

Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall


  • Dolph Ziggler delivers a Famouser
  • Baron Corbin lifts Ziggler to his shoulders and lauches him faceburst to the ring post

United States Championship (Kalisto(c) vs Ryback)


The United States Championship has hit its low point recently. For the third straight time, the championship is defended in a dark match at the PPV. How a championship could fall so far low in just a matter of months is anyone’s guess? Neither Ryback nor Kalisto have been booked impressively heading into this match, so we can expect the results to go anyway.

Ryback dominates the early part of the match with his power. Kalisto tries to make a comeback. He reverses a powerbomb attempt to send Ryback crashing to the mat. Ryback tries to control the pace, but Kalisto proves too fast for him.

Ryback’s power eventually wins out and he delivers a mother of all Military Press slams from the second rope. Kalisto writhes in pain and Ryback signals the end and goes for a frog splash. Kalisto moves out of the way and delivers a Salida Del Sol to pick up a pinfall over Ryback once again.

Winner: Kalisto


  • Ryback delivers a Military Press Slam from the second rope
  • Ryback going for a Frog Splash only to find no one to land on

#1 Contender’s Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship (Enzo & Cass vs The Vaudevillains)

New Day made their way to the ring to cut a promo before the match and they remained at the ringside for the match. Next, Enzo and Cass made their way and cut another one of their great promos. The crowd looked hot for Enzo and Cass all the while and The Vaudevillains entered to a lukewarm reaction.

The highly anticipated match ended somewhat anti-climatic. The match started well and was progressing into one of the best tag team match but soon something unexpected happened. Gotch Irish Whipped Enzo into the ropes, but unexpectedly Enzo slid and caught his head in the second rope nastily. He then proceeded on to bangs his head on the apron and slid outside.

Enzo didn’t stir much after that and the match was immediately called off. The doctors checked on Enzo and took him to backstage on a stretcher. As of yet, WWE has not provided any update on how serious is his injury or what is the status of Enzo.

Result: No Contest



  • Enzo delivers lightning quick boxing jabs to Aiden English as Big Cass holds
  • Enzo’s head gets caught in the second rope and he bangs his head on the apron

Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens


The bitter rivalry between Zayn and Owens burst forth in this exciting match. The match had all the high points hit as it headed into Payback with a great rivalry already on the cards. And I can dare say that it didn’t disappoint its fans.

Both Owens and Zayn made their way early into the ring and went at each other in a frenzy born our of hatred. Zayn took control of the match early as his high flying and athletic abilities prevented Owens from mounting a good comeback.

But, soon Owens took back control by pulling the leg under from Zayn and sending him face burst on the apron. He then proceeded to punish Zayn and mock the crowd repetitively. He established his heel persona without a single doubt and punished Zayn’s injured hand.

Soon things went out of control as Zayn mounted a comeback. But Owens didn’t let him gain any momentum. Both Zayn and Owens stood at a stalemate and exchanged blows for some time, but none could put the other away. Owens at last picked up a pinfall with a Pop-up Power bomb.

Then Owens went on to attack Zayn again and he sent him outside before demanding that Byron Saxton come up to the ring. After cutting a promo on how he is better than Zayn, he expressed his desire to be cash in his Intercontinental Championship rematch clause before joining the commentary team at ringside for the IC title match next.

Winner: Kevin Owens vis pinfall


  • Owens mocks the crowd with a perfectly executed bow
  • Owens delivers a frog splash from the top rope.
  • Owens attacks Zayn after the match and cuts a scintillating promo

Intercontinental Championship (The Miz(C) w/h Maryse vs Cesaro)


With Owens on commentary, the stakes of the match became more higher as both Miz and Cesaro squared off for the IC gold. The challenger took control of the match early and maintained control for the most part of the match.

Miz bounced back when he whipped Cesaro’s injured shoulder into the top rope. Then the champion went onto punish the challenger by targeting his injured shoulder. But what happened outside was more interesting than the match.

Zayn attacked Owens who was on commentary. Soon the brawl became so engrossed that it caused Cesaro the win. The referee was trying to break up Owens and Zayn who were fighting on the apron and was unable to see Miz tapping out to a crossface.

An angry Cesaro attacks both of them, but Miz uses the time to recuperate and gain a victory over Cesaro.

Cesaro attacks The Miz after the match and delivers a Gotch neutralizer. Owens attacks him from behind and delivers a pop-out power bomb. Zayn joins the fray and they go at each other once again. The segment ends with Owens standing tall holding the IC Championship.

Winner: The Miz via pinfall



  • Cesaro lifts The Miz up and delivers an European Uppercut out of nowhere
  • Zayn attacks Owens at ringside
  • Cesaro attacks Owens and Zayn for causing him the match
  • Owens stands tall holding the championship after Maryse pulls Miz out of harm’s way

Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho


The match started of with a promo video recapping their rivalry as the two superstars made their way into the ring. Dean Ambrose had a tremendous pop as he entered the ring. Chris Jericho, on the other hand garnered the full heat of the crowd present.

The match started with a slow pace. Chris Jericho established his control soon and started pounding away on Ambrose. His heel persona was full on in display as he berated and ridiculed Ambrose while he punished him. To his credit, Dean Ambrose sold the punishment well.

Dean soon regained control with a rebound clothsline and delivered a sick running bull dog for two count. Soon the match spilled outside and much like Raw, Ambrose cleared the announce table and looked to put away Jericho. Jericho reversed it and aimed to deliver another Walls of Jericho on the announce table for the second week in row. Ambrose prevented it, so Jericho slingshot Ambrose into the timekeeper’s area.

Ambrose barely made it to the ring for the ten count and Jericho once again began to punish Ambrose. Jericho applied Walls of Jericho not once but twice on Ambrose. Each time, Ambrose made it to the ropes to break the hold.

Jericho tried to finish off Ambrose soon after that, but Ambrose prevailed and hit Dirty Deeds to get a pinfall victory over the veteran. Jericho threw a temper tantrum on the outside as Ambrose celebrated inside the ring.

Winner: Dean Ambrose via Pinfall



  • Jericho slingshots Ambrose into the timekeeper’s area from the top of an announce table
  • Jericho shouting “Stay Down! You Idiot! Idiot! Stupid! Stay Down!”
  • Ambrose crawls to the ropes in much like Austin fashion to escape from Walls of Jericho
  • ”How will you get into the head of someone who is already unstable?” – JBL

Women’s Championship (Charlotte (C) w/h Ric Flair vs Natalya w/h Bret Hart)


The Women’s title match was both entertaining and controversial in truth. Charlotte made her way to the ring first with Ric Flair in the splendid robe she was wearing at WrestleMania and I got to hand it to her, she looked splendid in it. Natalya then made her way with Bret Hart in tow to a tremendous ovation.

The match was pretty solid with both competitors giving their best. Charlotte taunted Natalya early only to be put in her place by the competitor. Natalya gained control of the match early and pounded away at the champion. Charlotte went outside to gain a breather, Natalya tried to follow her got startled when Charlotte kicked the ropes as she came in. That momentary distraction was enough for Charlotte to gain control of the match.

She concentrated on Natalya’s leg and began to wear down her opponent bit by bit. She delivered a perfect top rope consult and covered Natalya, but Mattie kicked out at two to everyone’s surprise. Soon the action again spilled outside. Charlotte tried to put away Natalya with a power bomb outside.Natalya countered it and sent Charlotte head burst into the mat.

Natalya made a quick comeback with signature moves, but Charlotte put breaks on them by locking her in figure 4 leg lock. Natalya reversed the pressure by turning to her back, Charlotte reached the ropes to break the hold. Charlotte then countered Natalya to apply Sharpshooter on her and the referee immediately called for the bell, re-enacting the infamous Montreal Screw.

Bret then dashed into the ring and took out Flair, Natalya took out Charlotte simultaneously. Both the Harts applied sharpshooter on their nemesis to end the show. Much like the IC title match, it was what happened at the end of the match that made headlines.

Winner: Charlotte via submission (re-enactment of Montreal Screw)


  • Natalya kicks out of a top rope consult
  • Charlotte catches Natalya with a perfectly time kick as Mattie tries for a Discus Clothesline
  • Natalya counters Charlotte’s attempt at a power bomb on the outside
  • Re-enactment of Montreal Screwjob
  • “You can’t take the away the heart from the Harts” – JBL

Vince McMahon announces who will run Monday night Raw


Vince McMahon made his way to the ring to a huge pop. The fact that it happened right after the re-enactment of Montreal Screwjob was not lost on fans as some of them shouted “You Screwed Bret” chants.

Vince McMahon called the crowd a crazy one and addressed the issue at hand. He then went on to say that WWE universe is in need of a new leader for a new era and wondered who will it be, before calling out Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie made her way to the ring and thanked her father and fans. She went on to list out all her accomplishments and berated Shane for being a quitter with no respect to Vince and WWE fans. She also talked about the difference between her and Shane. She then questioned how Shane could run things if he has lost to The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Shane made his way to a tremendous ovation from the fans and he made his case to the chairman. He went on to list out his accomplishments reported all over the media (by the way, a Sportskeeda article was in the list), and explained the difference between him and Stephanie once again.

He then implored his father to listen to the fans. Vince McMahon cut it short saying that he listens to no one and grudgingly acknowledged that Shane has done a good job of running Raw.

Vince McMahon then proceeded to announce that both Shane and Stephanie will be running Raw together and asked them to figure it out before walking away from the ring. Shane and Stephanie stood confused and stunned to hear the news.

Vince’s Verdict: Both Stephanie and Shane will run Raw together


  • “This is a crazy crowd” – Vince McMahon
  • “I don’t listen to any one” – Vince to Shane
  • “I want blood, I want to see you both slit each other’s throat, I want to see you both disembowel each other” – Vince to Shane and Stephanie

WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Roman Reigns (C) vs AJ Styles)


Well, there is only one thing to say about this match. “Wow!” After a long time, there was a main event that went beyond the expectations.

Heading into the match, WWE had booked the feud so brilliantly that we didn’t know any thing apart from that the match will be filled with intrigue and suspense. There was the impending debut of Finn Balor despite his injured shoulder. Similarly, rumours about a new stable forming was also heard. Though none of it happened, Reigns and Styles stole the show literally.

The match was vicious. It went back and forth until both men couldn’t stand properly. Early on, Styles’ agility and innovative offense gave him an edge as Roman struggled to escape Styles’ strikes and speed. Later, Roman’s power won out and the match turned in his favour.

But all hell broke loose when Styles delivered a Springboard Forearm to Reigns outside and drove both of them through the table for a count out victory. Shane interrupted and ordered the match to restart with No Countouts.

Soon, Reings got himself disqualified when AJ tried a top rope splash and he prevented it by delivering a shot to the midsection. The block connected not to the midsection but to his pectoral regions. AJ writhed in pain as Reigns looked on unhappy with the result.

Stephanie walked out and ordered the match to restart with No Disqualification stipulation. soon, Gallows and Anderson came out and laid out Reigns. The Usos made the save, but Reigns pushed Styles from top rope on to the horde.

After a series of back and forths, Reigns delivered a vicious spear to pick up the pinfall victory over Styles.

Winner: Roman Reigns via pinfall



  • Reigns delivers two power bombs in succession for a two count
  • Reigns kicks out of a 360 splash from top rope
  • Styles delivers a Springboard Forearm to Reigns outside driving both of them through an announce table
  • Shane and Stephanie McMahon announce stipulations
  • Reigns delivers a Superman punch out of no where as AJ springboards in for the Springboard Forearm