WWE NXT Takeover: War Games 2 Results, November 17th 2018, Latest NXT Takeover Winners & Video Highlights

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The show kicked off with the unexpected entrance of Matt Riddle, who called out Kassius Ohno. Kassius Ohno tells him he's too stupid to realize that he wasn't supposed to be there. He vowed to knock him out.

The match then began.

Kassius Ohno vs Matt Riddle

... and gets the 1-2-3 in five seconds!

Matt Riddle went for the running knee and connected it, knocking Ohno out and pinning him in 5 seconds!

Matt Riddle def. Kassius Ohno


Shayna Baszler (c) vs Kairi Sane - 2-out-of-3 falls for the NXT Women's Championship

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Kairi Sane, similar to Riddle tried to knock Baszler out. She wanted to get the first fall as soon as possible. She started with a series of elbows and chest slaps as the crowd echoes "Woo". She does the pirate march and then sends Baszler out.

The referee was checking on Baszler and Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke interfered and assaulted Sane. They sent her running into the ring post and sent her in the ring. Baszler took advantage and locked in the rear naked choke. Though Kairi tried to escape, she was forced to tap.


Shayna Baszler picked up the first fall via submission. She led 1-0

Shayna once more tried to go for the rear naked choke but Kairi rolls and reaches the ropes after much of a struggle. Baszler then goes for a Half Boston crab but then stomps her face.

It's counter after counter as Kairi tries to pin her to counter her RNC. Shayna throws her out but Kairi holds her head and SPIKES HER with a DDT on the ring apron. THAT LOOKED NASTY!

She then sends Jessamyn Duke leg first into the ring post. She sent Marina Shafir into the steel steps. She jumped on all 3 from the top turnbuckle and took them out. She sent Baszler into the ring and hit the InSane elbow. 1-2-3!

Kairi Sane pinned Shayna Baszler to make it 1-1

Kairi Sane then hit a hat-trick of spears followed by two spinning backfists, sending Baszler down. She climbed to the top turnbuckle but Baszler was back to her feet.

Duke and Shafir interfered once again and this time, Dakota Kai interjected. She got jumped by Shafir but Io Shirai came out and hit a huge moonsault on both of the horsewomen. Picture perfect in every sense of the word. Kairi then went for the InSane elbow but Shayna Baszler moved just enough to catch her by the neck and roll her up.

Shayna Baszler def. Kairi Sane 2-1 to retain the NXT Women's Championship


Johnny Gargano vs Aleister Black

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The two started with a stare off and Gargano talked trash before slapping Aleister Black's face. Black, enraged, kicked Gargano's face. The action goes outside the ring and Aleister Black continued with the kicks.

He tried to get in Gargano's head and Gargano smiled, acknowledging it. Black once again sent Gargano outside the ring and did his signature flip-and-sit meditative pose, but Gargano slid back in and kicked his head.

Aleister Black finally got momentum on his side and hit a picture-perfect moonsault onto Gargano. Black continued the striking onslaught using all 8 points of his legs. He went for another springboard moonsault and landed it this time.

Aleister Black then went for a moonsault on the outside but Gargano escaped and ran into the ring to deliver a suicide dive-into-DDT. Gargano is smooth! It became a series of counters and Gargano charged, only to get hit by a flying kick.

Aleister Black begins to punish Gargano with strikes to the face followed by a bridging suplex but it was only a nearfall. The crowd chanted "This is Awesome!". Gargano caught Black's leg and hit an incredible clothesline. Gargano spun around and landed the Gargano escape.

Black cleverly tried to pin him but Gargano escaped. Gargano then countered a kick into one of his own. Gargano then did the DiY tease to go for the superkick but Black stopped him and sat in the meditative pose, telling him to bring it. It's all mind games.

Black evaded the knees and almost landed the Black Mass but Gargano's impeccable timing saw him get the kick instead. After this, they tried going for a striking contest but it was obvious Black was superior in that regard. Gargano then pushed him outside the ring and after trying to jump on him, met a BRUTAL kick to the face.

Gargano seemed to ask Black to put him out of his misery. Black lifted his head up with his foot and went for the Black Mass but Gargano ducked down and got the Gargano escape!

Black nearly tapped but countered it into a roll-up. He stopped mid-way and then hit a jumping knee before landing the Black Mass.

But it wasn't enough for Black. He had Gargano resting on his chest. He went for one more Black Mass and that was all there was to it!

Aleister Black def. Johnny Gargano


Tommaso Ciampa (c) vs Velveteen Dream - NXT Championship

Dream had Ciampa pressed against the ropes and the referee broke them up. Dream taunted him and the action soon went to the ground. They switched back position and Dream once against taunted him.


Ciampa removed Dream's headband and used it to taunt him. Dream then went outside and took the NXT title, taunting him. Ciampa ran after him and Dream tried to lure him into the trap of a DDT but Ciampa slid away.

Dream continued the taunts and hit a standing dropkick. He then stunned Ciampa on the ropes while he jumped outside. He took Ciampa down and then imitated Hulk Hogan.

Ciampa rolled out of the ring, much to the crowd's disapproval. Dream instantly jumped on him from the top turnbuckles and landed it. Back in the ring, Ciampa put Dream to sleep, hitting a running knee-smash with the brace. Dream was out and Ciampa could have pinned him but he chose to taunt him and then continued the punishment.

Ciampa had slowed it down and the commentators acknowledged how technically gifted Ciampa was. The Champion had Velveteen nearly passed out but it wasn't enough as the crowd willed the challenger on. Dream then returned the favour to Ciampa, hitting a neckbreaker to level him.

Dream hit a series of leg drops, once again imitating Hulk Hogan. The crowd popped big for it but Ciampa kicked out.

Dream then jumped to the top turnbuckle but Ciampa is in the other corner. He deposited dream unceremoniously outside the ring. Dream then pulled his legs underneath and smashed his knee against the apron. He locks in a leg lock outside on the ring post, but it's illegal, so Ciampa didn't lose despite tapping.

Dream then got the Figure-4 leg lock, a tribute to Ric Flair. He seemed close to victory but Ciampa punched his face enough to escape. Ciampa tried to go for the draping DDT but Dream's legs slipped and Ciampa tried a suplex. Instead, Dream suplexed Ciampa AND himself to the outside!

Ciampa tried to use the referee's distraction to pin him with a handful of tights, but the referee caught him.

Dream then lifted him for the death valley driver and went for the second one. He tried to jump on him but got caught with a jumping knee. Ciampa went for the Project Ciampa and landed it but Dream shockingly kicked out. Ciampa brought the title inside the ring but the referee argued with him over it and Dream took advantage, hitting a DDT on Ciampa onto the title. Ciampa STILL kicked out!

Ciampa then sent Dream out and hit a brutal DDT but Dream kicked out again. The crowd erupted!

Ciampa then went outside and removed the padding on the ring. He looked to go for a draping DDT onto the concrete but Dream escaped and sent himself and Ciampa across the announcer's table!

Ciampa then hit Mauro Ranallo, shouting "I'm the champ!" at him. Dream hits a Death Valley Driver onto the concrete and landed the Purple Rainmaker but Ciampa STILL kicked out. Ciampa then baited him and hit a draping DDT in the middle of the two rings onto the steel part and it was all over. What a match. Even at loss, Velveteen Dream looked like an absolute star.

Tommaso Ciampa def. The Velveteen Dream to retain the NXT Championship


The Undisputed Era vs Ricochet, Pete Dunne & The War Raiders - War Games Match

Adam Cole and Ricochet began the proceedings. Adam Cole was then in control, trying to systematically tear Ricochet down. But The One And Only Ricochet managed to fight back. He then hit a beautiful springboard European uppercut across one ring to the other.

The clock ticked down and Kyle O' Reilly was next. There seemed to be a miscommunication between him and Roderick Strong but O' Reilly changed things up as he charged and instantly attacked the tired Ricochet. It became 2-on-1 but Ricochet momentarily fought back. Unfortunately for him, he got hit with a leg whip

Pete Dunne wanted to enter as their turn came but Hanson put him back and ran. That was major miscommunication for the team right off the bat.

Hanson then changed the game and he then ran corner to corner splashing on Cole and O' Reilly. Ricochet then hit a moonsault onto Cole and O' Reilly. Hanson lifted Cole up but O' Reilly kicked his legs from underneath.

Roderick Strong entered next and he cleared the ring of the opposition. He went on an absolute tear and the crowd loved it. Strong got caught by Hanson but Cole kicked him. Undisputed Era took complete control, individually attacking the members, focusing on Hanson and Ricochet.

Pete Dunne and Rowe then pushed each other to get in and they were clearly not on the same page. Rowe ran in and cleared house. Rowe even hit a double powerslam and double powerbomb on the Undisputed Era. He was clearly the more impressive of the two.

Bobby Fish was up next and instead of running to the ring, he put another lock on the cage that had Pete Dunne in it. After much of a struggle, Fish pulled Dunne's shoulders into the cage.

Bobby Fish then locked him in and threw the key away. He went to the ring and threw in a trash can and Steel chairs with the Undisputed Era logo on them. The plan seemed to work as they began brutalising the opposition.

Pete Dunne was finally let out after the referee took bolt cutters. He took a kendo stick and began assaulting the Undisputed Era. Like with other entries, he changed the complexion of the match. The War Raiders then took complete control, brutalising the Undisputed Era.

With all superstars in the ring The War Games had officially begun.

Adam Cole landed a backstabber in the spine of Ricochet. The momentum once again shifted and Pete Dunne found himself 4-on-1. He fought off ALL of them and got the better of them. Dunne sent them into the cage and even had Bobby Fish in a submission before O' Reilly made the save.

Pete Dunne took out a chain and tried to use it to lock Pete Dunne but he countered. O' Reilly once again makes the save and Dunne gets locked on a leg lock with a chain, while Strong had a chair pressed against his face.

Somehow, Pete Dunne didn't tap and Ricochet flung himself onto Cole and Fish. He broke the submission to save Dunne but got attacked by Strong.

Strong was then sent flying to the other ring by Hanson. Ricochet and Dunne had control of Strong and O' Reilly on the top turnbuckles and both hit hurricanranas from the top turnbuckle but it still wasn't enough!


Ricochet and Adam Cole were on the top of the cage (remember, if a superstar lands outside the cage, they lose). However, i turned out to be a bait as Roderick Strong attacked Ricochet and attempted to throw him out. Pete Dunne then evened the odds.

The chaos culminated in Hanson hitting a Seven-Man Suplex! Ricochet then splashed on everyone and both teams, exhausted, moved to the corners and they had a face-off between the two rings. They had a brawl and it only got more chaotic, with Cole taking out Ricochet and Pete Dunne. Pete Dunne then hit the The Bitter End and Ricochet hit a 450-splash.

Pete Dunne pinned Adam Cole to finish an outstanding match.

Pete Dunne, Ricochet & The War Raiders def. The Undisputed Era


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