WWE NXT Stand & Deliver Results: Unexpected title change; Official attacked twice; Brand new title unveiled

We got a big night on WWE NXT Stand & Deliver with some big matches and the announcement of a brand new title!
We got a big night on WWE NXT Stand & Deliver with some big matches and the announcement of a brand new title! (Screenshot via Sony Liv)

WWE NXT Stand & Deliver kicked off with opening skits from Meta Four where they were first in Tony D'Angelo's restaurant and then at Chase University. They then showed up in an ambulance to talk about the NXT Women's Title match before showing up at Dijak's lair, to talk about his match with Josh Briggs.

The kickoff show saw Joe Gacy beat Shawn Spears in a singles match after an interruption from Ridge Holland before we headed for the first match of the night where the Wolf Dogs would defend the NXT Tag Team Title.

Here are the full results of NXT Stand & Deliver:

  • Joe Gacy def. Shawn Spears (Kickoff Show match)
  • The Wolf Dogs def. Axiom & Nathan Frazer to retain the NXT Tag Team Title
  • Oba Femi def. Josh Briggs & Dijak to retain the NXT North American Championship
  • Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan def. Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame
  • Roxanne Perez def. Lyra Valkyria to become the new NXT Women's Champion
  • Ilja Dragunov def. Tony D'Angelo to retain the NXT Championship
  • Trick Williams def. Carmelo Hayes

WWE NXT Stand & Deliver Results (April 6, 2024): The Wolf Dogs (c) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer - NXT Tag Team Title match

Axiom and Frazer attacked the champs with dives during their entrance and once the bell was rung, Axiom and Bron were in the ring to kick the match off. Tags were made early on and Baron took a DDT from Frazer before Axiom came back and took a neckbreaker and a brainbuster for a near fall.

Bron came back with a massive clothesline and took Axiom out before isolating him in the corner. Bron went for the pin but broke it himself, deciding to prolong the match instead. Frazer came back with some big dives before he and Axiom took the champs down with huge dropkicks.

Breakker got the Frankensteiner on Axiom but Frazer broke up the pin. Axiom was sent into the corner before he got a Spanish Fly and Frazer came in with the 450 Splash for a near fall. Bron countered a top rope move before Corbin headed up top and hit a splash for a near fall on Frazer.

Bron tried for a spear but went into the steel steps before Corbin got the deep six on Axiom. Breakker headed back to the ring and hit Frazer with a spear before picking up the win.

Result: The Wolf Dogs def. Axiom & Nathan Frazer to retain the NXT Tag Team Title

Grade: B+

Meta Four was backstage and they sent Oro Mensah to interview Oba Femi before his title match. Femi opened the door to the lockers and knocked Mensah off his feet, ignoring Meta Four as he headed to the ring for the following match.

Oba Femi (c) vs. Josh Briggs vs. Dijak - North American Championship match at WWE NXT Stand & Deliver

Femi held both opponents back as the match started and took them both down before the challengers came back with double boots to the face. The champ was taking some big hits from Dijak and Briggs before the match went outside.

Dijak got caught off a dive and the champ tossed him at ringside after using him like a battering ram to knock Briggs out. Femi stole a chair from the Spanish announce desk but Dijak sat the champ down on it and headed up for a dive.

Briggs caught Dijak on the ropes and tossed him onto Femi who was still in the chair at ringside! Femi took a double chokeslam for a near fall before Briggs dropped him on the apron. Briggs and Dijak were on the top rope and Josh hit a big clothesline.

Femi was sent outside before Dijak delivered a beatdown on Briggs in the ring. Femi came back and we got a series of near falls before Dijak took three massive kicks from Dijak before taking Feast Your Eyes. Briggs broke up the pin and Dijak got the finisher once more before Briggs dragged the ref out of the ring.

Josh sent the champ through the barricades before Dijak hit Briggs too with Feast Your Eyes. Back in the ring, Briggs took another finisher but Femi broke it up this time. Femi powerbombed Dijak into Briggs before getting the win.

Result: Oba Femi def. Josh Briggs & Dijak to retain the North American Championship

Grade: A

Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan vs. Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame at WWE NXT Stand & Deliver

Early in the match, Hail hit dive from the apron and accidentally took out Riley Osborne instead of her opponents. Jordan was tagged in and got some big moves before she was isolated in the opponent's corner.

Kelani came back with a big stunner and tagged Thea in who faced off with Jacy in the ring. Thea got some big moves before taking a big boot from Jacy who made the tag to Izzi Dame. Thea went for the Kimura on Dame and picked up the win via submission.

Result: Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan def. Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame

Grade: B-

Ava announced the NXT Women's North American Championship and a new champ would be crowned in the near future.

A newly signed Japanese Superstar, Giulia was spotted in the crowd before we headed for the next match.

Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Roxanne Perez - Women's Title match at WWE NXT Stand & Deliver

Roxanne was sent outside early on before coming back with some shots to the previously injured arm of the champ. Perez got a Northern Lights suplex while keeping pressure on the injured arm and it looked like she wanted to rip it off altogether.

Perez went for a knee drop on the arm before she and Valkyria took each other out with running crossbodies. The champ came back with a big boot and a series suplex of her own but missed the third due to the bad arm.

The two traded slaps on the ropes before Perez took a big powerbomb. The match headed outside and Roxanne hit a big DDT on the Fallout 'Pip-Boy' logo on the floor before Paxley showed up and ran distraction, letting the champ get out of a tough spot.

Perez sent the champ into Paxley outside before smashing her arm against the ringpost before heading back to the ring. The champ was caught in a crossface before Perez missed the Pop Rox. Perez countered a finisher and hit the Pop Rox before locking in a crossface for the win!

Result: Roxanne Perez def. Lyra Valkyria to become the new NXT Women's Champion

Grade: A

Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Tony D'Angelo - NXT Championship match at WWE NXT Stand & Deliver

Tony got some big strikes right off the bat before the two fell outside the ring. Dragunov sent Tony into the barricades before dragging him inside for some German Suplexes. The champ got some big strikes in the corner before getting a near-fall off a DDT.

D'Angelo tried for a spinebuster but it was countered before Ilja taunted Stacks and the latter got on the apron. Stacks got down without causing trouble before Tony came back with some strikes and a suplex of his own. Tony got a massive lariat before the two headed back outside.

Tony tried to powerbomb the champ on the announce desk but Dragunov reversed it and set D'Angelo on the announce table before putting him through it with the H-Bomb! Back in the ring, the champ took a powerbomb before coming back with another top rope H-Bomb for the win.

Result: Ilja Dragunov def. Tony D'Angelo to retain the NXT Championship

Grade: A

Meta Four were out next to announce that the attendance record for NXT was now 16,545 before we headed for the final of the night.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams at WWE NXT Stand & Deliver

The two hit strikes on each other to start the match and the two went into the crowd early on. The ref was instructed to not count them out and the match continued as Melo taunted Trick's friends and family in the crowd. Williams came back with some more strikes before the match went back to the ring.

Melo was in control and went after Trick's ribs before the two took each other out with big dropkicks. They traded strikes before Williams got some leg lariats and a neckbreaker followed by a big boot for a near fall. Melo hit a big dive off the apron before Trick accidentally took out the ref in the corner.

Since the ref was down, Melo got a steel chair but Trick took it away and beat Melo with it before the ref came back and dragged the weapon away. Melo got a low blow while the ref was looking away and accidentally hit a knee strike on the official, taking him out a second time.

Melo got Nothin' But Net but failed to get the pin before getting the steel chair back but the new ref who showed up took it away as well. Trick used the distraction to hit a big knee strike and get the big win!

Results: Trick Williams def. Carmelo Hayes

Grade: A