WWE NXT Results, video highlights, and analysis - 16 January 2019

Keith Lee was ready to send a message tonight
Keith Lee was ready to send a message tonight

Several stars have officially left NXT for bigger and better things on the main roster this week. Nikki Cross made her in-ring debut for Monday Night Raw this week, and EC3, Lacey Evans, and Heavy Machinery were all shown in various segments across both Raw and SmackDown Live.

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Tonight, NXT looked to move their roster around a bit, and that included shifting the teams in the tag team division.

Also, Keith Lee challenged Kassius Ohno last week after the Knockout Artist attacked Riddle the week prior. Lee wanted to send Ohno a message and looked to get some revenge for Riddle in tonight's matchup.

Finally, both Johnny Gargano and Bianca Belair were in action tonight. With only one week left until NXT TakeOver: Phoenix, Belair looked to send another message to NXT Women's Champion Shayna Baszler.

As for Johnny Wrestling, last week he made a statement, knocking out NXT North American Champion Ricochet with a superkick. What else did he have in store for the One and Only tonight?

Street Profits vs The Metro Brothers

Chris and JC Metro looked to make a name for themselves in 2019, starting with a win over one of the most popular teams in NXT, the Street Profits.

Montez Ford began the match with Chris Metro. Metro shoved Ford, but Ford sent him straight to the mat. Back on his feet, Metro caught Ford with a stiff right hand. Ford got back in it with a beautiful standing dropkick, then tagged in Angelo Dawkins for some tandem offense.

Dawkins accidentally shoved Ford to the mat, allowing Chris to tag in JC. Both of the Metro brothers were knocked out cold by Dawkins' right hand. Dawkins tagged Ford back in for a frog splash and the 1-2-3.

Results: Street Profits defeated the Metro Brothers via pinfall.

After the match, the Forgotten Sons jumped the Street Profits. Dawkins and Ford seemed to have everything under control until the Sons' leader, Jaxson Ryker, came down to finish them off. As they laid out the Street Profits, the NXT Universe chanted "We Forgot You."

All three members of the Forgotten Sons stood in the middle of the ring as Montez Ford struggled to recover. Dawkins went inside to save his partner as they were leaving, forcing the Sons to put him away with their neckbreaker/top rope stomp combination.

Backstage, Matt Riddle was with Keith Lee and said that Lee will show Ohno why he's Limitless. Lee vs Ohno would be the main event.

Champion and Challenger met in the ring one week before NXT TakeOver: Phoenix
Champion and Challenger met in the ring one week before NXT TakeOver: Phoenix

Aleister Black cut a promo on Tommaso Ciampa, stating that at NXT TakeOver: Phoenix, he'd be leaving with the NXT Championship around his waist where it rightfully belonged.

Bianca Belair went out to the ring to cut a promo. Belair said it was her time, and after sending Nikki Cross packing last week, the Est. of NXT was ready to become the next NXT Women's Champion.

Belair said that regardless of the Horsewomen, Baszler won't end her undefeated streak. At this moment, Baszler, along with Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir made their way down to the ring.

Baszler claimed that she didn't understand the hype surrounding Belair, and said though she might be the fastest or strongest, she wasn't the smartest. At TakeOver: Phoenix, Baszler would tear her arms off.

Baszler then said Belair was like everyone else, and said that she was afraid of getting her arm broken or, even worse, her hype silenced. Baszler said that she would change her definition from Un-de-fea-ted to O-ver-rate-d.

Baszler was struck down by a slap from Belair and avoided Duke & Shafir, escaping before she could be overrun by the Horsewomen.

Dominic Dijakovic continued his dominant run tonight
Dominic Dijakovic continued his dominant run tonight

Dominic Dijakovic vs Adrian Jauode

Brazilian MMA fighter Adrian Jauode seemed to have everything it took to challenge the giant Dominik Dijakovic.

Jauode looked to take Dijakovic down with an ankle pick. The big man avoided it but was forced into the corner, where Jauode would pick him up for a double leg takedown. Dijakovic looked to get back to his feet, but the MMA fighter was able to keep him on the mat.

Eventually, Dijakovic was able to escape the grasp of Jauode and sent him to the mat with a standing side kick/back elbow combination.

A release suplex sent Jauode flying across the ring. Jauode got in a neat combination, but Dijakovic caught the final strike, sending him crashing with the Bloodline Clothesline.

Jauode baited Dijakovic in, catching him with a kneebar. While Dijakovic was hurt, he managed to fight through the pain, delivering a spinning big boot. Finally, Dijakovic took Jauode out with the Feast Your Eyes.

Results: Dominic Dijakovic defeated Adrian Jauode via pinfall.

A vignette was shown of the War Raiders, burning the symbol (and custom chairs) of the Undisputed Era in a sort of a Viking funeral. Hanson and Rowe said that at TakeOver: Phoenix, their Era will end.

First Buddy Murphy, now Johnny Gargano. A good week for Humberto Carrillo
First Buddy Murphy, now Johnny Gargano. A good week for Humberto Carrillo

Johnny Gargano vs Humberto Carrillo

Humberto Carrillo debuted on the most recent edition of 205 Live, facing Cruiserweight Champion in a great contest. Now, a match with Gargano could prove to mean big things for the nephew of Hector Garza.

Gargano and Carrillo traded holds and worked in some chain wrestling, but Gargano ended all of that with a punch to the jaw. Carrillo responded by avoiding the rest of Gargano's early offence, connecting with a spinning roundhouse kick.

Carrillo took the fight to Gargano outside, and a superkick on the apron seemed to stun Johnny Wrestling. However, as Carrillo went for a dive, Gargano caught him with the slingshot spear, taking over the match.

Gargano locked Carrillo in the octopus stretch, but he fought out, landing big boot on Gargano. A handspring back elbow from Carrillo sent Gargano outside again, where Carrillo dove outside.

He didn't let Gargano catch a breath, sending him back inside and landing a pinpoint missile dropkick from the top rope. Carillo followed up with a rolling moonsault, but Gargano kicked out.

Gargano stuck his feet up when Carrillo went for the moonsault, catching him under the jaw. A superkick left him knocked out on his feet. Gargano sent his opponent into the turnbuckle, lawn darting him face first into the middle pad. A slingshot DDT would put Carrillo away.

Results: Johnny Gargano defeated Humberto Carrillo via pinfall.

After the match, Gargano found the nearest camera and told Ricochet that if he wanted his respect, he should show up next week.

Tommaso Ciampa, holding goldie, cut a promo on Aleister Black. He said if he is a puppet master, then Black is the ultimate puppet.

Ciampa said he and Black are indeed going to wait until Phoenix to get their hands on each other, as that's what main event men do, something Black knows nothing about.

Ciampa finished by saying the former champion should be careful what he wished for.

It was a battle of the giants in the main event of NXT
It was a battle of the giants in the main event of NXT

A Velveteen Dream package played from 2018, highlighting all of the Vainglorious One's moments throughout the year. The Dream said that if the NXT Universe thought the first year of the Experience was special, wait for the second.

Velveteen Dream returns to NXT next week.

Kassius Ohno vs Keith Lee

Keith Lee not only looked to avenge his friend Matt Riddle tonight but also wanted to start 2019 off on the right track after losing his last match of 2018 to Lars Sullivan.

Lee chased Ohno around the ring at the beginning, then sent Ohno down with a shoulder tackle.

Lee took a chop from Ohno, then brought him to the mat with a cross body. Lee sent Ohno into the ropes, but the Knockout Artist held on and went outside. Lee went for a dive, but Ohno ran away, causing Lee to stop before launching himself over the ropes.

Lee chased Ohno around the ring, and when they met back inside, he caught Ohno's boot, taking him across the ring with a multitude of shots. A back body drop sent Ohno sky high before he crashed into the ring mat like a meteor.

Ohno crawled to the corner and took out Lee's knee when the Limitless One ran in. He followed up with a running boot into the corner and continued to kick Lee's face across the ring. Lee kicked out after a running senton from Ohno.

Ohno locked Lee down in the middle of the ring, but Lee got back to his feet. Ohno caught him clean across the face with a right hand, but Lee stood tall.

Lee held onto the rope, preventing Ohno from Irish whipping him. Ohno cracked him with a few more shots to the jaw, followed up by an elbow strike to the back of the head. Keith Lee kicked out.

Lee fought out of another submission, but Ohno took his knee out again. However, as Ohno went for a second running senton, Lee brought his knees up. Both men got back to their feet and Lee managed to get the upper hand on Ohno, literally, delivering a bevy of shots.

Lee tossed Ohno across the ring and brought him down with a springboard cross body. Ohno kicked out at two. Ohno begged for Lee to stop, but Lee refused. A clubbing forearm brought him down, and a Mongolian chop from Lee stunned Ohno. Lee sent him flying with the Pounce, shocking his opponent.

Ohno fought off Lee, sending him into the referee. As Lee checked on the official, Ohno went low with a shot to the groin, then finished up with the KO.

Results: Kassius Ohno defeated Keith Lee via pinfall.

Matt Riddle came down to the ring and chased Ohno away. Ohno backed up the ramp, gloating over his victory of Lee.