WWE NXT Results: Unexpected future gimmick match announced; Top champ takes down rival - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (January 3, 2023)

We got an action-packed episode of NXT to kick off the new year!
We got an action-packed episode of NXT to kick off the new year!

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams kicked off the first NXT of 2023, and Melo was headed for a match with Apollo Crews to start things off.

WWE NXT Results (January 3, 2023): Carmelo Hayes vs. Apollo Crews

Crews got a backbreaker and some suplexes early on before sending Melo outside and hitting a moonsault off the top. Back after a break on NXT, Melo went after Crews' legs and kicked them out from under him.

Melo got a half crab in, but Apollo broke it up and hit a lung blower. Crews got a big German Suplex and headed for the standing moonsault, but Hayes dodged it and took him down before hitting the top rope finisher for the win.

Result: Carmelo Hayes def. Apollo Crews

Axiom attacked Melo and Trick after the match, and we headed for a match between him and Williams after the break.

Grade: B

Axiom vs. Trick Williams on NXT

Williams got a submission move early on, but it was broken before Axiom got a lariat and some dropkicks.

Axiom got a driving crossbody and an armbar, but Trick managed to reach for the ropes. Axiom hit a series of kicks before getting the Golden Ratio Kick on Williams for the win.

Result: Axiom def. Trick Williams

Grade: C

Backstage on NXT, The New Day gave the Pretty Deadly some more challenges to complete to earn a tag title match. Joe Gacy and The Schizm came in and Kingston ended up booking a match against Gacy tonight.

Dijak vs. Stacks on NXT

Dijak had control of the match early on and got some strikes in before stomping on the chest of Stacks. Stacks was being tossed around the ring, but he came back with a counter and hit some uppercuts in the corner.

Dijak got a big boot for a near fall before being distracted by D'Angelo and almost being rolled up by Stacks. He took a Superkick before Dijak hit the Feast Your Eyes for the win.

Result: Dijak def. Stacks

Grade: B-

Toxic Attraction were out next, and they announced that they were looking to destroy Roxanne Perez. Indi Hartwell came out and said that she was sick of the duo, and Cora Jade came out to mock her from the crowd.

Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons also showed up from the crowd, and they taunted each other before they were joined by Wendy Choo and Thea Hail, and a brawl broke out.

Roxanne Perez showed up and told the women that next week there will be a 20-woman battle royal to pick her next opponent. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre were also there and brawled their way backstage before their match, which was up next.

Alba Fyre vs. Isla Dawn - Extreme Resolutions Match on NXT

Fyre and Dawn fought their way to the back and tossed each other into equipment and the big NXT sign, breaking the X. Fyre literally carried Dawn out in a wheelbarrow before heading to the ring and we got the bell to kick off the match.

Alba got the Gory Bomb early on but failed to get the pin. Dawn threw a chair at Fyre to take her down before hitting her with a wrench. Dawn blocked another Gory Bomb and sent Fyre into the steel steps outside.

Fyre put Dawn on a table outside the ring and hit a dive but failed to break the table. She then picked up Dawn and hit the Gory Bomb through the table, finally breaking it before picking up the win in the ring.

Result: Alba Fyre def. Isla Dawn

Grade: B+

Oro Mensah vs. Javier Bernal on NXT

Oro Mensah was on his way out when Bernal attacked him. They fought their way to the ring, and the match kicked off before Bernal took control with some big moves and got an early near fall.

Bernal got a big DDT for another near fall before Mensah got some big boots and a slam. Mensah hit a spinning heel kick in the corner before picking up the win.

Result: Oro Mensah def. Javier Bernal

Grade: C

Kiana James congratulated Fallon Henley on her win last week and said that she will uphold her end of the bargain and give her the deed to the bar.

Andre Chase vs. Drew Gulak on NXT

Gulak got an early takedown before getting a chicken wing submission in. Chase broke hold before Gulak got a big suplex for a near fall. Chase got the takedown next and hit the Chase U 'it' kicks before locking in a Figure-Four hold.

Gulak got up and slapped Chase in the face before getting a massive slam. Gulak got the Gu-lock in, and Chase tapped but Drew failed to let go just like next week. He finally let go after a few seconds and walked out.

Result: Drew Gulak def. Andre Chase

Grade: B-

Kofi Kingston vs. Joe Gacy on NXT

Kofi had the early advantage and was on the top rope when Ava Raine came up on the apron and dropped him. Gacy took control of the distraction and beat Kofi down in the ring.

Gacy got a near fall before Kofi got a leg sweep for a near fall of his own. Kofi hit a big dive to the outside to take out The Schizm before heading back in and picking up the win.

Result: Kofi Kingston def. Joe Gacy

Grade: B

The Pretty Deadly were sick of the New Day's challenges and decided to prove themselves with a gauntlet match.

Grayson Waller was out to host his talk show with Bron Breakker, calling it the last appearance of Breakker as NXT champion. Waller was trying to get Bron angry, but he just laughed off all the insults.

Bron talked about Waller's big moments in NXT but said that to him, those were only distractions. Bron ended up angering Waller instead, and he was about to make fun of Breakker's dad but got punched down.

Bron sent Waller outside and hit a big dive before posing in the ring with his title as NXT went off the air.

Episode rating: B

We got some big matches tonight on NXT, including an Extreme Resolutions match to kick off the new year. We also got the announcement of the 20-woman battle royale while Bron Breakker took down Grayson Waller in the final segment.