WWE NXT Results: Triple H appears! Star walks out; CM Punk brawls; huge title change

We got a big night on WWE NXT with a huge title change and some big surprises!
We got a big night on WWE NXT with a huge title change and some big surprises! [Images via WWE.com and NXT livestream on Sony Liv]

Shawn Michaels kicked off the WWE NXT premiere and welcomed the crowd before unveiling the new NXT Championship belts.

Triple H joined HBK in the ring and asked if the fans were ready before Giulia made her entrance, and we headed for the first match of the night.

WWE NXT Results (October 1, 2024):

  • Roxanne Perez def. Giulia to retain the NXT Women's Championship
  • Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz
  • Fatal Influence def. Lola Vice & Jaida Parker
  • Trick Williams def. Ethan Page to become the new NXT Champion

WWE NXT Results: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia - NXT Women's Championship match

Roxanne and Giulia traded rollups before the challenger got a big headbutt and dodged an early Pop Rox. Perez countered out of a submission and tried for the cross-face, but it was also reversed. Giulia got a massive double under-hook superplex before trying for the Rings of Saturn and then the STF.

The challenger dodged another Pop Rox before getting a knee strike for a near fall. Perez finally hit the Pop Rox, but Giulia slipped out of the ring before she could get the pin. The champ tried to drag Giulia into the ring but took a Northern Lights Bomb on the floor.

Perez went outside and got the new title, distracting the referee as he tried to take the belt away from the champ. A hooded figure took Giulia out with a big DDT on the floor before tossing her back into the ring. Perez hit a second Pop Rox before getting the win.

Result: Roxanne Perez def. Giulia to retain the NXT Women's Championship

After the bell, the mystery woman showed her face, and the former Women's Champ Cora Jade made her big return!

Grade: B+

CM Punk showed up at the show, and Lexis King asked for advice on being a better man. Punk asked King to decide who he wanted to be: the one who refused his true nature or the one who did anything to win.

WWE NXT Results: Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz

The streetfight kicked off, with Lee diving onto Wentz as he made his entrance. Lee was sent into a shopping cart, and then the steel steps before Wentz drove him into the steel steps with the cart. Wentz brought a flat wooden board out from under the ring before Lee hit a dive on it, taking him out.

Lee got some steel chairs into the ring and attacked Wentz with a Kendo stick before the latter returned with a superkick and hit him with chairs. Lee and Wentz fell off the apron and went through the wooden board at ringside. After a break, Lee was in the corner with a trashcan on top of him, and Wentz hit him with the Coast to Coast.

Wentz was pushed off the top rope and landed on the floor outside before Lee dragged him inside and placed him on a chair before hitting a double stomp into it. Wentz was about to hit Lee with a chair but hesitated before the latter got him with a low blow and placed him on a chair in the ring.

Lee used a chain and slid a Meteora through a chair from the top rope before winning.

Result: Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz

Grade: A

The Miz was out next for Miz TV and called Oba Femi and Tony D'Angelo out to the ring. Tony said that he would beat Oba and become the new NXT North American Champion before Femi said he didn't believe him.

The two got in each other's faces before Tony shouted 'You're just a man' and Oba yelled 'I am inevitable'.

WWE NXT Results: Fatal Influence vs. Lola Vice & Jaida Parker

Jacy and Jaida kicked off the match, and Jayne slapped Parker. Tags were made, and Henley was isolated in the ring for a beatdown by Parker and Vice before returning with a lawbreaker and making the tag.

Lola came in and almost kicked Jaida before the two started arguing, letting the heels take advantage. Jazmyn Nyx got a cheap shot on Parker from ringside before Henley sent Vice into Jaida, knocking her outside. Jaida walked out on the match before Henley and Jayne got the win on Vice.

Result: Fatal Influence def. Lola Vice & Jaida Parker

Fatal Influence called Kelani Jordan out after the match, and the Women's North American Champ said that brought some backup.

WWE Women's Tag Champs Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill. The champs attacked Fatal Influence and took them out before the show continued.

Grade: B

WWE NXT Results: Ethan Page (c) vs. Trick Williams - NXT Championship match

The match headed outside early, and Page sent Williams through the barricades with a big counter. Back after a break, Page got a near fall in the ring before Trick returned with a flapjack and got a boot to the face before he was tossed into the steel steps outside.

Page hit an Ego's Edge through the announce desk before Trick returned with a Trickshot knee strike in the ring. Page got big kicks and took an uppercut before Trick hit a Uranage for a near fall. The champ dodged the Trickshot, and Page had an argument with the ref, CM Punk, before hitting the GTS on Trick.

Williams dodged the Ego's Edge before getting the Trick shot and picking up the win!

Result: Trick Williams def. Ethan Page to become the new NXT Champion

Grade: A-

Page went after CM Punk after the match, but Punk took him out with the GTS before the show went off the air.