WWE NXT Results: Top title defended twice; MAJOR cash-in; huge upset in Dusty Cup

We got four big title matches tonight with Oba Femi getting his first title win just a week after winning the Breakout Tournament!
We got four big title matches tonight.

We got a great episode of NXT tonight with four title matches and the start of the Dusty Classic tag team tournament.

  • Blair Davenport def. Nikkita Lyons
  • Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker def. Gallus
  • Josh Briggs def. Oro Mensah
  • Tony D'Angelo & Stacks def. OTM to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship
  • Cora Jade def. Gigi Dolin
  • Axiom & Nathan Frazer def. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger
  • Dragon Lee def. Lexis King to retain the NXT North American Championship
  • Oba Femi def. Dragon Lee to become the new NXT North American Champion

WWE NXT Results (January 9, 2024): Blair Davenport vs. Nikkita Lyons

Lyons attacked Davenport during her entrance, and the two fought their way to the ring before the match started. Lyons had the early advantage but was sent into the corner before she fell outside, and Davenport hit her with a big dive off the apron.

Blair was sent back outside with a clothesline before Lyons missed a kick against the ring post and hit it herself after Davenport ducked. Back in the ring, Blair hit a chop block to the injured leg and got the knee strike finisher for the win.

Result: Blair Davenport def. Nikkita Lyons

Grade: C

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes were backstage, and Melo said that since there was no word on when Ilja Dragunov would be free to compete, they would join the Dusty Rhodes Classic as a tag team.

Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker vs. Gallus - Dusty Classic Round 1 match on WWE NXT

Breakker was in the ring early on, and Gallus tried to isolate him before Wolfgang took a big spear and Baron was tagged in. Mark Coffey came in and got a takedown on Corbin before Baron and Bron were sent outside.

After a break on NXT, Corbin got a Deep Six on Coffey as Breakker sent Wolfgang outside. Wolfgang interfered and dragged Mark outside before Corbin went after him, and as Wolfgang dodged a punch, Corbin hit the ring post by mistake.

Bron came back and hit a gutbuster on Wolfgang before getting a German Suplex in both opponents. Corbin tagged himself in, and Bron hit a spear on Wolfgang before Baron hit the End of Days on Mark for the win.

Result: Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker def. Gallus

Grade: B+

Fallon Henley was at a farm waiting for Tiffany Stratton, and the latter showed up eventually.

Henley explained all the things Stratton would need to do there, and the thought of cleaning horse poop made the former NXT Women's Champion quite uncomfortable.

Lyra Valkyria was out next and said there would be a 20-woman Battle Royal, and the Final Four in said match would fight in a Fatal Four-Way to determine her next challenger.

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez showed up to say that Vice still had the Breakout contract. Lyra fired back and said that if Vice wanted a title match, she could get one right then and there.

Vice and Lopez attacked the champ instead, and Tatum Paxley came out to make the save. Vice and Lopez were sent outside and retreated before NXT moved on.

Meta-Four were backstage, making fun of Briggs and Jensen, who parted ways last week. Josh Briggs showed up and told them off before setting up a match with Oro Mensah.

Dragon Lee was outside HBK's office, and Lexis King showed up with a challenge contract. Lee signed it without reading, accepting the challenge.

Josh Briggs vs. Oro Mensah on WWE NXT

Briggs was in control early on, but Lash Legend ran a distraction while Dar dragged him by the feet from the apron, letting Oro get some moves in.

Oro took a big chokeslam before Dar tried to interfere again and grabbed Briggs in the corner, but it didn't help Mensah as he was tossed into the corner anyway. Briggs hit a big running clothesline before picking up the win.

Result: Josh Briggs def. Oro Mensah

Grade: B-

Back at Henley's stable, Stratton was done washing horses before Fallon told her to wash the stalls as well.

Tony D'Angelo & Stacks vs. OTM - WWE NXT Tag Team Championship match

Stacks and Nima started the match, and Price was tagged in early on before being caught in the corner by Tony and Stacks. OTM isolated Stacks as the match went on, but he was able to make the tag before Tony came in and hit some big suplexes.

The champs hit their combined finisher on Price, but Nima broke up the pin. SCRYPTS tried to interfere, but Adrianna Rizzo dropped him from the top rope. Stracks took Nima out with a dive to the outside before D'Angelo hit his finisher on Price for the win.

Result: Tony D'Angelo & Stacks def. OTM to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship

Grade: B

Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail were trying something to get Chase U out of trouble, but they weren't sure what their plans were.

Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolin on WWE NXT

Dolin started strong and got a near fall off a cheap shot early on before Jade got a big stomp and a knee strike for a near fall of her own.

Jade missed a kick, allowing Dolin to hit an STO and a dropkick on the ropes. Jade dodged the following move and hit her DDT finisher for the win.

Result: Cora Jade def. Gigi Dolin

Grade: B-

OTM was walking out of the arena when the members ran into Jaida Parker, who decided to join the team to help them acquire 'rizz.'

Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger - Dusty Cup Round 1 match on WWE NXT

Frazer was isolated in the ring early on and took a beating before Axiom was tagged in. Axiom was dropped in the corner before coming back with some high-flying moves.

Axiom got some big dives to the outside before Frazer followed him out and did the same. Back in the ring, Hank hit Axiom with a clothesline for a near fall before the latter hit a knee strike and made the tag.

Frazer came in with a Phoenix Splash and picked up the win.

Result: Axiom & Nathan Frazer def. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Grade: B

Tiffany Stratton was struggling while Henley and her friends laughed at her. She was just about to leave but slipped on some horse poop before falling into a trough of water.

Dragon Lee (c) vs. Lexis King - WWE NXT North American Championship match

The two traded holds before King was sent outside, and Lee hit a big dive. Back in the ring, the two traded strikes before Lee got a big kick. King got a superkick and a Phantom Driver before locking in a Single-Leg Crab.

Lee broke the hold by getting to the ropes before getting a big superkick. The champ followed it up with Operation Dragon before getting the big win.

Result: Dragon Lee def. Lexis King to retain the NXT North American Championship

Grade: B+

Dragon Lee (c) vs. Oba Femi - WWE NXT North American Championship match

Oba Femi ran in after the match and announced that he would be cashing in the Breakout contract, leading to an impromptu match.

The champ immediately took some big hits but managed to return with a big counter. Femi got a huge powerbomb off a counter before picking up the big win.

Result: Oba Femi def. Dragon Lee to become the new NXT North American Champion

Grade: B