WWE NXT Results: Top champ pinned; spotlight on stars yet to debut; Cody Rhodes' presence felt

We got some big title matches tonight on WWE NXT while a top tag team got their return match! [Image credits: WWE.com]
We got some big title matches tonight on WWE NXT while a top tag team got their return match! [Image credits: WWE.com]

WWE NXT kicked off with The Rascalz making their in-ring debut against Gallus. Later in the night, Ethan Page defended his championship against an unlikely opponent. Roxanne Perez's next title match was decided before we got a big North American Title match in the main event.

WWE NXT Results (July 16, 2024):

  • The Rascalz def. Gallus
  • Je'Von Evans def. Brooks Jensen
  • Ethan Page def. Dante Chen to retain the NXT Championship
  • Tatum Paxley def. Izzi Dame
  • Lola Vice def. Jacy Jayne
  • The O.C. def. OTM
  • Oba Femi def. Duke Hudson to retain the NXT North American Championship

WWE NXT Results: The Rascalz vs. Gallus

Mark Coffey and Trey Miguel kicked off the match. Zachary Wentz was tagged in, and the TNA stars were in control early on with some double-team moves. Wolfgang tagged in, and Gallus caught Wentz in thier corner before wailing on him.

Wes Lee came in off the tag and hit a big senton and a hurricanrana before getting a near fall. Joe Hendry joined the commentary team before we got big dropkicks from The Rascalz.

Wolfgang broke up a pin before Miguel took him out with a dropkick. Trey got the diving DDT on Mark before Wentz and Lee got assisted shooting star press on the outside. Mark took the big combined finisher from The Rascalz before he was pinned.

Result: The Rascalz def. Gallus

Grade: B+

Backstage, Ethan Page picked Dante Chen as his first title challenger despite Oro Mensah asking for the match.

Roxanne Perez was out next and asked why she still wasn't being treated like a real champ. She compared herself to Charlotte Flair and said she was on track to beat her records.

She was not happy about the buzz Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer (who are yet to debut on WWE) were generating and promised to defeat them. Perez scoffed at the fact that Thea Hail was her next title challenger before the latter showed up.

Thea said no one owed Roxanne any respect and that she would beat Perez to become the youngest NXT Women's champion. Perez called her a little girl, and a brawl broke out before Thea caught the champ in a double wristlock.

Ridge Holland dragged Thea out of the ring and retreated before NXT moved on.

Lola Vice was backstage in an interview when Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx, and Fallon Henley showed up to make fun of her. Vice challenged them to a match before walking off.

WWE NXT Results: Brooks Jensen vs. Je'Von Evans

Jensen was dropkicked out of the ring early on and dragged Evans out before dropping him on the announce desk and hitting a dive from the apron.

Evans went for a dive but was grounded as Shawn Spears showed up at ringside. Brooks headed outside, and the distraction allowed Evans to hit a big dive on him. Back in the ring, Evans got the top rope diving cutter before getting the win.

Result: Je'Von Evans def. Brooks Jensen

Grade: B-

Charlie Dempsey was backstage and asked Tony D'Angelo to help Wren Sinclair, who witnessed the No Quarter Catch Crew stuffing Damon Kemp into a trunk, but The Don refused.

Trick Williams was in a video call with Ilja Dragunov and said he wanted his title back. Dragunov said that he couldn't help him. Trick hung up and approached Pete Dunne, but he also said he couldn't help.

WWE NXT Results: Ethan Page (c) vs. Dante Chen - NXT Championship match

The champ mocked Chen early on, but the challenger came back with some big strikes and dropped Page before getting a kick to the face for a near fall. Chen was sent outside before Page hit a diving elbow on him.

Back in the ring, Page got some strikes in and hit a big slam for a near fall of his own. Page got another near fall with an inside cradle before Chen took him down with a big forearm. Ethan dodged a big move and got a boot to the face before getting the Ego's Edge for the win.

Result: Ethan Page def. Dante Chen to retain the NXT Championship

Oro Mensah attacked Page after the match, but the champ used his title belt to defend himself and took Mensah down.

As Page was walking out, Mensah attacked him from behind before dragging him back to the ring for clotheslines and a big spinning kick in the corner. Mensah counted a pinfall on the champ in the ring to show he could beat him.

Grade: B

Gallus was backstage and said they were sick of hearing about Joe Hendry. Hendrey's entrance music started playing backstage, and Joe appeared before saying he was the answer to all of life's problems.

WWE NXT Results: Tatum Paxley vs. Izzi Dame

Dame got a big backbreaker for a near fall on Paxley before lifting her in a submission hold. Wendy Choo showed up at ringside, and Paxley blocked a kick and got a chop block before getting a big kick.

Paxley got a near fall off an elbow drop before Dame caught her with a leg lariat off a counter. Dame went for the Razor's Edge, but Paxley countered it and sent her into the ringpost. Paxley got the Psycho Trap for the win.

Result: Tatum Paxley def. Izzi Dame

Grade: B-

Ashante Adonis was hitting on Jakara Jackson backstage, but her teammates disapproved.

WWE NXT Results: Jacy Jayne vs. Lola Vice

As Jayne made her entrance, she put the 'dashing' Cody Rhodes mask that the WWE champ had given her on the ring post in her corner.

Jayne got the first takedown and mocked Vice before the latter came back with some big kicks. Jacy took her down once more and got a kick to the face before slamming her down to the mat.

Jayne went after the injured hand before Vice came back with more kicks and took Jayne down in the corner for a hip attack. Vice got a spinning back elbow before getting the quick win.

Results: Lola Vice def. Jacy Jayne

Fallon Henley attacked Vice after the match, and Nyx and Jayne joined in. Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic beat the heels out of the ring before NXT moved on.

Grade: B

WWE NXT Results: The O.C. vs. OTM

We got a free-for-all brawl to start the match, and off the bell, Michin and Parker were in the ring. Jade got the hip attack in the corner before getting a near fall off a big slam. Lucien Price took Gallows down with a uranage before hitting him with a lariat in the corner.

Nima came in and continued the onslaught before Luke came out of the corner with some big boots. Gallows took some double-team strikes before Anderson came in and took Nima out with a neckbreaker.

Gallows was tagged back in, and they hit the finisher on Nima before getting a near fall. Michin got a big dive on Parker to take her out before Nima took the Magic Killer in the ring and was pinned.

Result: The O.C. def. OTM

Grade: B

Wren Sinclair was backstage with the NQCC and wanted to join the group in return for her silence. Dempsey refused the offer, and Sinclair said she would join them one way or another.

Thorpe was DJing at a club when Lexis King showed up to torment him before they headed for a brawl and set up a match for next week.

WWE NXT Results: Oba Femi (c) vs. Duke Hudson - North American Championship match

Femi was in control early on and got some big moves before Hudson came back with a DDT. Oba was sent outside before we headed for a break. Back on NXT, Hudson took a sidewalk slam and a backbreaker before getting two near falls.

Hudson got a near fall off a counter before taking the champ out with a big boot. Hudson sent Femi back outside and hit a big dive before dragging him back into the ring for a German Suplex.

Femi blocked a superplex but took a Hurricanrana before the champ lifted Hudsome but failed to get the move. Hudson kicked out of a chokeslam before getting a top rope powerbomb for a near fall. The champ dropped Hudson on the announce desk before getting the powerbomb in the ring for the win.

Result: Oba Femi def. Duke Hudson to retain the NXT North American Championship

Grade: B+

In the parking lot, Jensen challenged Briggs to a No-DQ match.

He drove off as NXT went off the air.