WWE NXT Results: Top champ pinned; first-ever win for major faction; subtle Cody Rhodes tribute

We got a big night on WWE NXT with some great matches and big surprises! [Image credits: WWE.com, Screenshots from WWE RAW on Sony LIV]
We got a big night on WWE NXT with some great matches and big surprises! [Image credits: WWE.com, Screenshots from WWE NXT on Sony LIV]

WWE NXT kicked off with Trick Williams showing up to the arena and walking past Cedric Alexander, who asked him what he was doing. Trick said that he was getting his title back before heading to the ring and calling out Ethan Page. Williams said he wouldn't stop going after Page until he got the NXT Championship back.

Cedric entered and said he had some advice for Trick, but Williams was unwilling to listen. Ashante 'Thee' Adonis also showed up to the ring and said that Trick dropped the ball and was trying to pick it back up. Trick reminded Ashante about Hit Row, and the latter replied that Williams was letting his emotions get the best of him.

The three argued briefly before Williams said he was better than them, and Cedric challenged him to a match tonight. Williams accepted the match, and Ashante said he had made a mistake. Trick attacked Ashante and tossed him out of the ring before NXT continued.

We saw footage of Ethan Page confronting Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe before storming off.

WWE NXT Results (July 23, 2024):

  • Brooks Jensen def. Josh Briggs
  • Eddy Thorpe def. Lexis King
  • Oro Mensah def. Ashante “Thee” Adonis
  • Wren Sinclair def. Carlee Bright
  • Trick Williams def. Cedric Alexander
  • Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson def. Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca
  • The Rascalz def. Axiom, Nathan Frazer & Je'Von Evans

WWE NXT Results: Brooks Jensen vs. Josh Briggs - No DQ Match

Briggs was entering when Jensen attacked him, and a brawl broke out. Once the match was started, Jensen was sent into the ringpost before Briggs chokeslammed him on the announce desk. Back in the ring, Briggs brought the announce desk cover into the ring and put it up in the corner before Jensen sent him into it.

Outside, Jensen took a big suplex on the steel steps before the two took each other out with big boots. Kendo Sticks came out and wailed on each other for a bit before Shawn Spears showed up at ringside. Brooks got a steel chair and smacked Briggs a few times before hitting a DDT for the win.

Results: Brooks Jensen def. Josh Briggs

Grade: A

The Rascalz set up a tag match with Axiom and Nathan Frazer, and the latter team had to find a third partner.

WWE NXT Results: Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King

Lexis King started strong and got a big backbreaker on Eddy Thorpe before the latter came back with chops. Thorpe tried for a DDT but was blocked before King returned with a Superkick. King hit Thorpe with a big elbow and went for the Coronation. However, the latter countered it with an elevated flatline for the win.

Results: Eddy Thorpe def. Lexis King

After the match, the King attacked Thorpe and sent him into the steel steps before attacking him with the scepter.

Grade: C

Trick Williams was backstage on NXT and said he wouldn't rest until he got another title shot. Pete Dunne was furious for some reason and told Trick to figure it out.

WWE NXT Results: Ashante “Thee” Adonis vs. Oro Mensah

Mensah attacked Ashante before the bell, and once the match started, Oro came back with an exploder suplex. Ashante countered a springboard dive and took Oro down with a big lariat for a near fall. Ashante headed up top but was flirting with Jakara Jackson, the distraction allowing Oro to take him down. Mensah got the spinning kick and picked up the win.

Results: Oro Mensah def. Ashante “Thee” Adonis

Grade: B

Charlie Dempsey and Tony D'Angelo were talking about a ransom note backstage, and Wren Sinclair said it was from her. Tony told Dempsey to give her what she wanted, and Wren said that she had a match tonight and wanted the NQCC to support her.

WWE NXT Results: Carlee Bright vs. Wren Sinclair

Sinclair was in control early on and transitioned through some submission holds before Bright broke out and got a near fall. The two traded covers, and Bright got a big top rope dropkick before NQCC broke the pin by putting Sinclair's foot on the ropes.

Kendall Gray was at ringside and attacked Myles Borne, taking him out with a big slam. In the ring, Bright almost got the roll-up off the distraction, but Sinclair managed to kick out. With a little distraction from Charlie Dempsey, Wren got the folding press and picked up the win.

Results: Wren Sinclair def. Carlee Bright

Grade: B

The Hail was in a backstage interview and said that she had grown up a lot in the last year and that Ridge Holland wasn't perfect, but he helped her gain confidence in her abilities. She was focused on beating Roxanne Perez at the Great American Bash and bringing the NXT Women's Title to Chase U.

WWE NXT Results: Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander

Trick sent Cedric into the corner right off the bat, and the latter came back with a takedown and tried to get an arm wringer. Trick dropped Cedric but took a shoulder charge before hitting some chops in the corner. Williams was dropped on the apron twice before we headed for a break.

Back on NXT, Trick got a near fall off a big slam but missed the Trick Shot knee strike. Cedric got a kick and a vertical suplex before trying for a submission hold. Williams broke the hold, came back with the Trick Shot knee strike, and picked up the win.

Result: Trick Williams def. Cedric Alexander

After the match, Pete Dunne attacked Trick Williams and stomped him down in the ring before yelling at him.

Grade: B+

WWE NXT Results: Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

Lash Legend was in control early on, but Sol Ruca came back with the X-Factor and tagged in Petrovic, who got some strikes in and tagged Sol back in. Sol went for a diving move, but Lash took her out with a big kick before tagging Jackson in.

Jackson took some strikes and made the tag before Sol and Petrovic got some big double-team superkicks on both opponents. Karmen got a near fall off a DDT before Ruca took Jakara outside with a moonsault. Legend got a big strike and hit Petrovic with a slam before getting the win.

Result: Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson def. Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca

After the match, Legend got on the mic and challenged The Unholy Union to a tag team title match at the Great American Bash.

Grade: B

Joe Hendry got a big promo talking about his music career, and he will have an in-ring concert next week.

Gallus was in the parking lot and was about to challenge Hendry to a match before finding out about the concert and getting angry.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn accepted Meta Four's tag team title challenge.

Ethan Page dragged a referee to the ring and wanted to settle the score about Oro Mensah pinning him last week. Page was holding the title like Cody Rhodes, and it seemed he was copying the WWE Champ in a subtle tribute. The NXT champ said he wasn't bothered by Oro but his actions proved otherwise.

Page made the referee declare that the pin didn't count before Oro returned and rolled him up from behind. The ref got to counting, and Oro got the three-count before running off. Page was fuming as the crowd chanted "One, Two, Three" before NXT moved on.

WWE NXT Results: The Rascalz vs. Axiom, Nathan Frazer & Je'Von Evans

Axiom and Frazer were in control before the Rascalz hot-tagged in and out, isolating Frazer in the ring. Lee and Evans were in the ring before the latter got a big kick and mocked the Rascalz before the two traded strikes to the face.

After a break on NXT, Axiom had Wentz in a submission hold before tagging in Evans and Frazer for a Triple Superkick! Axiom returned with an ankle lock, but it was broken before Wentz took Frazer out with a knee to the face.

The Rascalsz came in with a triple-team move on Frazer for a near fall. Evans got the top-rope stunner before Frazer and Axiom tagged back in for the Spanish Fly - Phoenix Splash combo, but the Rascalz managed to save the match.

Axiom took a double-team move into a double stomp before Lee took Frazer and Evans out with a dive to the outside. Wentz got the pin on Axiom in the ring and picked up the big win.

Result: The Rascalz def. Axiom, Nathan Frazer & Je'Von Evans

Grade: B+

Ethan Page was backstage and said he wanted a match against Oro Mensah. Ava booked the match, and the contract signing would be next week. The match would happen the week after.