WWE NXT Results: Top champ absent; potentially serious injury; huge title change

We got some big surprises on the WWE NXT with a big return and a title change!
We got some big surprises on the WWE NXT with a big return and a title change! [Screenshots from WWE NXT live broadcast on Sony Liv]

We got another great episode of WWE NXT tonight, with some great matches. The NXT Women's North American Championship qualifiers kicked off tonight, and we also had a great title match main event.

  • Sol Ruca def. Izzi Dame
  • OTM def. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade
  • Lash Legend def. Ivy Nile
  • Je’Von Evans def. Oro Mensah
  • The O.C. def. Ridge Holland & Riley Osborne
  • Lola Vice def. Carlee Bright
  • Tony D'Angelo def. Charlie Dempsey to become the new NXT Heritage Cup Champion

We saw Noam Dar lying on the floor backstage before NXT kicked off. Medics were taking care of him while Meta-Four was yelling and panicking.

It was implied that Trick Williams could have attacked Dar, but as Noam thought no one was looking, the cameras caught his facial expressions changing, meaning that he could be making the whole thing up.

WWE NXT Results (May 14, 2024): Izzi Dame vs. Sol Ruca

Dame was in control early on and focused on Ruca's arm with an armbar before Sol returned with a hip toss and a botched X-Factor. Izzi was sent outside before Ruca got a kick from the apron, followed by a big moonsault to the floor.

Outside, Ruca was sent to the announce desk before getting a backbreaker in the ring for a near fall. Ruca tried for springboard moves but failed to get the pin before taking a big boot. Ruca caught Dame with the Sol Snatcher and picked up the win.

Result: Sol Ruca def. Izzi Dame

Grade: B

Ava was talking to the D'Angelo's backstage and wanted to fine them $20,000 for kidnapping Damon Kemp and Myles Borne. Rizzo took an envelope out and said it should cover the fine. Tony told Ava to make her office a little nicer before they walked out.

Enofe and Blade were backstage talking about luck while holding a rabbit's foot. Brinley Reece showed up and said that they didn't need luck; they had her on their side.

Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler were in an interview when Karmen Petrovic attacked them.

Edris Enofe & Malik Blade vs. OTM on WWE NXT

Enofe was immediately isolated by OTM, who got some early near falls from double-team moves. Enofe and Blade countered a super collider and sent OTM outside before hitting double dives on them.

Reece and Parker got into a fight outside, and Edris was in trouble in the ring before OTM pinned him for the win.

Result: OTM def. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

Grade: C

Dar was being examined by doctors and was not cleared for his match tonight. Oro Mensah said he would take Dar's place in the match, while Legend and Jackson argued whether Trick Williams attacked Noam.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer were backstage when The O.C. came in and asked why the tag champs were ducking them. Ridge Holland was there, too, and argued with The O.C. before setting up a tag match for later.

Ivy Nile vs. Lash Legend on WWE NXT

Legend was in control early on with shoulder tackles and took Nile into the corner for some strikes. Nile ducked out from under, sending her into the turnbuckles before getting a big bulldog.

Legend came back with the big boot before picking up the win.

Result: Lash Legend def. Ivy Nile

Grade: C

Je’Von Evans was backstage and denied having anything to do with the attack on Noam Dar earlier.

Newcomer Carlee Bright asked Ava for a match against Lola Vice, and the General Manager sanctioned it.

Je’Von Evans vs. Oro Mensah on NXT

Noam Dar was 'injured' earlier, and Oro Mensah took his place in the match against Evans. Mensah started strong but was hit with a dropkick before he was sent outside.

Back in the ring, Evans got a big springboard clothesline before taking Oro out with a cutter. Mensah headed outside to recoup, but Evans hit a big dive and dragged him back inside before Jackson caused a distraction. Lash was about to hand Oro a steel chair, but Trick Williams came out and stopped her.

Mensah was beating Evans down in the ring, but the latter reversed a powerbomb and got the kick to the head before hitting his spinning splash finisher in the corner for the win.

Result: Je’Von Evans def. Oro Mensah

Grade: B+

Wes Lee was out next and said that he was having a difficult time when he left NXT earlier. He had his sights set on the return, and now that he was back, he also wanted the North American Championship back.

Oba Femi came out and praised the former champ for taking the title to new heights but said that his time was over and he should sit back and watch the new champ. Ivar came out and said that he, too, wanted a shot at the champ.

Josh Briggs joined them and said he was also ready to face the champ. The four men argued briefly before Wes and Ivar agreed it should be a Fatal Four-Way match.

Oba refused and said the three challengers must fight each other to determine who would face the champ before walking out.

Ridge Holland was backstage when Chase U came in and said that they would be supporting him in the upcoming tag match. Andre said that Ridge should team up with Riley Osborne, and Holland agreed. Riley was a little hesitant but also agreed to it.

Jazmyn Nyx was trying to get some superstars to sign a Get Well Soon card for Jacy Jayne, and everyone except Lexis King left immediately. King did sign the card but wrote the name wrong.

The O.C. vs. Ridge Holland & Riley Osborne on WWE NXT

Anderson had control of the match early on against Riley, and the Good Brothers were still being billed as The O.C., although the team was technically disbanded after AJ Styles disowned them. Anderson got a big spinebuster before Gallows came in for some big moves.

Riley finally got the tag, and Holland sent Anderson outside before trying to get an Alabama Slam. Riley went for a springboard dropkick on Gallows, but the latter dodged, and Osborne hit Holland instead, letting Anderson pick up the win.

Result: The O.C. def. Ridge Holland & Riley Osborne

Grade: B

Lola Vice vs. Carlee Bright on WWE NXT

Vice started strong and got some big strikes before getting caught in a backslide for a near fall. Vice did her taunt, and Shayna told her to hurry things up before Bright tried to roll her up once more.

Lola got out of it and hit the spinning back fist for the win.

Result: Lola Vice def. Carlee Bright

Natalya and Karmen Petrovic rushed to the ring after the match, but Lola and Shayna managed to escape in time. Karmen challenged them to a tag match, and it looked like Lola and Shayna accepted.

Grade: B

Riley apologized to Ridge after the match, and the two shook hands before NXT moved on.

Charlie Dempsey (c) vs. Tony D'Angelo - Heritage Cup Match on WWE NXT

Tony D was out with his whole crew while Dempsey was out alone, thanks to his friends being kidnapped last week. Round One had the two fighting for control before Tony got a takedown and tried to keep the champ on the mat, but Dempsey found the ropes to break it up.

Tony got the pin in the first round with a roll-up before heading to Round Two. The grappling continued, and Dempsey locked in an armbar, but the round ended before he could get the submission. Round Three saw Dempsey tie the score with a German Suplex into a bridging pin.

Round Four kicked off with more grappling. The Don turned an armbar into a powerbomb before getting strikes and suplexes, followed by the spinebuster for a near fall.

Round Five saw Kemp and Borne show up in torn clothes and attacked Stacks and Luca at ringside. The Don got the Forget-about-it in the ring before picking up the win!

Result: Tony D'Angelo def. Charlie Dempsey to become the new NXT Heritage Cup Champion

Grade: A

The cameras cut to backstage, where Wes Lee, Josh Briggs, and Ivar were lying on the floor after a beatdown. It turns out Gallus was back and making its presence known by taking out the biggest guys they could find.