WWE NXT Results: The Rock's daughter promoted after revelation; massive return; former champ attacked

We got some big surprises on WWE NXT tonight with a top champ announcing a title match at Vengeance Day!
We got some big surprises on WWE NXT tonight with a top champ announcing a title match at Vengeance Day! [Images via WWE website and WWE Twitter]

WWE NXT kicked off with a Dusty Cup match between Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin and Nathan Frazer & Axiom.

  • Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin def. Nathan Frazer & Axiom
  • Lash Legend def. Wren Sinclair
  • Joe Gacy vs. Dijak ends in a No Contest.
  • Lexis King def. Trey Bearhill
  • Dragon Lee def. SCRYPTS
  • Blair Davenport def. Karmen Petrovic
  • Trick Williams def. Josh Briggs

WWE NXT Results (January 23, 2024): Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin vs. Nathan Frazer & Axiom - Dusty Cup match

Axiom and Frazer attacked their opponents before the match and hit double dives outside before all four of them headed to the ring, and the match started. Frazer and Axiom had Corbin in their corner, but they headed out, and Axiom was dropped on the announce desk.

Bron was tagged in and took control of the match before getting a cutter on Axiom. Frazer got a big crossbody and a superkick before joining Axiom for a big stereo dive. Corbin got the Deep Six on Frazer before Axiom took a Death Valley Driver and a Brainbuster.

Axiom returned with a Spanish Fly on Bron before Frazer hit Breakker with a Phoenix Splash. Corbin got the End of Days on Axiom before Frazer countered the same move. Breakker came in with a spear and ended the match.

Result: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin def. Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Grade: B

Ilja Dragunov was backstage, and Josh Briggs walked up to him to tell him he was looking for a possible title match. Trick Williams came in and said that the champ needed to preserve his health for the title match with him and not offer any other opportunities.

We learned The Rock's daughter Ava was the official NXT General Manager, and William Regal was backstage, returning on WWE TV.

Lash Legend vs. Wren Sinclair on WWE NXT

Legend had the early advantage and got some shoulder tackles before locking her in a hold. Wren broke out of the hold and tried for a sunset flip, but Lash dodged the move.

Jakara Jackson interfered, and the distraction almost caused Wren to get the pin, but Legend returned with a big slam and picked up the win.

Result: Lash Legend def. Wren Sinclair

Grade: C

Backstage, Elektra Lopez was looking for Lola Vice and knocked some tables over in the process.

Dijak was on his way to the ring when Joe Gacy attacked him. They brawled at ringside before Gacy got a chair shot but was sent through a wall.

Dijak returned and sent Gacy into the ring post before choking him into the announcement desk. Gacy still got up and tried for a chokehold, but officials came in and broke it up.

Von Wagner and Robert Stone were seen training with Stone's kids at Wagner's old football stadium.

Lexis King vs. Trey Bearhill on WWE NXT

King got some big chops early, but Bearhill shrugged them off and hit a big slam before missing the elbow drop. King hit him with stomps and kicks before Bearhill returned with chops to the chest.

Bearhill tried for a chokeslam, but Lexis King countered with a superkick. King followed up with chops and hit a kick to the head before taking him with the Coronation DDT and picking up the win.

Result: Lexis King def. Trey Bearhill

Grade: B-

Noam Dar and Oro Mensah were in the ring for Supernova Sessions, and they made of Von Wagner before calling his guest, Lola Vice. Noam said it was good that Lola was alone now and explained that Elektra Lopez was a leech.

Lopez walked out and said that Lola pretended to be sweet and innocent but was a wannabe MMA fighter before challenging her to a match next week. Lopez then speared Vice through the Supernova Sessions set before NXT moved on.

Tony D and the Family warned OTM for attacking them in the restaurant and said that things would be 'interesting.'

Chase U's classrooms were being emptied for repossession, and Hudson said it was only 'stuff,' but they took his trophy too, and he lost his mind. They were also taking Andre's podium away, and Chase was quite upset as he dismissed the class.

Dragon Lee vs. SCRYPTS on WWE NXT

Lee had the upper hand early on, but SCRYPTS turned it around with a big dive to the outside before heading back into the ring. Lee came back with strikes and a kick to the head before getting the takedown off a Tornado DDT.

SCRYPTS got caught with a knee strike before Tony D'Angelo and the Family came out and attacked OTM at ringside. Lee got a rollup off the distraction and won as the rest of OTM were chased backstage.

Result: Dragon Lee def. SCRYPTS

After the match, Oba Femi got on the mic and said he would give Dragon Lee a title rematch at Vengeance Day.

Grade: B-

Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley were backstage, and the champ said she needed to focus on Roxanne Perez for now.

Blair Davenport vs. Karmen Petrovic on WWE NXT

Davenport dominated early and hit a big backbreaker before locking in a submission hold. Petrovic returned with some kicks and a takedown before getting a switch kick to the face in the corner.

Petrovic got a near fall off another kick to the head before Davenport planted her with a big slam. Davenport got a big knockout punch and picked up the win.

Result: Blair Davenport def. Karmen Petrovic

Grade: C

Trick Williams vs. Josh Briggs on WWE NXT

Trick got some big moves early, but Briggs took him down and hit an elbow drop while Ilja watched from the announce desk. Williams got a big running dropkick and a slam before Briggs got a near fall off a chokeslam.

Trick was dropped near Ilja, and the champ tried to get in the ring before Melo showed up and stopped him. Trick hit a dive but was caught by Briggs, but the distraction allowed Trick to roll Briggs up for the win.

Result: Trick Williams def. Josh Briggs

After the match, Briggs hit Trick with a clothesline and walked out before Trick and Melo had an angry staredown as officials held back Ilja.

Grade: B

Backstage, Trick tried to say that Ilja would not have interfered, but Melo disagreed, saying that the champ would do anything to get the upper hand.

Ava was in the ring as the new NXT General Manager and officiated the match contract signing for the NXT Women's Championship match at Vengeance Day. Roxanne said she never lost the NXT Women's Title and deserved the title more than Lyra.

The champ fired back and said that she replaced Roxanne. Lyra said that she owned the division and would prove it to Roxanne. Perez noted that Lyra won't be able to handle it when she loses the title and the fans turn on her.

The champ said she was stronger before the two signed the match contract.

The champ and the challenger had a staredown in the ring before Tatum Paxley snuck up behind Roxanne Perez and put her through the table. Lyra was furious and shoved Paxley to the ground before yelling at her as NXT went off the air.