WWE NXT Results: The Bloodline strikes; CM Punk announcement; HUGE debuts

We got some big surprises tonight on WWE NXT with two TNA Stars showing up and an action packed main event! [Image credits: WWE.com, Screenshots from WWE NXT on Sony LIV]
We got some big surprises tonight on WWE NXT with two TNA stars showing up and an action packed main event! [Image credits: WWE.com, Screenshots from WWE NXT on Sony LIV]

We got a video package to hype the big matches tonight on WWE NXT before we headed for the tag team title match. Giulia was set to make her in-ring debut, while Jordynn Grace would hold an open challenge for the TNA Knockouts Championship later in the night.

We also got a big surprise debut from a top TNA star tonight on NXT.

WWE NXT Results (September 10, 2024):

  • Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. The Street Profits ended in a disqualification
  • Giulia def. Chelsea Green
  • Charley Dempsey def. Je'Von Evans to retain the Heritage Cup
  • Oba Femi def. Hammerstone
  • Ridge Holland def. Duke Hudson
  • Jordynne Grace vs. Sol Ruca for the TNA Knockouts Championship ends in a No Contest.
  • Trick Williams def. Pete Dunne

WWE NXT Results: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. The Street Profits - NXT Tag Team Championship match

Ford and Axiom kicked off the match, and tags were made before Dawkins was sent outside but managed to meet Nathan's dive with a big strike. Back in the ring, Frazer took a big elbow but managed to hit a big move before tagging Axiom in for a double-team move.

Frazer got a big 450 splash before getting a near fall. The champs got big double dropkicks before Axiom hit Dawkins with a Spanish Fly. Ford dropped Frazer on the ropes before the Profits hit the big double-team finisher.

The Bloodline broke up the pin before Tama Tonga, Jacob Fatu, and Tonga Loa beat both teams down in the ring.

Result: D.N.F

Grade: B+

Tony D'Angelo handed someone an envelope and asked them to take Oba Femi out for disrespecting Adriana Rizzo.

WWE NXT Results: Giulia vs. Chelsea Green

Giulia made her in-ring debut tonight, and Chelsea slapped her immediately. The newcomer got her with a headbutt before sending Green down with a big top-rope dropkick.

Green missed a suplex but got a knee to the face before Giulia caught her in the Spiderweb submission.

Giulia followed up with a knee to the face before she was dropped on the ropes. Green tried for a rope-assisted headlock before getting a German Suplex and a front-face slam for a near fall. The two traded strikes on the mat before Green took boots to the face and a neckbreaker from the apron to the floor.

Green sent Giulia to the announce desk twice before tossing her over the desk the third time. Giulia dodged the missile dropkick and got a knee to the face before getting the Northern Lights Bomb for the win.

Result: Giulia def. Chelsea Green on NXT

Grade: B

Lexis King was cutting a promo from a barbershop when Oro Mensah attacked him.

WWE NXT Results: Charley Dempsey (c) vs. Je'Von Evans - Heritage Cup match

Evans came out wearing a backpack, and Cedric Alexander would be in his corner for the match. Round 1 saw Dempsey in control with some chain wrestling into a sequence of submission holds. Evans managed to kick out of a few pin attempts before we headed to the next round.

Evans started Round 2 with a rollover pin attempt before Dempsey got a big suplex for the first pin. Most of Round 3 happened during the commercials, but when we came back, Evans got a clothesline and hit a spinning slam for his first pin, tying the score to 1-1.

Round 4 saw Evans take a neckbreaker before the champ focused on the neck and shoulders of the challenger. Dempsey locked in the body scissors, but Evans turned it into a vertical suplex before the champ hit a Double Underhook suplex. Round 5 kicked off with a Superman punch from the Young OG before Dempsey took a top rope crossbody.

Miles Borne put the champ's feet on the ropes only to get caught by the ref as Cedric hit him with a big dive. Dempsey was sent outside and took a big dive before Tavion Heights came in and took Evans out while Wren distracted the ref. Back in the ring, Dempsey used the distraction to get the pin and picked up the win.

Result: Charley Dempsey def. Je'Von Evans to retain the Heritage Cup on NXT

Grade: B+

We got a cinematic promo warning Lyra Valkyria and Tatun Paxley that Rosemary and Wendy Choo would be seeking revenge.

Ethan Page was backstage and said he would pick off whoever wins the Last Man Standing match.

WWE NXT Results: Oba Femi vs. Hammerstone

Oba Femi was out next, and Hammerstone from TNA came out to face him in a surprise NXT debut! Oba was sent outside before returning with some big stomps to the face.

The two tried to chokeslam each other, but Oba was sent into the corner.

Hammerstone got some big tossed and hit the chokeslam before getting a near fall.

Oba reversed a vertical suplex and tossed Hammerstone across the ring before getting a powerbomb for the win.

Result: Oba Femi def. Hammerstone on NXT

Tony D'Angelo was watching backstage and walked off as soon as he saw the result of the match.

Grade: C

WWE NXT Results: Ridge Holland vs. Duke Hudson

Holland had the early advantage but took a big boot before the match headed outside. Ridge was sent into the announce desk, then the steel steps as the match continued.

Duke hit a German Suplex in the ring and headed outside before Ridge followed him and pushed him into Riley Osborne, wiping him out. Back in the ring, Ridge got a clothesline and hit the Impaler DDT for the win.

Result: Ridge Holland def. Duke Hudson on NXT

After the match, Ridge attacked Hudson and stomped on him before tossing him outside and putting him through the barricades.

He then dropped Ridge on the broken section of the barricade with a big DDT. Medics came out and carried Hudson away before NXT moved on.

Grade: B

Pete Dunne was backstage and showed us a bruised eye, letting us know he would do whatever it took to win the match against Trick Williams.

Wes Lee showed up and took the commentary mic from Vic Joseph to challenge Zach Wentz to a street fight match on the CW Premiere episode of NXT.

WWE NXT Results: Jordynn Grace (c) vs Sol Ruca - TNA Knockouts Championship match

Sol Ruca answered the open challenge, and the match started with the NXT superstar in control. Grace came back with a big takedown before hitting a spinebuster. Ruca sent the champ outside before getting a big moonsault.

Grace was sent back inside, where Sol got another drive for a near fall. Back after a break, Ruca got a big DDT for a near fall before Grace got a big elbow and a Vader Bomb for a near fall.

The lights went out mid-match, and when they came back on, Rosemary was in the ring, facing the TNA Champ. Wendy Choo attacked Grace from behind and wiped her out as the match was called off.

Result: D.N.F

Grade: B

Ava welcomed Giulia backstage, who was there with Funaki when Roxanne Perez came in to make fun of them.

The Rock's daughter told them to 'save it for Chicago' before NXT moved on.

WWE NXT Results: Pete Dunne vs. Trick Williams - Last Man Standing Match

Trick was sent outside before Dunne missed a dive but sent Williams into the steel steps. They traded chops at ringside before things headed back inside. Trick got a flapjack and a uranage before getting a steel chair. Dunne stomped on his hands on the chair before Trick got a neckbreaker on it.

Outside the ring, Dunne ripped the mat off the floor and hit a big DDT on the concrete. Back inside, Dunne took a kick through the steel chair before Williams hit the Trick Shot knee. Dunne beat the count before Trick cleared the announce desk, but Pete powerbombed him through the top cover.

The two jumped the barricades and headed to a high balcony before Dunne put both of them through a table below!

Ethan Page was out to take out the winner, but Trick put him through the announce desk before he won!

Result: Trick Williams def. Pete Dunne on NXT

Grade: B+

Backstage in Ava's office, she let us know that CM Punk would show up next week to make a big announcement! Trick celebrated his win in the ring as the show went off the air.