WWE NXT Results: RAW star sets up rare match at Battleground; Trick Williams blindsided; Ava makes huge tease

We got a big night on WWE NXT with some great matches and a big announcement!
We got a big night on WWE NXT with some great matches and a big announcement!

We had a great episode of WWE NXT before Battleground in Las Vegas. Tonight, we had some great matches, including a big tag title match, as we headed for NXT Battleground this Sunday.

  • Fallon Henley def. Thea Hail
  • Axiom & Nathan Frazer def. The D'Angelo Family to retain the WWE NXT Tag Team Championship
  • Wes Lee & Joe Coffey def. Josh Briggs
  • Jaida Parker def. Brinley Reece
  • Dante Chen def. Lexis King
  • Karmen Petrovic & Natalya def. Lola Vice & Shayna Baszler

WWE NXT Results (May 21, 2024): Thea Hail vs. Fallon Henley

Thea Hail got an early takedown and hit a standing moonsault for a near fall before Fallon Henley came back with a big slam and a submission hold.

Henley headed outside and brought a steel chair out, but Ridge Holland took it away before she could use it.

The referee saw Ridge holding the chair, sending all Chase U members away from ringside. After a break on NXT, Henley and Hail took each other out with double headbutts. Hail hit a rolling DDT before getting a near fall off a senton.

Henley tried for a vertical suplex, but Hail turned it into a submission hold before they both fell outside. Back in the ring, Henley hit the Shining Wizard/running knee before getting the win.

Result: Fallon Henley def. Thea Hail

After the match, Jazmyn Nyx attacked Hail, wiping her out.

Grade: B

Axiom and Nathan Frazer were talking to the D'Angelo Family backstage and offered Stacks and Luca Crusifino a tag title match tonight.

Gallus was backstage and said that NXT was getting too comfortable with them not being on the roster. They added that now that they are back, things will change.

Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. The D'Angelo Family - WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match

The champs were in control early on, and Frazer hit a massive inverted DDT on Luca. Axiom tagged in and sent Stacks into Luca, who hit a DDT on his own tag partner. Frazer came back and hit a big vertical suplex for another near fall.

Stacks and Luca came back with a double powerbomb on Frazer, but Axiom broke up the pin. Stacks got a superplex on Frazer before Dempsey, Borne, and Kemp attacked Tony at ringside and beat him up, and Axiom rolled Stacks up in the ring for the win.

Result: Axiom & Nathan Frazer def. The D'Angelo Family to retain the WWE NXT Tag Team Championship

Stacks and Luca immediately ran out to save Tony, and the two teams fought their way backstage. The champs celebrated in the ring when The O.C. attacked them and hit Frazer with the Magic Killer.

Grade: B+

Chase U was backstage, and Riley Osborne said that Ridge Holland was a liability for the group. Ridge fired back, saying Riley cost them the match last week before Andre Chase stepped in and told them to settle it in the ring next Tuesday.

Josh Briggs vs. Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey on WWE NXT

Coffey was taking a beating early on as Briggs and Lee worked together for a minute. Briggs turned on Lee, and the latter teamed up with Coffey instead. Briggs sent Lee into Coffey before taking Coffey out with a big boot at ringside.

After a break on NXT, Lee got a big sequence of moves leading up to a Tower of Doom-style DDT on both opponents. Briggs got one more big boot on Joe before getting a huge chokeslam.

Lee took the chokeslam and landed on top of Joe before Briggs got a double near fall. Lee and Coffey were outside the ring when the rest of Gallus attacked Briggs and beat him up at ringside.

Lee and Coffey landed on top of Briggs for the cover, and the match ended in a double pin and win.

Result: Wes Lee & Joe Coffey def. Josh Briggs

Grade: B

Onstage, Oba Femi asked Ava about her decision regarding the Battleground title match.

Ava told him it would be a Triple-Threat match against Wes Lee and Joe Coffey.

Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece on WWE NXT

Early on, Reece was caught in a submission hold, and we saw Blade and Enofe argue about whether they should go to ringside to help. Reece broke out of the hold and got a takedown and a slam before hitting a cartwheel clothesline for a near fall.

Reece lifted Parker on her back, but as soon as Blade and Enofe showed up, Parker turned things around and hit the running knee for the win.

Result: Jaida Parker def. Brinley Reece

Grade: B

We then got the alarm clock vignette with someone waking up. It seems to hint Wendy Choo will return soon.

We had a pre-taped promo from Roxanne Perez. The cameras cut to Ava, saying she spoke to Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce regarding Perez's next opponent. The name will be revealed next week.

Lexis King vs. Dante Chen on WWE NXT

Robert Stone was out to support Chen, and King was in control early on before Chen returned with an inverted atomic drop. King took a uranage before taking Chen down with a kick and walking over to Stone to mock him.

Stone got on the apron, and the distraction allowed Dante to counter the Coronation and roll him up for the win.

Result: Dante Chen def. Lexis King

Grade: C

Trick Williams was out next and said he had nothing to do with Noam Dar getting attacked last week. He said that if Trick were to attack Dar, he wouldn't have done it from behind.

Meta-Four came out without Dar and Jackson, and Mensah said it had to be either Trick or Je'Von Evans. Joe Coffey came out and threatened the champ before the rest of Gallus attacked Williams from behind.

Je'Von came out to defend Trick, but Gallus took them both out and hit Williams with their finisher, taking him out.

Lola Vice & Shayna Baszler vs. Karmen Petrovic & Natalya

Baszler and Natalya were in the ring early on, and the latter was sent into the corner when Lola got a cheap shot of her. Natalya got the tag, and Petrovic came in with some kicks to Baszler before she and Nattie hit double clotheslines on Lola and Shayna.

Shayna turned it around and caught Karmen in a submission hold before tagging Lola. Natalya was tagged in and locked in the sharpshooter, but Baszler broke it up.

Karmen sent Baszler outside and came in off the tag to assist Natalya with The Hart Attack on Lola for the win.

Result: Karmen Petrovic & Natalya def. Lola Vice & Shayna Baszler

After the match, Shayna helped Lola up to her feet, but Vice knocked her out with a kick and walked out. Baszler got back up and dragged her back to the ring with the Kirifuda Clutch before officials came in to stop the fight.

Ava came out and set up a big match at Battleground. The RAW star got the mic and said she wanted an NXT Underground match before the show went off.

Grade: A