WWE NXT Results: RAW star returns after 7 years with faction; mystery attacker seemingly revealed

We got a hard-hitting episode of WWE NXT with a big title match and a huge return!
We got a hard-hitting episode of WWE NXT with a big title match and a huge return!

WWE NXT after Halloween Havoc kicked off with the match between Akira Tozawa and Noam Dar for the Heritage Cup. We got two big Iron Survivor qualifier matches tonight on NXT, while Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams had a face-off.

  • Noam Dar def. Akira Tozawa to retain the Heritage Cup
  • Tiffany Stratton def. Fallon Henley
  • Bron Breakker def. Von Wagner
  • Roxanne Perez & Kelani Jordan def. Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez
  • Otis def. Drew Gulak
  • Dijak def. Tyler Bate

WWE NXT Results (November 7, 2023): Noam Dar vs. Akira Tozawa - Heritage Cup Match

Alpha Academy was there ringside to assist Tozawa, and Chad Gable was back on NXT after seven long years! Dar had the early advantage, but Tozawa got a big takedown before hitting a kick off the apron.

Tozawa headed outside and toward the cup for some reason before Dar chased after him and brought him back to the ring for a superplex as Round 1 came to a close.

Round 2 saw Dar getting a sudden pin off a roll-up and a cheap shot right after as we headed for Round 3 during the break. When we returned from commercials, Round 3 was almost over, and we headed for the fourth.

Dar got a near fall early in Round 4 before he was sent outside and took a big dive. Tozawa got the Ankle Lock, and Dar tapped out, making the score 1-1. The commentators reminded us that Tozawa has won 17 titles in the WWE, referring to the 16 24/7 Title reigns and the one Cruiserweight Title.

Round 5 had the challenger hit some big German Suplexes and the sping kick before Mensah and Lash interfered, dragging Dar out of the ring. Dar came in with his finisher off the distraction and picked up the win.

Result: Noam Dar def. Akira Tozawa to retain the Heritage Cup

Mensah was mouthing off to Alpha Academy after the match before Gable and Otis took him out.

Grade: B

Lyra Valkyria was out next to celebrate her NXT Women's Title win but was interrupted by Xia Li, who came out of the crowd. Xia Li asked if Lyra saw the attack on Becky on RAW last night before threatening to take her NXT Women's Championship.

She attacked a security guard before staring down the champ in the ring as NXT moved on.

Alpha Academy was backstage when Drew Gulak and his crew showed up to make fun of Gable and the Academy. Otis challenged Drew to a match before NXT continued.

A ref was seen coming out of Shawn Michaels' office, and he let us know that HBK had instructed him that the match between Von Wagner and Bron Breakker would have to be called with extreme discretion.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley - Iron Survivor Qualifier match on NXT

Stratton was in trouble early on with Henley locking in a single-leg crab, but Tiffany got to the ropes to break it up. Henley got a top-rope move for a near fall before we headed for another break.

On NXT, Stratton was in control and used the ring post to attack Henley's knee. Tiffany got a near fall off a powerbomb before working on the injured knee. Stratton followed up with the Prettiest Moonsault Ever before picking up the win.

Result: Tiffany Stratton def. Fallon Henley

Grade: B-

Wes Lee was excited about his return and planned to take down Dominik Mysterio and win his North American Championship. Baron Corbin came in and made fun of him before walking off. We might see a match between the two in the near future.

Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner on NXT

Wagner sent Bron into the corner and unloaded on him before looking like he was disoriented. Bron took advantage of the momentary hesitation and got a takedown and a German Suplex followed by a big body drop.

Bron got the recliner locked in, and before Von lifted him, both men ended up eating the turnbuckles. Von tried to get a Uranage before getting a near fall off a jumping knee. Wagner cleared the announce desk but was sent into the steel steps before Bron got a low blow.

Mr. Stone tried to assist and was saved by Wagner before Bron got a spear on Von off the distraction. Bron got a second spear in the ring before picking up the win.

Result: Bron Breakker def. Von Wagner

Mr. Stone attacked Bron with a steel chair after the match before Bron tried to attack him, but Von came back and powerbombed Breakker through the table.

Grade: A

Carmelo Hayes was backstage and still denied that he attacked Trick Williams. He said that the two will have a discussion face-to-face later in the night.

Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez vs. Roxanne Perez & Kelani Jordan on NXT

Elektra and Perez kicked off the match, and Arianna Grace came out to watch the match from the ringside. Lopez and Vice were in control and got some big double-team moves on Jordan and Perez.

Jordan came back with the Playmaker before Roxanne blocked a finisher from the other team. Perez hit a dive to the outside before Jordan got the split-legged moonsault for the win.

Result: Roxanne Perez & Kelani Jordan def. Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez

Arianna Grace was congratulating everyone after the match when Karmen Petrovic ran in and knocked her out.

Grade: C

Ilja Dragunov was in a video promo and said that he would get revenge on Baron Corbin for the attack last week.

Otis vs. Drew Gulak on NXT

Otis started strong but was sent into the ringpost before he fell outside. In the ring, Otis kicked out after a clothesline from Gulak and lifted Drew for a one-armed powerbomb.

Otis followed up with a big suplex and tackle before planting him with a clothesline. He hit the caterpillar/elbow drop before getting the win off another massive powerbomb.

Result: Otis def. Drew Gulak

Grade: B-

Jacy Jayne was at Chase U when a lawyer with a New York accent came in to give her a letter addressed to Andre.

Jayne opened the letter and gasped before Andre came in and nervously took it away from her. After everyone left, Andre opened the letter and was perturbed before we headed for the next match on NXT.

Tyler Bate vs. Dijak - Iron Survivor Qualifier on NXT

Bate got some strikes early before reversing a slam and sending Dijak outside for a big dive. Dijak caught Bate off a crossbody and dumped him over the barricades before we headed for another break.

Back on NXT, Dijak was in control but missed his big finisher. Bate went for the Tyler Driver '97, but it was reversed before Dijak finally hit the Feast Your Eyes and picked up the win.

Result: Dijak def. Tyler Bate

Grade: B

Carmelo Hayes was out next and called Trick Williams to talk to him. Melo said he knew why Trick was upset before reminding him how he gave him a spot on NXT.

Williams said that he always put their friendship first, but Melo didn't do the same when it came time to support him. He tried to ask Melo if he attacked him, but Melo kept changing the topic.

Trick said that he wanted to do his own thing, and Melo wasn't there to defend him when he got jumped. Trick noted that he didn't see who attacked him and asked Melo for the truth before Lexis King appeared.

King said he wanted to get to the bottom of it and hinted that he may have been the attacker. Trick went to punch him out but hit Melo instead as King ran off. Trick helped Melo back to his feet, but Hayes looked furious as they hugged, and NXT went off the air.