WWE NXT Results: Brutal assault; huge upset in title match; top faction SAVED!

We got an action-packed episode of WWE NXT tonight with the Dusty Cup semi-finals and some great matches!
We got an action-packed episode of WWE NXT tonight with the Dusty Cup semi-finals and some great matches! [Screenshot from SONY Liv]

We got an action-packed episode of WWE NXT tonight with the Dusty Cup semi-finals and some great matches.

  • Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams def. LWO
  • Roxanne Perez def. Tatum Paxley
  • Lola Vice def. Elektra Lopez
  • Lexis King def. Ridge Holland
  • Arianna Grace def. Fallon Henley
  • Noam Dar def. Von Wagner to retain the Heritage Cup

WWE NXT Results (January 30, 2024): Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams vs. LWO - Dusty Cup Semi-Finals

Melo and Wilde were in the ring, and Trick was tagged in early on before Wilde got a big neckbreaker. Del Toro came in, and the LWO hit double splashes before getting a springboard moonsault for a near fall on NXT.

Melo was hung up in the corner and took double Coast-to-Coasts from LWO, but Williams came in and broke up the pin. LWO got some DDTs before Del Toro got a big dropkick off the top.

The LWO missed the Phoenix Splash before Melo caught Wilde with a Codebreaker on the ropes. Trick returned and took out Del Toro before getting the running knee strike for the win.

Result: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams def. LWO

After the match, Oba Femi attacked LWO, and Dragon Lee came out to fight him. LWO and Lee tried to take down Femi, but the NA champ took them down before NXT moved on.

Grade: B

Backstage, Ava booked a match between Ridge Holland and Lexis King. Tatum Paxley was in the lockers, and Lyra Valkyria came in to ask why she had attacked Roxanne Perez last week.

Paxley said she would take down Perez tonight so that Lyra didn't have to worry about the upcoming title match.

Tatum Paxley vs. Roxanne Perez on WWE NXT

Paxley was taking a beating early on before getting a dropkick and some kicks in. Roxanne took a big crossbody and a suplex before kicking out and rolling outside. Paxley got a kick through the ropes before Roxanne came back with a big dive.

Roxanne headed back up top, but Paxley kicked the ropes to drop her. Paxley tried for her finisher, but Roxanne countered and hit the PopRox before picking up the win.

Result: Roxanne Perez def. Tatum Paxley

Paxley tried to attack Roxy after the match, but the former champ turned it around before Lyra Valkyria came in and broke it up.

Grade: C

Arianna Grace was backstage with Fallon Henley and Wren Sinclair before Henley challenged Grace to a match tonight on NXT.

Elektra Lopez vs. Lola Vice on WWE NXT

Lopez was sent into the corner before Vice hit a big hip attack. Lopez came back with a powerbomb before the two traded strikes in the middle of the ring.

Lopez got a big slam before Vice locked in a submission hold off a counter. Vice caught Lopez with a kick to the head and picked up the win.

Result: Lola Vice def. Elektra Lopez

Grade: C

Joe Gacy appeared at Dijak's hideout, and the two discussed 'judgment.' Gacy said that there was no way Dijak could get rid of him.

Dijak attacked Gacy, and the two brawled in what looked like a warehouse before we headed for the next match.

Lexis King vs. Ridge Holland on WWE NXT

Ridge tried to lift King, but the latter broke out and hit a chop block. Lexis hit some big elbows and clotheslines in the corner before getting a near-fall off a kick. Ridge took a neckbreaker for another near fall before King hit a clothesline to the back of the neck.

Ridge took some more kicks to the chest before getting a big series of belly-to-belly suplexes. Ridge got a big slam before King dodged the finisher. Holland dodged the Coronation before dropping King on the ropes.

Holland dropped King with a forearm to the back of the head before Gallus came out and interfered. Ridge chased them off, but the distraction allowed King to get the takedown and hit the Coronation for the win.

Result: Lexis King def. Ridge Holland

Ridge Holland was down, and Gallus attacked him with steel chairs and went after his left knee, smashing it with the steel.

Grade: B

It looked like Chase U was over, and Andre and the others wore black as if it were a funeral.

Melo and Trick were backstage, and Melo told Williams he was worried about what Ilja Dragunov had planned. Trick said that he was going to handle it tonight.

Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Riley Osborne were in the ring, and Chase let us know that Chase U was officially over.

He said that he was the only one to blame for the university's closing but was happy that he got to share the time with the students and the WWE Universe.

Hudson said that when he joined, he was different, and winning the MVP title was the best day of his life. Hudson and the students made a tribute video for Andre and Chase U, and they played it on the big screen.

Chase was just about to say goodbye when Jacy Jayne interrupted him. Jacy and Thea came in, and Jayne said she changed after joining the University. Jayne and the girls of Chase U had made a calendar, and its proceeds would save the University from debt and turn a profit.

Andre was excited and officially welcomed Jayne to the University as the Chase U members celebrated in the ring.

The Family cut a promo about facing OTM in a mixed match at Vengeance Day.

Brooks Jensen was backstage and tried to talk to Fallon Henley, but the latter was busy and walked out with Wren Sinclair for the following match.

Chase U were celebrating backstage when Lexis King came in to make fun of them. Riley Osborne got in his face, making him walk off. Thea and Riley were having an awkward moment when Dijak and Gacy came in brawling with a big crash, and everyone scattered.

Fallon Henley vs. Arianna Grace on WWE NXT

Grace was in trouble as the match began. She took some strikes and arm drags before Henley caught her with a kick to the side of the face. Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend interfered, and the latter kicked Henley to the floor and sent her back inside.

Grace got the pin off the distraction and picked up the win on NXT.

Result: Arianna Grace def. Fallon Henley

Grade: C

OTM was in a promo, and they talked about how they would take over NXT.

Dijak and Gacy brawled to the parking lot and fought on top of a trailer truck. Gacy got dropped from the top before NXT moved on.

Noam Dar (c) vs. Von Wagner - Heritage Cup match on WWE NXT

Wagner had the advantage in round 1 and took Dar down early before spearing him into the mat. Dar was taking a beating on the mat as Von pounded on him with his fists before the round was over.

Oro Mensah was in the ring at the start of round 2, and Von tossed him outside, but the distraction allowed Dar to get the first pinfall in the match, ending the round as well. Round 3 saw Wagner resume the punishment, but Lash and Jakara interfered before Henley and Sinclair came in to take them out.

Round 4 started with Wagner trying for a chokeslam, but Dar countered with an elbow. The match went outside, and Von was sent into the steel steps after missing a big boot. Von was tossed into the ring post before Dar got the final pig.

Result: Noam Dar def. Von Wagner to retain the Heritage Cup

After the match, Dar and Mensah were taunting Mr. Stone's kids in the front row before Von took them down and put Mensah through the announce desk.

Grade: B

In the parking lot, Dijak told Ava that he wanted to face Gacy in a no-DQ match at Vengeance Day. Ava was about to ask him to leave, but Gacy crawled out from the dumpster he had fallen into and said he wanted the match.

Trick Williams and Ilja Dragunov were out next, and Williams refused a handshake from the champ. Dragunov said that Melo was giving him bad advice and that he pushed himself and all of his opponents in 2023.

Ilja added that Trick was a victim of his success and should focus on the NXT Championship match, not the Dusty Classic. According to the champ, Williams was unsure who to trust and lacked focus, which meant he would lose on Sunday.

They finally shook hands, and Ilja hugged Trick before they were both attacked by the Wolfdogs - Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker. Trick and the champ went down before Melo came in to make the save and chased the Wolfdogs out of the ring before NXT went off the air.