WWE NXT Results 18th January 2017, Latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

Bobby Roode and Shinsuke Nakamura ended the show

We build up to NXT TakeOver: San Antonio with another epic episode of WWE NXT. The show ended with the NXT Championship match contract signing between Bobby Roode and Shinsuke Nakamura. A couple of more matches were revealed for the NXT TakeOver: San Antonio card as well.

Nikki Cross vs Kennadi Lewis

Nikki Cross made short work of her opponent

Nikki Cross screamed and ran at Lewis as soon as the bell ran, hitting Lewis with a vicious forearm before pounding her in the corner. Lewis managed to hit Cross with a forearm of her own but Cross just took her down before hitting her with a flurry of fists. Once Lewis was back up, Cross jumped on her from behind, taking her down again.Cross then raked her opponent’s nose before the referee had to put a stop to it.

When Lewis made her way back to her feet, Cross hit her with a spinning Fisherman-Buster before pinning her for the win. Asuka can take this is a message.

Nikki Cross def. Kennadi Lewis

After the match, the NXT Women’s Championship match was announced as a Fatal-4-Way between Asuka, Nikki Cross, Billie Kay and Peyton Royce.

We got an interview with No Way Jose after the opening match. Jose was talking about 2017 being his year when he was interrupted by Kona Reeves. Reeves accused Jose of abandoning him in Toronto to the mercy off Sanity, saying that Jose came out only to save Rich Swann. This led to Jose challenging Reeves to a match.

Roderick Strong vs Steve Cutler

Roderick Strong made a statement ahead of TakeOver: San Antonio

Roderick Strong continued his journey on NXT next as he faced off against Steve Cutler. Both Strong and Cutler looked up for it as the match began. They went back and forth for a little bit before Strong hit a massive dropkick to take control. He followed it up with a series of forearms in the corner before Cutler hit back with an Atomic Drop. Cutler hit back with a series of kicks before hitting a stomp to Roddy’s face.

Cutler then locked in a modified chin lock but Strong hit back with an Angle Slam. Roddy then hit an Enzeguiri before hitting a series of strikes to Cutler;s head. He then hit a reverse vertical suplex before planting Cutler face-first into the mat. Strong then finished off the former Marine with a Sick Kick for the 3-count.

Roderick Strong def. Steve Cutler

Roderick Strong was asked after the match about his thoughts on Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas calling him out. Strong replied that he didn’t care about what Almas had to say and he was only focused on the NXT Championship.

Later on in the night, the match between Roderick Strong and Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas was made official for TakeOver: San Antonio.


Ember Moon was interviewed backstage next. She said that after the Fatal-4-Way match at San Antonio, it would be her time to forge her own destiny when Liv Morgan came in. Morgan said that she’d come a long way since Asuka beat her in 20 seconds and she wanted a match with Ember Moon to prove it.

Tye Dillinger addresses the NXT Universe

Damo destroyed Tye Dillinger before officially joining Sanity

Tye Dillinger came out next to address the fans. Dillinger spoke about how he came seconds away from winning the Fatal-4-Way #1 contenders match. He then went on to reveal that he was tired of letting the people who’d believed in him for the last 15 years down, time and time again.

At this point Sanity’s music hit as Eric Young came out followed by Nikki Cross and Alexander Wolfe. Eric Young told Dillinger that he never had ‘it’ but he could, if he made the right friends. Wolfe made his way down to the ring and offered Dillinger a Sanity jacket which Tye threw down to the floor. Young continued to try and convince Dillinger by telling him the right choice wasn’t easy. He told Dillinger that when he came to NXT things didn’t go his way, which is why he had to forge his own path. He told Dillinger that he’d have to do the same and offered him the jacket again.

Young added that everything he was saying made sense but he wanted to make clear the fact that he wasn’t “asking” Dillinger to join. Dillinger replied with a couple of fists to Young, after which he clotheslined an oncoming Alexander Wolfe. He then went for a Tye Breaker on Eric Young when Damo came in and hit Dillinger with a massive spear, He then followed it up with his own version of the One Winged Angel.

Young offered Damo the jacket after seeing what he had done, and Damo accepted.


TM61 vs The Revival

TM61 pulled off a shocking win

TM61 had laid down the challenge to The Revival earlier on in the evening. They came out first to a good reception from the fans and were followed out by the ‘Top Guys’.

The Revival blindsided TM61 as soon as the bell rung. Wilder and Miller fought outside as Dawson took down Shane Thorne from behind with a chop block to the knee. He followed it up with rapid-fire fists to Thorne’s head. He followed it up with a bodyslam before making the tag as The Revival hit Thorne with a double team.

Chants of “Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!” tried to get behind Throne, but the ‘top guys’ rotated tags and were all over him, isolating him and breaking him down.

Dawson hit Shane Thorne with repeated uppercuts while talking trash into his face, even stomping his hand into the mat. Thorne finally countered with a backslide for a 2-count before both men made tags to their partners. The Revival hit Thorne with a Shatter Machine as Nick Miller came in and started to clear house. He hit Wilder with a massive Back Suplex but crashed into the turnbuckle on a corner splash attempt. Wilder followed it up with a spine buster.

Thorne then distracted Wilder and held him as Miller rolled up Scott Dawson and pinned him for a 3-count. TM61 got pummelled all match but managed to pull off the win.

TM61 def. The Revival

TM61 pummelled Nick Miller after the match and hit him with a Shatter Machine. They then hit Shane Thorne with a legdrop from the top-rope before Dawson held Thorne down as Wilder hit a double stomp on Thorne’s knee in an attempt to injure him.


NXT Championship contract signing between Shinsuke Nakamura and Bobby Roode

Bobby Roode and Shinsuke Nakamura ended the show

William Regal was in the middle of the ring as we came back from commercial. He introduced the ‘Glorious’ Bobby Roode first. Roode was met with a massive ovation from the fans at Full Sail who sang along with his theme.He was followed out by the NXT Champion, Shinsuke Nakamura, who received another huge ovation from the fans.

As Regal was about to start talking, Roode cut him off. Bobby Roode said that unlike previous NXT contract signings, there would be no fighting or physicality. Roode then said that he had seen Nakamura’s work in Japan and didn’t think that Nakamura was worth his time, which led to an audible gasp from the fans in attendance. Roode added that TakeOver: Dallas was the start of the Nakamura Era in NXT, which he saw live from the arena. He then went on to name the names that Nakamura had beaten before saying that Nakamura may have been the King Of Strong Style but in reality, he had no style.

Nakamura finally replied, saying that he knew that their paths would cross. Nakamura then added that Roode looked like a “shiba inu” which was a type of Japanese dog.

Roode replied that they were not in Japan anymore and that Nakamura was about to face the “it factor” of Sports Entertainment before calling Nakamura a joke. He then added that slowly but surely, the guys in the back and the fans would start wearing suits. Roode then promised to win the NXT Championship before signing the contract.

Roode then tried to say “Glorious” but Nakamura stopped him. He then called Roode one of the best in the world before promising that at TakeOver, he wouldn’t take the NXT title. Nakamura finished off by saying that at TakeOver, he would kick Bobby Roode’s head off before adding that it would be “Glorious”.


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