WWE NXT Results 13th December 2017, latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

NXT followed last week's excellent show with another great one for the WWE week on USA Network. The show was main-evented by the qualifying match between Adam Cole and Aleister Black.

The show also feature a vignette hyping up Shayna Baszler's NXT debut. Both the NXT Champion and the NXT Women's Champion were also in action tonight.

Andrade 'Cien' Almas vs Fabian Aichner

The new NXT Champion opened the show, coming out for a non-title match, his first match since winning the NXT Championship. Almas' opponent was former CWC competitor Fabian Aichner who put on an impressive showing.

Aichner flew around the ring like a man half his size and pulled off some impressive offence including a spectacular dive over the top rope as well as a springboard DDT from the apron inside the ring.

Almas looked surprised early on, at the ferocity and speed of Aichner's offence. As Aichner looked to set up a moonsault, Zelina Vega climbed onto the apron at the right moment to distract him.

Almas took advantage and pushed him off the top turnbuckle and onto the floor. El Idolo then sent Aichner crashing into the steel steps, to an audible thud, before rolling him inside the ring and hitting the Hammerlock DDT for the win.

Andrade 'Cien' Almas def. Fabian Aichner


Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch vs Authors of Pain

Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan had a fantastic series of matches earlier this year which led them to pairing up as a tag-team. The made their bow as duo last night and it all started off so well.

Burch and Lorcan took the advantage early on dished out a number of chops and slaps to their opponent before hitting tander strikes in opposite corner.

However, their luck ran out as Lorcan ate running Death Valley Driver into the bottom turnbuckle. The Authors then hit the Supercollider on Burch and Lorcan before finishing Lorcan off with the Last Chapter.

Authors of Pain def. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

Akam and Rezar may not be the NXT Tag-Team Champions any longer but the duo look better than ever and they clearly mean business. As far as Lorcan and Burch go, even though they lost, they have potential as a tag



We got a couple of promos from SAniTy and The Undisputed after this which were preceeded by the announcement that Tyler Bate would be challenging Pete Dunne for the WWE UK Championship on next week's NXT.

This was followed by a vignette hyping up Shayna Baszler's upcoming NXT debut.

Ember Moon vs Peyton Royce (w/ Billie Kay)

I'll start with saying that I'm a big fan of the iconic duo and Ember Moon. Moon works well with Royce and I'd like to see them in an actual title match soon.

Anyway, Moon came out for her first match since she won the championship to face the 'Venus Flytrap' Peyton Royce.

Royce and Moon started off with an exchange before Moon took control. Ember hit a spinning kick followed by a step-up enzeguiri. Royce then blocked an underhook suplex beofre getting her own offence in.

The duo went back and forth til Ember hit a flying crossbody from the turnbuckle to both Royce and Kay at ringside.

Ember rolled Royce back in but Kay caught her foot as she tried to get in herself. Royce used this to hit Moon with a modified 619 before locking in her trademark submission against the ropes.

Ember blocked an attempted Fisherman Suplex and drove Royce into the corner. She then went for a running Liger Bomb only for Royce to hold onto the top rope. Ember responded by kicked Royce's feet and hitting her with a massive stomp.

With Royce reeling, Ember hit The Eclipse for the win.

Ember Moon def. Peyton Royce

Billie Kay was visibly upset and she hit Moon with the Shades Of Kay as she celebrated. Royce and Kay then hit their double team Bulldog into the knee and continued the beating till Nikki Cross emerged out of nowhere.

Cross drove Royce and Kay away before looking at the belt and leaving herself.

Adam Cole vs Aleister Black

Cole and Black faced off in the main-event for a chance to take part in the Fatal-4-Way #1 Contender's match.

The two started off with a lock up which Cole got the better of. Cole followed it up with a snapmare. Black took advantage Cole's obsession with his own greatness and caught him off guard, launching him across the ring. He followed it up with a series of strikes, forcing Cole to roll outside the ring. Black then teased a suicide dive before springboarding off the ropes into his yoga position.

We came back from commercial to see Adam Cole with a Crossface locked in on Black who managed to reach the ropes. Cole stood over him and gloated again before proceeding to stomp him. Black got back in it with a series of strikes. He then went for the Black Mass but Cole dodged it. Black caught him with a separate kick to the jaw for a 2-count.

Cole hit back with a Backstabber for a nearfall. He followed it up with a Fireman's Carry neckbreaker for another nearfall. Cole then looked to finish Black with a superkick but Black blocked it and hit a high knee. Cole looked stunned but still trash talked Black who hit the Black Mass for the win.

Aleister Black def. Adam Cole