WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Huge debut; unexpected title change; shocking betrayal

We got a hard hitting night on WWE NXT No Mercy with a big title change and the arrival of a long awaited superstar! [Image credits: Screenshots from WWE NXT No Mercy on Sony LIV]
We got a hard hitting night on WWE NXT No Mercy with a big title change and the arrival of a long awaited superstar! [Image credits: Screenshots from WWE NXT No Mercy on Sony LIV]

WWE NXT No Mercy kicked off with the tag team title match, and later on, we got some new champs as well as a big betrayal. We got five title matches in total tonight at No Mercy as well as a big grudge match between former NXT tag champs Wes Lee and Zach Wentz.

WWE NXT No Mercy Results (September 1, 2023):

  • Nathan Frazer & Axiom def. Chase University to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions
  • Zach Wentz def. Wes Lee
  • Kelani Jordan def. Wendy Choo to retain the Women's North American Championship
  • Oba Femi def. Tony D'Angelo to retain the North American Championship
  • Roxanne Perez def. Jaida Parker to retain the NXT Women's Championship
  • Ethan Page def. Joe Hendry to retain the NXT Championship

WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Chase University (c) vs. Nathan Frazer & Axiom - NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Axiom and Andre Chase kicked off the match, and the champs took control early on, but Nathan Frazer tagged in and got a big DDT and a Spanish Fly. Chase got a Spanish Fly as well before Ridge Holland took the challengers out at ringside. Axiom and Frazer were sent over the barricades but came back with big dives, taking Ridge down.

Back in the ring, Chase U got the electric chair/clothesline combo on Frazer before getting a near fall. Frazer and Axiom got a big double-team move on Andre but Axiom accidentally took Frazer out with the Golden Ratio kick. Chase and Holland got the powerbomb/backstabber combo on Axiom for another near fall.

Frazer took Holland out with a big dive to the outside before Axiom got the Spanish Fly on Andre in the ring. Frazer came back with the Phoenix Splash before getting the win!

Result: Nathan Frazer & Axiom def. Chase University to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions

Grade: A

After the match, Ridge Holland attacked Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne, and Andre Chase before tossing Osborne into the steel steps and Hudson into the barricades. He then hit a big DDT on Andre Chase on the announce desk before officials and medics came in to take the professor away.

WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Wes Lee vs. Zach Wentz

Wes Lee and Zach Wentz got takedowns on each other off the bat before the two traded kicks and strikes in the middle of the ring. Zach got a big knee to the face for an early near fall.

Zach tried for a Boston crab before coming back with a superkick. Lee got a poison rana and a corkscrew splash before getting the Cardiac Kick for a very close near fall. Wes was sent outside with a Meteora before he cleared the announce desk and sent Wentz into the steel steps.

Lee tried for a knee strike into the steps, but Zach dodged it, letting Wes catch the steps with his knee. Wes came back with a takedown on the announce desk, putting Zach through it before heading up top for a double stomp.

Wes went to the timekeeper's area and got a steel chair, but before he could hit Zach with it, Trey Miguel from The Rascalz came in behind him and snatched the weapon away. Off the distraction, Zach got a Canadian Destroyer on the floor before hitting the UFO cutter in the ring for the win.

Result: Zach Wentz def. Wes Lee

Grade: B+

WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wendy Choo - NXT Women's North American Championship match

Wendy Choo started off strong but took a crossbody and some kicks to the face before getting back up to taunt the champ. Kelani Jordan got a top rope for a near fall before Wendy dropped her on the apron and went for the finisher, which was blocked. The champ took a powerbomb but kicked out before getting a modified cutter on the apron.

Choo caught Jordan on the ropes, but the champ blocked the superplex before falling to the ring. Wendy locked in a sleeper hold, but Jordan broke out before getting the flatliner. Jordan got the 450 splash and a moonsault before getting the win.

Result: Kelani Jordan def. Wendy Choo to retain the Women's North American Championship

Tatum Paxley snuck up behind Wendy Choo after the match and took her out with a submission hold.

Grade: B

Backstage, Ridge Holland was asked why he attacked Andre Chase tonight, but he just smiled and walked out of the arena.

WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Oba Femi (c) vs. Tony D'Angelo - NXT North American Championship match

The match headed outside early on, with the champ being sent over the ropes, but he came back and took Tony down before sending him into the corner.

Tony D'Angelo dodged a big slam, and it looked like he took a low blow, but the match continued regardless. Oba Femi got a big suplex and a big overhead slam before Tony got back up and took an elbow in the corner.

Tony D got a big overhead suplex on the champ before getting a near fall off the Forgetaboutit. Oba caught Tony by the throat, but the latter managed to reverse the chokeslam into a powerslam of his own. D'Angelo got the Electric Chair slam on the champ before they headed back outside, and the champ took Luca out, somehow getting a crowbar off him.

Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo interfered before Oba could hit Tony with the crowbar and got taken down himself before D'Angelo used the distraction to drag Femi into the ring and hit a big slam for a near fall.

Oba got a powerbomb, but Tony kicked out before the latter dodged the second powerbomb and hit a uranage. Oba got back up and hit another elbow and two more powerbombs before getting the win.

Result: Oba Femi def. Tony D'Angelo to retain the NXT North American Championship

Grade: A

Backstage, Trick Williams told Joe Hendry and Ethan Page that he would be unbiased when calling the title match tonight.

The Rascalz were backstage and challenged Axiom and Nathan Frazer to an NXT tag title match.

WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Jaida Parker - NXT Women's Championship match

Roxanne Perez and Jaida Parker traded submission holds early on before the champ slipped out of a stretch muffler. Parker was sent into the steel steps outside before the champ attacked her ribs, which seemed to be injured.

Parker took a spear on the apron and was sent into the ringpost before Perez attacked the ribs again.

The champ locked in an abdominal stretch and elbowed Parker in the ribs before the latter broke out. Parker blocked a kick and hit a big powerbomb for a near fall before hitting a spinebuster as well. Jaida unloaded on Perez in the corner and got a top-rope move before hitting a reverse suplex.

Perez transitioned into the crossface and then the rings of Saturn before Jaida lifted her but missed the drop in the corner. Perez missed the PopRox but was sent outside before Jaida ran after her but was sent through the barricades. Roxanne got the PopRox on the barricades before getting another one in the ring for the win.

Result: Roxanne Perez def. Jaida Parker to retain the NXT Women's Championship

Grade: B+

The ring went dark after the match, and Giulia showed up to stare down at the champ in the ring, confirming that she was now on NXT.

Ava was backstage and said that Andre Chase was in the hospital. She also said that Gallus, Rascalz, and Hank & Tank will face each other in a Triple Threat match on Tuesday to decide who will challenge the new tag champs.

WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Ethan Page (c) vs. Joe Hendry - NXT Championship match

Joe Hendry was in control early on and got a big suplex before Ethan Page sent him into the ring post and hit a suplex of his own for a near fall. Joe blocked a superplex, and Page transitioned into a top-rope powerslam before Hendry got a top-rope slam of his own followed by a dive to the outside.

Page sent Joe into the steel steps and got the Ego's Edge on the apron before unloading on Hendry in the ring. Joe dodged the Ego's Edge in the ring and hit the move on Page himself before getting a near fall. Hendry got the standing ovation, but Page got his foot on the rope to break the pin.

Page sent Hendry into the guest referee, taking him out before another official came in. Hendry tried to roll him up off the distraction before Page almost got the win off a DDT, but Trick Williams broke up the pin.

Page tried to hit Williams but took out the other referee instead before getting a low blow on Hendry as Trick was checking on the other referee. Page followed up with the Ego's Edge and picked up the win.

Result: Ethan Page def. Joe Hendry to retain the NXT Championship

Grade: A-

Pete Dunne attacked Trick Williams after the match and wiped him out before No Mercy went off the air.