WWE NXT Level Up Results (11th March 2022): Grizzled Young Veterans, Trick Williams, Josh Briggs in action

Grizzled Young Veterans battled Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen in the main event of NXT Level Up
Grizzled Young Veterans battled Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen in the main event of NXT Level Up

In this week's edition of WWE NXT Level Up, Grizzled Young Veterans battled the duo of Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen in the main event. Trick Williams was accompanied by Carmelo Hayes for the opening bout against Guru Raaj while Ivy Nile put her winning streak on the line against debutant Brooklyn Barlow.

Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes vs Guru Raaj on NXT Level Up

Williams gained the upper hand early on in the contest courtesy of a shoulder block. He put Raaj in a headlock but the latter fought out of it with a few arm drags and a dropkick. Williams quickly regained control with a spinning heel kick.

Williams continued his onslaught with a few stiff punches, chops and elbow strikes followed by a bodyslam. He applied the abdominal stretch to keep Raaj down. Off of an Irish whip, Raaj landed a few uppercuts and a bulldog but Williams once again put Raaj down with a spinning heel kick and followed it up with a neckbreaker to pick up the win.

Result: Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes defeated Guru Raaj via Pinfall on NXT Level Up

Grade: C+

Brooklyn Barlow vs Ivy Nile w/ Malcolm Bivens on NXT Level Up

Nile started the contest with a few kicks followed by a takedown. Barlow went for a quick armbar but Nile fought back with a stiff right. Nile proceeded to land a few more strikes followed by a suplex.

Nile landed a running kick for a two count and followed it up with a neck lock before slamming her into the canvas. Barlow countered a running attack with an elbow strike and landed a few clotheslines and a dropkick. Barlow made a few unsuccessful pinfall attempts.

Nile regained control with a punch to midsection and a step-up Enziguri. She locked in the Dragon Sleeper to pick up the win.

Result: Ivy Nile w/ Malcolm Bivens defeated Brooklyn Barlow via Submission on NXT Level Up

Grade: B

Grizzled Young Veterans vs Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen on NXT Level Up

Gibson and Jensen kicked off the match with a collar and elbow tie-up. Gibson went for a quick pin but Jensen kicked out at two. Jensen gained control with an atomic drop and tagged in Briggs as they together landed a flurry of offense on Gibson.

Drake saved Gibson from colliding into the turnbuckle, allowing his team to fight back briefly. Briggs turned the tables showcasing his immense power. A distraction from Gibson allowed Drake to drop Jensen and the Grizzled Young Veterans took turns to weaken Jensen.

Drake put Jensen in a headlock but the latter channeled the energy from the live crowd to fight back and land a back body drop as both men went down. Drake recovered first and tagged in Gibson.

Gibson tried to hold Jensen back from making the tag but the latter found a way to get Briggs in, who ran roughshod over both the opponents. With Jensen down, Drake & Gibson double teamed Briggs and almost picked up the win following an assisted flatliner.

Briggs fought them off and eventually tagged Jensen, who took Drake out with a Clothesline and was in complete control but got distracted by a woman in the front row. The momentary lapse in concentration enabled Drake to counter a suplex attempt into a pinning predicament. Gibson held Jensen's feet from the outside to prevent a kick out and GYV picked up the win.

Result: Grizzled Young Veterans defeated Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen via Pinfall on NXT Level Up

Grade: B+

Following the match, Fallon Henley distracted GYV at the ramp. Jensen & Briggs launched an attack on them. Gibson was able to escape, but Drake was taken out with a high-low as Jensen, Briggs & Henley stood tall in the ring to close out the show.