WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 Results: Major name to quit? Former AEW star is NXT Champion, TNA invasion teased

We got a big night on WWE NXT Heatwave with a big title change while a top star made a challenge for the Heritage Cup!  [Image credits: WWE.com and Screenshots of WWE NXT Heatwave on Sony LIV]
We got a big night on WWE NXT Heatwave with a big title change while a top star made a challenge for the Heritage Cup! [Image credits: WWE.com and Screenshots of WWE NXT Heatwave on Sony LIV]

We got a great show tonight at WWE NXT Heatwave with some great title matches. The kickoff show saw Arianna Grace & Karmen Petrovic defeat Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx before we headed for the North American Championship match. Later in the night, Trick Williams lost his NXT Championship in an upset finish to the main event!

WWE NXT Heatwave Results (July 7, 2024):

  • Arianna Grace & Karmen Petrovic def. Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx (Kickoff Show)
  • Oba Femi def. Wes Lee to retain the North American Championship
  • Kelani Jordan def. Sol Ruca to retain the Women’s North American Championship
  • Axiom & Nathan Frazer def. Chase U to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship
  • Roxanne Perez def. Lola Vice to retain the NXT Women’s Championship
  • Ethan Page def. Trick Williams, Shawn Spears & Je'Von Evans to become the new NXT Champion

WWE NXT Heatwave Results: Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee - North American Championship match

Lee got some big strikes in early on but was tossed into the corner by Femi before he dodged a big boot from the champ. Femi countered a top rope Rana and tossed Lee outside the ring before hitting a massive spinning toss after Wes came back in.

Lee was tossed back outside and onto the announce desk before Femi sent him head-first into the exposed steel beam on the apron. Back in the ring, the champ stomped on and stood on Wes' previously injured back. Lee managed to counter a big move in the corner and kicked Femi's head into the ringpost before tossing him outside.

The champ took a modified X Factor in the ring before Lee hit the Cardiac kick but his splash was met with a chokeslam attempt. Lee countered the chokeslam and they fell outside before Femi countered the Cardiac Kick in the ring. Femi got the powerbomb on Lee and picked up the win!

Result: Oba Femi def. Wes Lee to retain the North American Championship

Grade: B+

WWE NXT Heatwave Results: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Sol Ruca - Women’s North American Championship match

Both women got some early counters and did some unnecessary cartwheels before Ruca got a near fall off a facebuster. Jordan got some moves in as well before Ruca got another near fall off a spinning springboard clothesline.

Ruca rolled outside and Jordan took her out with a springboard moonsault before Sol came back with a dive off the apron to take out the champ as well.

Back in the ring, Ruca got an awkward powerbomb off a counter before getting her knees up to counter a top rope moonsault from the champ. Jordan got a top-rope takedown before getting the moonsault in the corner for the win.

Result: Kelani Jordan def. Sol Ruca to retain the Women’s North American Championship

Grade: B

Backstage at NXT Heatwave, Arianna Grace and Karmen Petrovic were debating who among them was the better competitor and Ava booked a match between the two to help them decide.

WWE NXT Heatwave Results: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. Chase U - NXT Tag Team Championship match

Axiom and Andre kicked off the match and the champs got double superkicks on Chase before Axiom locked in a knee bar. Andre broke the hold and tags were made before Duke came in and got some big suplexes on the champs.

Frazer countered the Razer's Edge from Hudson before sending him and Andre outside. The champs hit multiple dives to the outside, driving Chase U into the announce desk before getting multiple splashes on Duke in the ring for a near fall.

Andre tagged in and hit the Chase U kicks on Axiom before coming in with a crossbody pin but Fraze broke it up. Andre took some big kicks and strikes before Frazer hit a dive on Hudson, taking him out at ringside. Axiom came in the Golden Ratio Kick on Chase and picked up the win.

Result: Axiom & Nathan Frazer def. Chase U to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship

Grade: B-

Backstage, Wes Lee was disappointed with his loss and said that he needed time to figure things out.

WWE NXT Heatwave Results: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Lola Vice - NXT Women’s Championship match

Vice went for an armbar early on but Roxanne reversed it into a pin attempt. Lola came back with knee strikes on the champ before hitting Perez with a big dive to the outside. Vice was sent outside before missing a back fist and hitting the ring post, hurting her hand.

Back in the ring, Perez got a near fall before Vice unloaded on the champ with one working arm. Perez went after the injured arm and sent Vice into the corner before missing the Pop Rox and taking some big roundhouse kicks.

Perez got the Pop Rox on the second try for a near fall before tossing Vice onto the announce desk and hitting the Pop Rox on it! Vice still managed to kick out and Perez went for a crossface in the ring. Vice took the Pop Rox twice more before Perez finally picked up the win.

Result: Roxanne Perez def. Lola Vice to retain the NXT Women’s Championship

Grade: B+

Lexis King had challenged Tony D'Angelo to a Heritage Cup match in a social media post and the Don responded with a video of his own, accepting the challenge.

WWE NXT Heatwave Results: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page vs. Shawn Spears vs. Je'Von Evans - NXT Championship match

Je'Von and Page started a brawl at ringside while Spears and Champ were battling in the ring but eventually, all four men headed outside the ring. Spears and Page managed to take Evans and Williams out and sent them into the steel steps.

Page and Spears decided to work together but eventually turned on each other before Williams and Evans came back and took them out. Evans and the champ turned on each other as well before Williams got a near fall on Je'Von off an uranage.

Page came in with a big slam on Evans as well for a near fall before we got a modified Tower of Doom spot with Page coming in with a clothesline on Evans who was on Trick's shoulders. Spears hit Evans with a big chair shot off a dive and set the chair up in the corner dropping the champ on it for a near fall.

Spears got some superkicks before Evans took the champ out with a dive through the barricades! Page got a near fall on Evans in the ring after Spears took the Young OG out with a top rope suplex. Evans got a big top rope cutter on Page but Trick broke up the pin.

Spears dragged Evans to the top rope but took a top rope cutter before getting another near fall. Trick tossed Evans off the top and sent him through the announce desk before Spears locked in the Sharpshooter on Williams.

Page broke up the hold and got the Ego's Edge on the champ but Evans broke up the pin. Trick got the Trick Shot Knee on Evans and Page but Ethan fell on top of Evans and got the upset win!

Results: Ethan Page def. Trick Williams, Shawn Spears & Je'Von Evans to become the new NXT Champion!

Grade: A

As NXT Heatwave was going off the air, we saw a split second of TNA Star Joe Hendry's entrance video before it cut off. Was WWE teasing a new arrival to NXT?