WWE NXT Deadline Results: New champs crowned; big upset in Iron Survivor match - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (December 10, 2022)

We got a great night of wrestling at WWE NXT Deadline with a huge title change!
We got a great night of wrestling at WWE NXT Deadline with a huge title change!

WWE NXT Deadline kicked off with the Women's Iron Survivor match, the first of five matches scheduled for the night.

WWE NXT Deadline Results (December 10, 2022): Women's Iron Survivor match

Roxanne Perez and Zoey Stark kicked off the first match of the night, and Stark got a near fall early on before locking in a hold. Kiana James was in next and, after hitting some big moves, took a superkick from Stark. Zoey then hit a superkick on Perez and dropped her for the first pin of the match.

Cora Jade joined the match and got a near fall on James before Perez came out of the penalty box and sent her outside. Perez was about to hit the Pop Rox on James, but Jade came back and got the pin on James instead, earning her first point.

Indi Hartwell was out next and hit Perez with a big boot before scoring a pin. Roxanne Perez got a pin off a counter and sent Stark to the penalty box. Perez hit the Pop Rox on Jade and got the second pin for herself, taking the lead. There was less than a minute left in the match, and Jade got a near fall before the match was over.

Result: Roxanne Perez won the Women's Iron Survivor match

Grade: B+

Julius Creed wasn't medically cleared to compete, and the match with Indus Sher was canceled.

Alba Fyre vs. Isla Dawn at WWE NXT Deadline

Dawn was sent to the announce desk early on, but back in the ring, she managed to hit a Meteora for a near fall. Fyre tried for the Gory Bomb, but it was countered before finally hitting the move outside the ring.

Dawn took out the official, and it caused Fyre to miss the opportunity for a pin. A new referee came in, and Dawn sent Fyre into an exposed turnbuckle before getting the pin.

Result: Isla Dawn def. Alba Fyre

Grade: B

Pretty Deadly (c) vs. The New Day - NXT Tag Team Championship match at WWE NXT Deadline

Woods and Wilson kicked off the match and the challengers were in control early on. Kofi and Prince had a little dance-off after tagging in, and Kingston got a near fall off a big sequence of moves.

Kit was tagged back in, and Kofi sent him outside, but Prince blocked Kingston from hitting a dive. Woods was back in, and Kofi got the Trouble in Paradise on Kit on the outside. Woods got a near fall before Kofi came in, and they hit the Midnight Hour before picking up the win.

Result: The New Day def. Pretty Deadly to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions

Grade: B+

Katana and Kayden were talking to Toxic Attraction backstage when Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley attacked the former tag champs.

Men's Iron Survivor match at WWE NXT Deadline

JD McDonagh and Axiom kicked off the match, and after a bit of back and forth, Carmelo Hayes made his entrance. Hayes got the first point off a pin on Axiom before McDonagh got some big moves in.

Grayson Waller came in next and got a double rolling cutter before picking up two pins back-to-back, putting him in the lead. Waller got another cutter on the apron on Hayes before Axiom locked McDonagh in the penalty box and beat him up.

Axiom got two falls back-to-back and tied with Waller before Joe Gacy joined the match. Gacy got two falls as well and managed to tie the score before Axiom climbed up on the penalty box and hit a big dive.

Back in the ring, Hayes got a crossface on Waller and made him tap out, making it a four-way tie. Melo took Axiom out with a leg drop before Waller came in and got his third pin. Time was running out on the clock, and Waller ran off and was chased by the others around the ring before the match was over.

Result: Grayson Waller won the Men's Iron Survivor match

Grade: B+

Drew Gulak was backstage and said that he was there to climb the ranks in NXT.

Bron Breakker vs. Apollo Crews - NXT Championship match at WWE NXT Deadline

Bron Breakker got some big moves early on before Crews dropped him in the ring and got a big near fall off a moonsault and a senton. Apollo got a standing moonsault before Bron hit a dive but was met with a knee strike.

Bron tried for the Gorilla Slam, but Apollo countered it. Apollo got a big kick before Bron hit a spear and picked up the win.

Grayson Waller came out after the match and took out Bron Breakker with the rolling cutter before posing with the NXT title.

Result: Bron Breakker def. Apollo Crews to retain the NXT Championship

Grade: B

Show rating: B+

We got some great matches tonight, including the debut of the Iron Survivor Challenge. We got a huge title change while Waller and Perez picked up some big wins.