WWE Night of Champions: Show Stealer

Night of Champions was not as good as SummerSlam. Why did Miz and Fandango have a match and that too not a short one? RVD is from Michigan, so we had a hometown hero, but Alberto Del Rio getting himself disqualified was a party blooper. Daniel Bryan is the WWE champion, a two-time WWE champion.

Paul Heyman

I wish Ziggler and Ambrose could have gotten more time instead of Miz and Fandango. But the man who stole the show is none other than Paul Heyman. He was integral in the opening segment of the night between himself and Triple H. There seems to be no unity in evil. Triple H was adamant in making Heyman suffer. Heyman’s unwashed, forlorn drudgery look was not enough to gain him any empathy from the COO. Curtis Axel tried to help, but that was returned with ‘boring’ chants and an inevitable Triple H burial session for a short moment. That brought out Kofi Kingston and they delivered a solid match.

But what really sold the match was Heyman’s pain and pathos, which was hilariously executed by the man himself, his doubt on his client’s patience level and the ability to defend his title, the expression where nobody knew who won until we saw Axel, no man celebrating in the ring and his relief when Axel finally won. Axel did earn a character trait in the whole process after all – his lack of patience. And that’s why Paul Heyman’s there to control it and lead him to a flourishing career.

But Axel had nothing much to win from this feud. Not only did he lose to Punk in an unspectacular fashion, but Ryback coming to Heyman’s aid and lifting him towards the back might have weakened his relation with Heyman. Will this finally trigger something characteristic for Axel?

On the other hand, Heyman was so thunderstruck that he did not even realize that Punk was about to suicide dive on him. He took a 360 degree run of the arena and made the chase even more entertaining and worthwhile than the build-up to this match. And when finally Punk caught hold of Heyman, the arena was elated.

I am quite sure when I say this that Heyman has never been disappointing when it comes to being humiliated. He gets handcuffed, gets hit by a kendo stick, and just when he’s about to get his face smashed (thank Goodness, that did not happen. That would have been extreme and maybe redundant if his face did not ooze blood), Ryback made the save. Is Ryback a Paul Heyman Guy, now? Will Axel be shown the imaginary door?

Ryback seems to have no shortfall in the amount of feuds being sown to make him a marquee guy. I was expecting someone to make the save for Heyman, and Ryback being that one does not seem exciting. What will the guy do next to make us not care more? But if he’s given another chance, let’s hope it counts in the end.

How fitting was it that he speared Punk towards the table? A la Goldberg! Way to weigh down the chants, WWE!