WWE News: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin opens up about his retirement and his relationship with Hulk Hogan

Stone Cold Steve Austin
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin shoots straight on Hulk Hogan

What’s the story?

In a recent edition of the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin provided an insightful explanation on his retirement from pro-wrestling.

Additionally, Austin also spoke about his real-life relationship with fellow legend Hulk Hogan; besides expounding upon professional wrestlers competing past their respective primes.

In case you didn’t know…

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin retired from in-ring competition around 2003, owing to a long history of neck injuries.

Speaking of which, Austin, who was only 38 years at the time chose to hang up his boots, is often questioned by fans and experts about the decision.

The heart of the matter

On that note, Steve Austin asserted that he could’ve wrestled for another couple of years, however, his body had apparently taken a ton of abuse courtesy the innumerable bumps and bruises in the ring. Austin continued that he always intended to live a healthy life in the years that followed his career; engaging in outdoor activities like any active person would; owing to which he decided to retire with the least amount of long-term injuries/damage.

Besides, as regards Hulk Hogan potentially damaging his legacy by competing past his prime, Austin added—

“I get asked the question, 'is he ruining his legacy?' and I think I always respected what that guy did with his career, an unbelievable box office draw and a charismatic performer that so many people grew up (watching) and idolized. A lot of respect (for) him and that as far as what he did.”
“I don't like to talk too much about what are these guys doing still in the ring—that's a personal decision. I made mine to get out and I live with that decision (and) I'm cool with it, and I'm sure he's cool with what he's doing if he's still doing it.”

Furthermore, Austin also clarified rumours of his real-life heat with Hogan; elucidating that although he isn’t friends with the Hulkster, they aren’t enemies either; and the primary common ground they share is that they’ve both competed in the sport of pro-wrestling.

What’s next?

Steve Austin is retired from the sport and currently has a successful career as an actor. On the other hand, Hulk Hogan hasn’t really wrestled in quite a while now, but recently alluded to returning to the sport—the details of which all Hulkamaniacs can read right HERE!

Author’s take

One has got to agree with Austin here, in the sense that way too many wrestlers keep competing past their prime.

Professional wrestling is a very tough and demanding sport—both physically and mentally. People in the business ought to take notes from Austin and preserve their health rather than overstaying their welcome in the sport.

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