WWE News: Ryback issues statement on RAW incident

Ryback confirmed that he was sent home from RAW on Monday.

The rift between WWE talent Ryback, real name Ryan Reeves, and the company’s management seems to be getting more public and less likely to be resolved amicably.

The former Intercontinental Champion posted a statement to his Tumblr account outlining the issues as he saw them, which resulted in his removal from WWE television.

“I will start by saying I did request to be taken off of WWE television until myself and Vince could get a yes or no on a new deal,” he wrote.

Ryback’s basic issue comes down to pay for superstars. In the statement, he discusses the nature of the company, where guys are asked to lose matches or “put over” other talent. Those same performers are then paid less than the winners, which irks “The Big Guy.”

“It blows my mind how in a sport which is pre determined from a company standpoint winners are paid so much more than the losers,” he wrote. “Every single person who works for WWE from top to bottom is absolutely just as valuable as the next. The winners cannot win unless the losers go out there and agree to lose to them.”

Ryback’s displeasure has been well-known for a while now, mostly stemming from the placement of his U.S. title match against Kalisto on the WrestleMania pre-show. The two men were again booked on the pre-show for Payback for the U.S. Championship, a match that saw Ryback come out with a weight belt on that said “The Pre-Show Stopper” across the back.

He went on to say in his statement that he has always accepted his role, even when that role was to lose.

“I am proud to say I have never gone to change a finish and have gladly took pride in helping put over other talent,” he wrote. “Hell look at my pay per view record of 12-26 and you will see that has been the pattern of my career. I have always been confident in my ability and work ethic to being my best every day and ultimately always felt that by doing good it was the right thing to do.”

The outspoken manner of his latest step in the disagreement has led some to speculate that his time in WWE is coming to an end. That is a fate Ryback has seemingly accepted.

“WWE may very well release me, which if it is the case so be it,” he wrote. “If we can work things out a lot needs to change as I am not living in fear and creatively cannot continue to live a life that limits me creatively. I have many other interests and passions and have been very smart with my finances over the years. I thank every WWE superstar from top to bottom for their sacrifices and for working with me”