WWE News: Kevin Owens sends a message to Stone Cold Steve Austin after delivering a stunner to Daniel Bryan

Kevin Owens sent an amusing message to Austin
Kevin Owens sent an amusing message to Austin

What's the story?

Back in the Attitude Era, Stone Cold Steve Austin ruled WWE. When his trademark glass shatter sound effect would be heard and the music would hit, people knew they were in for a real treat.

He would end all his matches with the Stone Cold Stunner. Well, Kevin Owens used the move on SmackDown Live and sent a message to the all-time great.

In case you didn't know...

It has been well documented that Kevin Owens is a Stone Cold mark. As he's confessed in various interviews, a lot of his trademark trash talk style has been developed from watching Steve Austin in action, cutting those unforgettable promos.

Owens has also said that he was never a WCW fan as a child. He would prefer Stone Cold Steve Austin to Goldberg, and even mentioned this when he was working against Goldberg.

And now, it looks like he finally has Stone Cold Steve Austin's blessings to deliver the move.

The heart of the matter

Shortly after it was announced that Kevin Owens would be replacing Kofi Kingston in the WWE Championship match at WWE Fastlane 2019, a main event match was made that pitted Kofi Kingston and Kevin Owens against Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan.

This was really an odd sort of match considering Owens and Kingston shouldn't see eye to eye after all that's happened. Kevin Owens won the match by delivering a Stone Cold Stunner to Daniel Bryan, picking up the win.

Shortly after he did so, he sent the following Tweet out to his idol:

What's next?

It will be quite amusing to see Stone Cold Steve Austin respond to this. There are two successors of Stone Cold in the roster at the moment- Becky Lynch and Kevin Owens. An interaction between them could be priceless as well.