WWE News: Jim Ross remembers Stone Cold Steve Austin being angry backstage about getting hurt by Owen Hart at SummerSlam 1997

"The Texas Rattlesnake" was known for having a short temper.

What's the story?

Part of the mystique of Stone Cold Steve Austin was his character's ability to do whatever he wanted and not care about the repercussions.

After his neck was accidentally hurt in a match with Owen Hart, Austin was understandably angry about the incident. Jim Ross remembered how things played out backstage and commented on the accident on his Grilling JR podcast. He recalled how worried Stone Cold was about his future.

In case you didn't know...

Austin was a mid-carder at best while in WCW. He was a member of Paul Heyman's Dangerous Alliance but moved to the WWF in the mid-1990s. While it did take him a few years to get some traction, his win at the 1996 King of the Ring set his career on a path that would make him one of the most beloved stars of all time.

The heart of the matter

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, a star winning the Intercontinental Championship was often a precursor to a move up the card. It didn't happen for every star who won the title but it did help management gauge which wrestlers could be potential main-eventers.

Austin had his chance against Owen Hart at SummerSlam in 1997 when the two fought over the IC Title. Despite being severely injured in the match with Hart, Austin won the title but an "on-the-fly finish" was needed due to his neck injury. Jim Ross recalled how Austin reacted following the injury.

“So it was tense moments there, ’cause Owen had his friends and Steve had his friends. But the old veterans knew that if Austin got hot and could stay healthy, they were gonna make a lot of money off the houses he drew. And that came to fruition. But boy, it was touch and go there for a while. I know Steve was very, very angry that night. I mean, almost to the point of ‘couldn’t be consoled’."

Ross mentioned that Austin was definitely angry, but was more upset over his future and mortality as a pro wrestler instead of primarily with Hart for hurting him.

"He, apparently his body was telling him, ‘This is over. I can’t do this anymore.’ Luckily, he got over the shock and the trauma of that, got his surgery. And got great care from Dr. Youngblood, and came back and was able to squeeze a few more years out of it.” [H/T: 411mania]

What's next?

It isn't surprising to hear that "the Texas Rattlesnake" was very worried about his future. He had toiled away for many years just to get notoriety. Although he went through that tough period, he still was able to become one of the biggest stars of all time. Not many people would have been able to close the RAW Reunion like he recently did.